Name ONE, ONE character that could beat him.
Name ONE, ONE character that could beat him
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the Mods and the Thread because its not Vidya
None because he is omnipotent
Citizen Snips
>hurdue how we stop edglorerd gord?
>cool fusion
>lol nope
>let's do a mary sue sword attack instead!
Fuck super.
thats easy i could create a character right now that could beat him, his name is asdas1223
Since it's Super, anyone with tear gas and a laser
Bluray sales
K0rby cuz He cAn SUCC reeeeeal HaRddd!!.! piC reLaTEd.
This shit triggered me so hard. They retconned the potara fusion then made it even shorter because Vegito was so OP. Then Trunks, a guy who couldn't even touch SSJ3 goku, the same guy who instantly learned the Mafuba by watching a video of it, the same guy who magically learned Galic Gun without ever seeing Vegeta use it, magically pulls a Spirit Bomb out of his ass even though he's never seen one before, steals energy from people, turns it into a fucking sword, and takes down Zamazu's body. In the end they needed the omniking anyways and used the time machine. It was all for nothing. What. The. Fuck.
>gohan shelved
>fusion retconned
>goku needing a deus ex machina to win
DBS was a mistake
Bugs Bunny
Kami Tenchi (Tenchi Muyo)
TOAA (Marvel Comics)
End Game Shulk (Xenoblade)
Asakura Hao (Shaman King)
Maxwell (Scribblenauts)
Take your pick
>magically pulls a Spirit Bomb out of his ass even though he's never seen one before
>Hao or maxwell
>Beating zeno
I hate trunks. and I fucking hate super.
But man do i love me some vados
>Couldn't even stand to Beerus
Yeah right
Post more vados
Who bitch dis is
I haven't fucked something like that before.
Get over here ya little shit.
One Above All
>hurdue how we stop edglorerd gord?
>guy who he's personally wronged over the course of months/years who has sworn time and time again he'd defeat him
>lol nope
>let's make goku win with deus ex fusion instead!
>lol nope
>ok then god fucking kills him i'm done lol
She'd beat him because she's a gag character who the universe bends over backwards to defend.
Just like she beat Beerus by the universe literally giving him Diarrhea when he threatened him
He'd probably implode or an artist would just smudge him out for trying to hurt Arale.
He has never once seen any character use a Spirit Bomb and he has never once showcased the ability to gather energy for a Spirit Bomb and convert it into a sword
Sally from A Nightmare Before Christmas
The twin sister of Whis. She works for Champa.
Isn't Super FTrunks the one that was in the cell games in Z? If that's the case, he never saw a Spirit Bomb. He wasn't around for Frieza or the Sayains, and goku didn't use the spirit bomb at all in the Cell saga.
Goku learned the move from King Kai after training for a while, Trunks pulled it out of his ass because of bad writing.
That's all Trunks does in this arc. At first he can barely stand up to Goku, and then he's suddenly pulling constant power ups just because he's slightly angrier than he was 30 seconds ago. And then by the end, he's stronger than Super Saiyan Blue Vegitto, because why the fuck not? The arc had promise, but just like the rest of Super, turned into complete and utter trash.
Beerus knocked her head off and then had to leave because of explosive diarrhea, he's not immune to gags
You're right, he's not vidya
He would win though.
As bad as GT was at least it didn't retcon half of Z for no reason.
also, ss4 --------------------------->SSGB it's like some kid on Deviant art came up with that dumb shit.
And F Trunks trained with Supreme Kai for a while as well. It's entirely possible he learned a similar technique from him.
So whats the deal with Super Saiyan no pupils?
he wasn't stronger than vegeto or zamasu, lmao. You don't know shit about db, have you really watched the original db and dbz?
Beerus confimed above gag characters
Saitama is fucking done
>ss4 --------------------------->SSGB
no. even though ssjb is bad.
I don't disagree that 4 is bad but at least they put some effort into it instead of a palette swap.
It's not a retcon, but it is filling a plot hole. It was stated in Z to have been permanent yet they diffuse only a few episodes later anyway. It was already known right in Z that it wasn't 100% permanent and that certain conditions could break the fusion. Goku assumed it was because of the atmosphere inside Buu and people took Goku's guess as the canon explanation why they split. People are only pissed because it took so long to actually explain why.
