"Originally, Meryl was supposed to be a 12 year old girl, inspired by the film Leon The Professional...

>"Originally, Meryl was supposed to be a 12 year old girl, inspired by the film Leon The Professional. This wasn't changed because of the inappropriate age difference, but instead because a 12 year old girl could not fire a Desert Eagle."

Would this series still exist today if Snake was a pedophile?

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[citation needed]
Anyway, Was Leon a pedophile?
Then why would Snake be one?

Kojima is a pedophile

Imagine Snake running into the women's bathroom quickly and finding a 12 year old girl in nothing but her bra and panties. That's what Kojima wanted

I don't believe this.
Not for one second.

They would not let Psyco Mantis be psychic but use that excuse for Meryl.

>Was Leon a pedophile


Maybe…sure…. But…I’m scared, Mathilda.

Léon cries. Mathilda caresses his face.


Don’t fear, Léon. You mustn’t fear love, when it’s this beautiful.

She caresses his chest.

I want you to be the first to touch me…. The first to make love with me. Nobody before you.

She stands up and modestly gets off her briefs without taking off her dress. Léon cries, unable to oppose her. Mathilda is too young, but she’s also too beautiful and lovely and sweet and tender…. She sweetly, very sweetly, gets on him.

LÉON (crying)

Why me, Mathilda, why me?

Mathilda leans over to speak in his ear.


…Because you deserve it, Léon….

Léon embraces her. He’s full of happiness, shame, so many emotions, he can’t control very well. But, hell, how beautiful it is seeing them sweetly making love.

from the original script

What could've been.

Also, while this is nice to imagine and all, do you have any kind of source for your claims?

I don't have the direct source, I just came across it on youtube. I got it from the DidYouKnowGaming channel, which im sure lists their sources somewhere.


>a 12 year old girl could not fire a Desert Eagle
Really? Compared to all the other absurd fantasy nonesense that occurs in the series?
Though I suppose it'd probably just kind of look silly.

>I don't have the direct source, I just came across it on youtube. I got it from the DidYouKnowGaming channel, which im sure lists their sources somewhe

>I'm a literal fuckwit.

thanks for clarifying. I'm sure I list the sources I used to come to this conclusion somewhere.

Reminder that Snake was into this.

meryl should have gotten slimed

Mathilda was a manipulative whore, doesn't make the man a Pedo.


How is any of this an issue?

mgs is sorely lacking in good lolis

>western porn labels

Gross. Change brazzers to minimum, normie.

>bad loli


It's pretty clear Kojima doesn't like lolis which is why he made her into an adult woman. If Quiet breath through her skin I don't see why a 12-year-old girl couldn't be able to wield a bit gun.

She's the ONLY loli and that's bad

>im sure lists their sources somewhere.
They don't but I can tell you:
It's their ass.

>because a 12 year old girl could not fire a Desert Eagle

wish they did a demonstration of what would happen on mythbusters or something for this 2bqh

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Well, there's the AC!Ds...


Her design when she's 11 is bad. She looks damn old already.

I haven't played acid in a while, but didn't Lucy become the metal gear at the end?

Emma's older in MGS2 than Meryl was in MGS1

Kojima is all about tits and ass, Loli's lack both.


Tits and asses are so fucking overrated m8.

>I don't like adult women.

Tits are life, ass his hometown.

Flat chests are life, flat asses are hometown.

original meryl from policenauts is clearly an adult woman not sure how this could possibly be true

You just helped me realize that Policenauts and Ace Combat 3 take place in the same year.

i liked how different acid's visual design was from the rest of the series, it helped it stand on its own

How would a 12 year old child be in a serious military unit?

Ask Raiden.

Child Soldiers, duh


I would play the fuck out of that then.
But I don't care about MGS.


>tfw no qt isis loli to stone my dick

Btw did I ever tell you guys how my dad killed himself because I slept with his second wife? :)


Pretty sure the relationship dynamic between the two would have been a little different if Meryl had been 12. Does this even really need saying?

The story would have been different, obviously.
Nobody is using their heads here, it's not that the original version of Meryl was a loli it's that the loli was written out and replaced with a totally different character and as such Snake's interactions with the character would have been totally different.