Why isn't it happening on 3DS or Switch?
Final Fantasy TA3
maybe it will one day
They went mobile with the series and, for the most part, it flopped. FFTA is dead.
when Square Enix started the Fabula Nova Crystallis universe they pretty much unofficially retired Ivalice Alliance, Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, and the Crystal Chronicles universes
notice how spin offs that aren't even related to Fabula Nova Crystallis aren't spin offs that aren't apart of the other universes, Explores might as well be a CC game but wasn't
Hopefully when the 12 remaster and 7 remake are made (and hopefully sell well) they return to these universes
Why mobile thought? is 750k a flop for FFTA2?
This and Advance Wars, replaced with the utter garbage that is Fire Emblem.
I cry about it every day, Nintendo is so fucking gay.
been waiting for a FFTA3 for 3DS since they announced the console, I'm so fucking tired of waiting...
If you're talking about Tactics S, it wasn't really like the previous tactics games even for the gameplay.
Even a moderate success can be considered a "failure" to certain bigger companies like SE.
I'd kill for anything in the Ivalice universe or another Tactics game in general.
Honestly if they reboot this they could also have it on tablet and not actually fuck up the gameplay at all. It's the one genre that works with shit touch controls.
it clearly was showing signs of selling less than previous series
but honestly i think it can be blamed to coming out the same year as the Tactics remake, so tactics fans hungry for a new game were torn on which game to get
But pretty much with mobile games selling more and more SE thinks its an opportunity to enter that market like other Japanese developers being stupid cause they all did it
Also TWotL is a famously dark and serious game, while tactics A2 is fun in the sun with my furry friends!
because SRPGs are dead. Tactics Ogre, Advance Wars, FFT, front mission, old fire emblem, it's all dead. only braindead trash like nu-FE can sell in this day and age.
One of the versions of Fates was oldschool difficulty. Disgaea still exists, and you've got XCOM.
>wanting FFTA3
>not FFA2
are u guys gay?
SE won't continue the Ivalice Alliance without Matsuno.
I love the "cute" Ivalice in the TA games.
>Disgaea still exists
SRPGs are dead
>One of the versions of Fates was oldschool difficulty
lol no
Disgaea sucks and is practically dead. 5 bombed hard
If FFTA2 had been released with all the features intended it would have sold way more than WotL. FFTA2 with WiFi multiplayer would have been GOAT.
Only if you can marry someone in it and has a lot of Waifu.
>this post
I blame myself
or god
port the old one to Steam first.