Can we have a rage thread? l miss those.
Can we have a rage thread? l miss those
reeeeeee I'm so mad
I can only feel pity at this point for a guy so insane that he got dumped by Anita and kicked from a Youtube show about bitching about videogames.
But being fat is literally a sign of lacking self-control.
Fat people are retarded
Reminder that Revolution 60 is a better game than Dark Messiah.
maybe i like being fat. it keeps me warm during winter.
aggregators are shit, what else isn't new
Trying to argue with a mass deceiver and a conman is waste of time. He already knows he's saying dumb shit because he's doing it on purpose.
I hope metacritic dies so everyone around the world can change their way ranking system
>100: can't have this
>99: Zelda games
>90-98: masterpieces
>80-89: okayish games
>70-79: bad games
>60-69: shit games
>below 60: look this game is so bad I gave it a 12 as a joke LOOL
Just make it a 4-10 or "Buy/Don't buy" system already
how that game is so short? But I guess she can't solve simple problems.
>The other is designed as a power fantasy for straight men to identify with
>McInotsh unironically believes most FF15 players have a six-pack and a pretty face
u mad white boi?
They hire anyone as long as they're on paint thinner, booze and pills together and write about how whitey and guys suck.
I am literally untriggerable.
You can not hurt my fee-fees anymore.
>feeling rage towards one of the two people sadder than Sup Forums has to say about anything
yeah, it's almost as bad as sitting on the computer all day doing nothing
You'll die alone you emotionally numb fag.
Rev 60
>Metascore: 73
>User Score: 2.2
Silent Hill 3
>Metascore: 72
>User Score: 8.8
How about Metacritic stop thinking with their coin-slots for anuses?
Oh come on, even you can do better than that.
What the fuck.
If somebody cursed me and I suddenly grew to be 10 times my original size to the point that I'm stuck in the bathtub I was in, of course I would be angry and want to get back to normal.
ughh, that's so healthist
I don't really see a problem with liking a game you haven't finished.
You see gladius is a sexually objectified male while Cindy is a female power and knowledge (lol) fantasy. This is proved by gamers being majority women now.
I've been fat. I've been thin. Why do people assume it's a life choice? Getting fit is easy yet people act as if it's a big deal.
How can anybody look at the cast of FFXV and not realize it's the biggest fujobait ever?
I don't care about that so much, I can brush it off as them being mongs, it's more their pro kiddie diddling shit I can't stand.
The bottom one is complaining because a nonce got honeytrapped and tried to act like he didn't do anything wrong
>i miss getting mad
the problem is that it's Portal which takes like 5 hours at most
problem is portal is a ~90 minute game
Man I remember beating that game in one sitting years ago. That was a good ass day.
Did Miles change sides again or something?
Portal is pretty much impossible to not beat in one sitting.
He's finally irrelevant
Can we keep it that way?
What the hell is this rubbish! Where to begin.
I don't know man, not everyone has an hour to just sit and relax a video game.
if you like the game you most likely gonna finish it, what she wrote in comments is complete rubbish
I am fat, so I know what I'm talking about.
>fatass is triggered
Nice try, I don't only sit on my ass and eat pizza and ice cream all day like you you fat fuck. I run every day, have you seen brotherhood? Do what prompto did you sack of lard.
> str8male power fantasy
Gladiolus IS a power fantasy.
For power bottoms
I hope Dobson burns for this.
How could a "person" be so ignorant?
Yeah and it was good enough to keep me sitting there though. My ass was numb after that.
kek this thread is ylyl
>Dark Messiah
>Silent Hill 3
well, there were plenty good games at the time of their release, but the fuck?!
Yet here you are on Sup Forums looking at the screencapped words of idiots?
There is always an hour here or there, whether you spend it on a movie, Tv show or game.
Everyone has some free time.
She could have beaten the game 5 times in the amount of time it took her to make that portal gun
We don't have sleepover threads anymore either which were awesome, I just follow the Sup Forums wave though.
He thought she was being harassed by gamers. Instead of apologizing to her he instead went on a rant defending himself and made it worse.
I wasn't talking about myself.
Do you have hemorrhoids?
Oh, my bad.
Nonetheless, everyone has at least a little free time.
I work full time and I got plenty.
Win or Lose, you're still 'toxic' in the eyes of that moron.
>tfw like rpg games
>have a compulsive completionist worldview so I have to finish every sub-quest
>never finish an rpg
I think what bothers me the most is having a trigger warning of what was already explicitly mentioned in the title. How many warnings do these people need?
Donkey Kong wouldn't win
the threads we had on that were fun
There are idiots who watch scary games played by people on youtube that need others to watch it first and time stamp when scary things happen so they can skip them.
Not that user you are quoting, but I still don't see a reason to rage. A reason to make fun and laugh at, yes, but not to rage.
I know this person irl
I still don't get why people aren't allowed to have white skin.
This guy is an idiot.
Master chief can't even win this thing but he gets close.
>compulsive completionist worldview
>doesn't finish games
u wot m8?
That can't actually be real, right?
>Lots of armor
>supernatural powers
>makes a living being violent
>guns. Lots of guns.
Well, I guess we better have a game where we talk with the enemies instead of fighting. Maybe throw in a joke or tw...
>dark humor in the face of danger
Agreed. I had fun making a twitter account just to retweet the losers to him.
Sadly, lost the folder of all the content created.
Because, user, it shows a lack of awareness that other skin colors exist!
>that DoAX3 review where they said all the females were White.
I could sorta see the top article working, since reform is difficult but oh man those other two.
Samus and Lightning were the only people I remember winning
That's my bitch
>That can't actually be real, right?
Yes, it was real and Sup Forums tore him apart over it. Hence the screen grab, after about 100 retweets of males not winning he went full retarded.
Are you fucking dumb? Then it would just hurt really bad to sit on. My ass was numb because I was on it for so long and it wasn't the softest chair.
tbf Dark Messiah is a meme game that got boring a quarter of the way in.
>lmao dude but you can kick people into spikes
>Silent Hill 3
jesus christ that game must have gotten brutalized by the critics, I'd expect nothing but 8s for it, but it looks like it got a ton of 5s and 6s.
>so insane that he got dumped by Anita
She just got big enough that she didn't want to split the profits with him anymore.
Shadow the hedgehog fits about all of these except white
So basically everything that makes a violent video game protagonist? Nobody wants to kill unless they were specifically trained for it or lost everything. And nobody can do it and be very successful and not be a badass.
People can't be this retarded.
Fatphobia seems like a damn good phobia desu
The only people that should be alloted fat are people that condition their bodies to have fat, like bearmode and sumos.
What annoys me the most about them is that everybody rags into it for the women as being fucktoys and barbies, despite how nearly all of them are made to be pretty strong and successful, like Helena is CEO of an international company, and a world-famous opera singer, Tina has more successful different careers than Bruce Dickinson, and made it as a wrestler, actor, rockstar, and started going for senator. Kasumi and Ayane each managed to kill one of the DoA bosses, who had managed to decimate entire ninja villages by themselves
That's just how the world works.
We live in an oppressive matriarchy, dummy.
What about during summer?
Funny, this board literally only works for shit like western open world shit and military shooters.
even fucking Solid Snake can't cross off a line on this.
that's clear b8
>Gay men are not actually "gay"
Agreed they are faggots
was that one after her dad's death?
>Gay men are not actually gay
I'm reminded of that one Sup Forums post where some user called fun a buzzword.