What about Popeye?
That the Supreme Kai never showed the capacity for? That was never mentioned?
Alternatively it was an asspull, which is far simpler and more likely explanation
DBShitters will share the same fate as JoJoBronies.
Go to bed, super writers.
No, different F Trunks, the original one is now part of Xenoverse and Hero's.
Super F Trunks is from a different future, because Mai isn't old and he grew up with Goten.
Super made GT look good.
How the fuck did they manage that?
How is that even possible? I thought increasing evasion was banned on all tiers
The OG
>People are only pissed because it took so long to actually explain why.
Oh boy, it's a Superfag pretending to know what he's talking about
Make that two
>Goku legit panics
Best part of that episode. I'm happy Trunks didn't actually kill Zamasu, but holy fuck was that ridiculous fake Gigyas thing stupid.
Why hasn't Toriyama appeared as a character in any of the games? His robot persona would be a fun character.
I'm not defending the crappy writing, I'm saying that they're clearly two different F Trunks
>Didn't used the Ki scythe to fight vegeto
what a waste of a cool idea.
>never seen garlic gun or spirit bombu
>literally has access to dr geros research which has literal video on everything
>ScrewAttack death battle
>yfw Spawn beat Kratos
there's 4 to 5 trunks running around now
>kid trunks
>future trunks (blue hair)
>alternate future trunks (blue hair)
>future trunks (xenoverse purple hair)
>gt trunks
Totally not a world ending paradox
Vegito really is kind of a stupid character since the fact that until recently he had no weaknesses whatsoever made it extremely questionable why Goku and Vegeta didn't use him all the time
>B-But they hate fusing!
They also hate dying and everyone else dying, probably a lot more. Now Vegito's been nerfed there's a valid reason for him not being used.
Super establishes that blue haired Trunks is the same person as the Trunks that tossed Goku the heart medicine and returned for the entirety of the Android Saga. They just retconned his hair to be blue for no real reason
>has access to Gero's research
Which he's never shown reviewing, which he's never shown to have access to and which he never mentions. Because you say so.
DBS Future Trunks is the same one that fought Cell with Gohan and everyone in DBZ
Bit about Gero's research meant for this
Gohan's character was actually concluded nicely in Super.
He never wanted to be a fighter in the first place
>Fanbase rejects Gohan as the protagonist so toriyama concludes his story in a different way, highlighting the fact that he never wanted to fight in the first place and letting him settle down.
>wtf I love Gohan now
>why is gohan not doing anything omg fuck dbs fuck toriyama
Dragon Ball fans were the mistake.
>mary sue
Who taught you this word, Sup Forums? You've been using it constantly and you don't even know what it means
Dragon Ball is literally filled to the brim with retcons, you just don't notice it because you grew up in the era when Goku had already been retconned into an alien, and where super saiyans had already been retconned into being something not even remotely impressive.
Look at the first episode of Dragon Ball, then watch the Buu arc and honestly tell me in order to reach that point several billion retcons didn't have to occur. The series doesn't even resemble the original Dragon Ball in terms of its tone and characters by then.
>B-But the Super retcons are worse!
They really aren't. In Z Vegito unfused inside Buu for no actually well explained reason. Super gave an actual reason beyond "bad air" or "magic" like was stated in Z.
>People unironically like GT now
Legend of Zelda syndrome at its finest.
the power levels in DB don't make any sense. Just look at the moon. Roshi at max power blew up the moon in Dragonball, when power levels weren't even a thing yet. Piccolo blew up the moon without even much effort in DBZ, back in the fucking Raditz saga. He wasn't even on Raditz power and he blew up the moon without even trying, and that was at super low power levels. Piccolo himself would be hundreds of times stronger than that by Namek, and by the end of the series everybody is packing power levels that are thousands of times greater than what was necessary to blow up the moon. Now think about it, one guy at tiny power level not even breaking a sweat was able to blow up a 2,000km diameter sphere of solid rock. With everybody being so powerful at the later points of the series, how are all of these people not ending solar systems with every shot? Every one of the main characters should be a planet busting monster, and yet it never happens, not even the bad guys who have no reason NOT to blow up planets. So what's the deal? Does everybody just hold back all the time? Or does the power level really mean jack shit? And if so, then why even bother worrying about any character when the shitty writing will guarantee an eventual stronger character?
