What's the cheapest hdr 4K tv? I wanna use it for my PC and PS4 pro.
What's the cheapest hdr 4K tv? I wanna use it for my PC and PS4 pro
If you want a true proper HDR 4k panel you can't cheap out
Sorry not gonna happen
Not even to mention the Pro will barely make use of it enough to justify the expense
Better off getting a monitor. HDR on TVs spell mad input lag.
Do you have two 1080s? Probably not worth using with your PC otherwise.
This, I have two 980tis. That's the only reason I have a 4k monitor and 4k HDR tv
4k doesn't require 30fps or ultra settings and you can play countless old games at 4k. This idea that only games released in the past month are usable at 4k is retarded.
Nobody said that
That's the main reason the PS4 pro has a few native 4k games, because graphically they look like shit
If you want to turn all your games to low or play games from 2012 at 4k then you go right ahead, nobody is stopping you
>4k doesn't require 30fps
You don't have to turn them to low, you just can't play them at ultra with a single GPU.
Meant 60fps.
No you have to turn them to low
4k is incredibly resource intensive, It's more resource intensive than 8xmsaa.
You gotta turn everything to low if you're playing on a mid range PC
No you don't. I can play ROTTR at 4k 30fps with mostly maxed settings without a top of the line GPU.
>It's more resource intensive than 8xmsaa.
No it isn't lol.
Post specs and proof.
Because I have a higher end PC and can't do that.
By the way, you're also a fucking idiot. 4K is more intensive than x8 MSAA. You know how you can tell? Try using DSR from 4K to 1080p, then try 1080p with x8 MSAA.
Yes it is
At 4k in gta 5 I get 60fps
At 1080p in gta 5 with 8xmsaa I get 75 fps
neck yourself oh and btw have fun not being able to hit 60fps maxed
>Because I have a higher end PC and can't do that.
clearly not.
msaa runs like fucking shit these days. it's easier on your fps to turn on 4k for any of the ubisoft games that support MSAA.
then we're both right.
>any of the ubisoft games that support MSAA.
Do you hear that scraping sound? It's the sound of you moving those goalposts.
>It's easier turn on 4k then MSAA
>Being this fucking stupid
>really really mad for inexplicable reasons
Because you're spreading misinformation.
What GPU are you using, with your "mid tier" machine. Because you know what gets 30fps at 4k at Very High?
A 980ti.
>spend thousands on hdr tv because you think its the same thing as hdr photo effect
so many people are gonna be so dissappointed
Here you go retard, here is 4k
... Uh...
4k monitors have horrible lag too.
If you want an actual 4K TV you need OLED or Quantum Dot.
Enjoy paying 4k for that 4k.
And here is 1080p with 8x msaa
Oh and it's a ubisoft game just for you
You can get 4k monitors that have perfectly acceptable lag
>implying you're playing anything at 4k with less than 13-16ms frametimes
I didn't say mid tier, I said I didn't have top of the line. That damage control, a 980ti isn't top of the line now is it?
>going to great lengths of shitposting by doctoring images
No they don't.
No they don't
Mine has a 1ms response time
>Doctoring images
Are you fucking stupid, I literally just took it from in game
yes a 980ti is still top of the line
>980ti isn't top of the line now is it
There are TWO faster GPUs on the market right now.
6 months ago the 980ti was literally the fastest GPU money could buy without putting a waterblock on a Titan X.
It's totally top of the line.
>using an OLED on anything with standing UI elements
enjoy that plasma tier burn-in my man
Holy shit the denial with this faggot
user you actually got blown the fuck out here
>Mine has a 1ms response time
gtg is not the same as input lag. nobody advertises actual input lag. you need a device like a leo bodnar tester to measure it.
And only one of them is top of the line.
>anger intensifies
>Input lag isn't input lag
ok bud
>nobody advertises actual input lag
yes they do
>Get's blown the fuck out
>lol ur just angry
you have no idea what actual input lag is.
>February 6 2013
>No they don't.
Name one 4k pc monitor without lag.
what the hell does the date of the article have to do with the difference between input lag and response time?
>What the fuck man technology and advertising never changes
>4k monitors have horrible lag too.
even $500+ panels like asus mg series have 10+ms if input lag. input and gtg are easily one of the most confused things.
Every monitor has lag, can't name one without
heres the one I use amazon.com
I'd like point out that gtg isn't totally accurate to the exact lag of a monitor, but it IS still indicative of lag.
A 20ms gtg monitor will have more lag than a 1ms gtg monitor.
We know for a fact it hasn't changed in this case because no screen has a combined input lag of 1ms
What the hell are you going on about