Wait you telling me DBZ is a completely different series to DB?
Next you'll tell me DB retconned Dr. Slump
>Z did retcons so Super doing shittier retconning to effectively remove the whole point of the potara earrings as established by the one fucking person who's actually used them, even if by accident, is okay
Sit down shorty.
His hair was going to be blue originally apparently but toriyama thought it might give away the fact that he was Bulma's son.
>you just don't notice it because you grew up in the era when Goku had already been retconned into an alien
Gokus origin is never discussed at all in DB, we just know that he was found by grandpa gohan one night and got taken in by him
he wasn't retconned into being a saiyan, his past was just never explored
>Or does the power level really mean jack shit?
Hey, you figured it out
There's also the one that died from Cell's timeline
can't be, he said Black killed Goten, he has to be from after Buu Saga.
The way time travel works in DB, you can't change your own timeline but you can go to the past to create an alternate future.
>moon blows up multiple times
>nobody cares about poor Boss Rabbit
All he did was turn people into carrots, was that so wrong?
Vivec would just use CHIM to unmake him from reality in all possible timelines in all possible universes.
Nobody can beat Vivec, except for another CHIM user, because they cancel each other out. They still have to be strong enough to defeat him in that case, and Vivec is quite insanely strong.
Pan and Bra were cute.
Baby actually did something different than the usual run of the mill DBZ villain.
That's about all it had going for it.
You just fucked up, I'm about to make you look very silly on the internet due to my superior knowledge
The Dragon Ball manga i.e the actual canon, ran uninterrupted from the start of Dragon Ball until the end of the Buu arc, as far as the manga and Toriyama are concerned Dragon Ball and Z are the same thing. It was all called just "dragon ball".
So no, they are not different shows you gay boy.
Bobobo-Bo Bobobo
>The way time travel works in DB, you can't change your own timeline
They fucked this in Super
Zamasu goes "fuck all ningen" after Goku beats him in the fight, then he uses the time ring to travel forward in time becoming Goku black, then teams up with Zamasu from Future Trunks' timeline
That's a retcon still.
The reason for Vegito defusing was never officially confirmed either. Both are retcons.
name a character who can beat him (at being an asshole).
I mean, never mind about the fact that Z ALREADY ESTABLISHED THAT DE-FUSION WAS POSSIBLE. Old Kai had said it was permanent. It was actually shown a few episodes later that it's not always the case. You're literally arguing that because some one says something that makes it established fact when you're later actually shown something completely contrary to that fact.
and the Zamasu from Trunks timeline should have no reason to hate ninjen unless Goku wasn't dead.
meaning this future Trunks has to be from Super and not from Z
They didn't fuck it in Super. Black is from an alternate timeline where the events of Super up to Goku smacking Zamasu's shit in happened. Future Zamasu is from Future Trunks's timeline. And a shitty meme cat erased current timeline's Zamasu
Old Kai establishes that it has no time limit unlike the fusion you get from doing the dance.
What the other user said, you faggots harp on about the "OMG IT WAS MADE CLEAR IT WAS PERMANENT!!" shit yet just a few fucking episodes later that's proven wrong.
The real thing you're bitching about is the explanation for the defusion.
Z offered us up "Magic" as a reason with no other explantion. Super told us that non-kais defuse after an hour.
Why do you prefer the former user? It's literally not even an answer.
He still hated ningen he just never went Sup Forums because he never fought Goku
I already gotcha, fampai Also, Cyrus beat both Vivec and Tiber Septim. Two CHIM users. At the same time.
So if Zamasu managed to kill all the Kais and Beerus in Future Trunks' original timeline, does that mean that there was no longer an afterlife for the dead to go to and those who died permanently stopped existing? That's all assuming Zeno didn't erase it himself.
Asura could beat Zeno, but only if he makes his daughter cry
How can something that has never been mentioned a retcon?