whats the rarest thing you dropped in a game?
Whats the rarest thing you dropped in a game?
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Jah, Ith, and Ber.
My life
Pure Bladestone.
one time in ultima online i dropped my house when i quit with half the servers rares, i had offers of 3000$ for that house. most of the players came out to loot it. good times
Arcanite Ripper
Is Fiery Warhorse considered rare now?
I have every rare mount I could consider wanting except Invincible, including Al'ar.
I don't play WoW anymore.
I got both Thunderfury parts on my Shaman. Never managed to finish the quest and actually get it tho.
No, its easy as shit to get, especially since its the first boss in Kara. Just run in and one shot it, try again next week, repeat.
>whats the rarest thing you dropped in a game?
i've never dropped anything in a game
what are you talking about
with our powers combined we are...
Ghostring card on 5x server
Not exactly what the OP asked, but I chanced two Skyforths in two days in Path of Exile. It's the most valuable unique item in the game (though not the most valuable item).
Too bad it was the last week of the league.
>get one
>dupe it
>feel like shit after
The Grandfather
Sorry if its a small image, only one i could find
I neded to stop my addiction so i dropped everything in free market
whisper card on ro
Ashkandi, Greatsword of the Brotherhood, but then I got keylogged, hacked and lost everything.
I saw the Barons mount drop in 2006. Lost with a 22.
>nearly perfect roll of the rarest unique in the game
Bullshit that dropped for you.
Thats from the wiki page you baboon
Rarest in D2 is 100% a Zod rune. I've seen GF, WF, and every single other rune aside from Zod and that's with the rune buff.
1.07(?) to 1.09 you had better luck at finding 100 other high runes than finding a Zod.
Not very rare, even i used to have one
Invincible, probably. But I got it post-WotLK so it's not as cool.
very cool
I restarted Dark Souls for the first time today and a sunbro dropped a ton of fully upgraded boss weapons and armor and a bunch of manus and gwyn souls. Its my second time playing and I'm having fun thanks to him.
>Slain monsters rest in peace
Is this cool fluff or does it actually do something?
Except you're wrong and Mal is the rarest.
Yeah, basically you can't do any funny business with the corpses, like turning them into skeletons or making them explode.
>"Velocity Metamorfo" Blueprint
>0.002% drop rate.
the monsters that resurrect wont come back
I got the stratholme sword and mount from the same drop in LFG and won both, I have a screenshot somewhere
Found it on euRO about 3 months before the server shut down.
Got the Hyacinth Macaw back when it was the lowest drop rate in the game. You can all stop posting WoW shit now because I beat you all.
got an australium shotgun back when they were worth $110.
I only had to kill that skeleton 7 times to get mine
Trigger warning.
>playing wow with a sci fi font
>9 9 13
>Supposed RO player who didn't screenshot the shit out of a rare drop
I like it
The only 1% drop rate old raid mount I've gotten and it's the worst fucking one
Your god damn right trigger warning.
Fuck mantle farming
Baron Rivendare's Deathcharger 2 days after it was patched in TBC (2008) to be a 1% drop after being a .01% drop for 4 years with only a handful of people owning it.
Have a screenshot to prove it too.
I had 333 mounts account wide 1 year before Legion launched, 285 on my Paladin, quit the game 1 year before Legion launched.
I also got Ashes during Cata when it was still insanely rare.
I have tons of stories like this, I got my rares super early.
>I also got Ashes during Cata when it was still insanely rare.
You could solo KT late wotlk as a few classes. In cata everyone could; it was hardly rare by then. Still a cool mount though.
>1% drop rate
> You could solo KT late wotlk as a few classes. In cata everyone could; it was hardly rare by then. Still a cool mount though.
No, that's not how it worked at all, firstly literally no one was soloing it in WoTLK, period. in Cata it was doable due to stats, but the MC would still happen solo and the fight would reset, so then you had to be a paladin or DK using a super crazy autistic kite strat that usually took 30 minutes and you could easily wipe at any second.
The way I did it was with one other person. We just used skill to beat it. Stun when the partner gets dc'd, use CD's intelligently, kill the adds in the proper order. Wasn't hard at all, but still very easy to fuck up, and much much much more efficient than soloing it.
But you claim of soloing it being a joke is complete bullshit.
Nowadays a level 75 can literally solo it easily as the hidden internal nerf for content 5 levels below you allows it to work that way, along with mechanics being removed.
This was years before account-wide and farming rares became trendy and obligatory and before shit was nerfed for casual losers to farm.
Farming 1% drops is literally a selling point of the game, it's fucking awful, even FF14 started it because of WoW.
I had every FoS mount in the game except the original ZG mounts as I just never got lucky with them.
My druid BFF and I ran the Sethekk Halls for almost a full year without a single Anzu drop.
> soloing KT during Wrath
Are you fucking retarded.
You still needed like 10 people in Wrath to even have a change, and they had to be really good at the game, as in nor random retards hitting buttons and winning.
Got an Elysian Sigil from corp in its first month in osrs. Makes up for camping for ages when it was originally released and only getting a spectral.
Took me 20 attempts during Wrath to get mine back when there was a daily lockout and you needed a druid on the chain.
I'm still farming Onyxia, Malygos and Deathwing to get all those drakes that are needed for the emerald one. I really want an emerald drake.
change = chance
Swift Razzashi Raptor.
Won it against 19 others as a newbie to the guild with a /roll :^)
FFXI was a monster.
Ton Po's Bo Stick of Understanding in EverQuest
I was one of two people who owned one before it stopped dropping on Povar.
I don't expect anyone on EQ to have played everquest though or even know what it is, considering all the casual as fuck WoW posts in this thread. I doubt anyone on Sup Forums could handle a game that takes you a year of playing 8+ hours a day to hit max level.
the first part of Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker, never got the 2nd one. *cries
I still occasionally play Project 1999 with a friend, we'll just set up in a camp and grind out an evening while drinking and chatting.
Do any modern MMOs even come close to this sort of pacing?
>get back into WoW after like, five years
>decide to run Karazhan
>first try Fiery Warhorse
I was pretty happy.
c9 crystalline sword from the HoH
>Do any modern MMOs even come close to this sort of pacing?
i'm on p99 too but i'm starting to hate it more with every passing day because of the devs changing tons of shit, non-classic changes to suit their personal whims, which is against the core tenets of the fucking server: an exact copy of the classic>velious EQ experience with NO changes the original developers did not make. Economy is shit, item prices are fucking retarded beyond belief, they nerfed all the good moneymaking methods, etc. etc.
Heaven punisher
i once used a Black Rose to make scrap metal
Sword of Shazrah 1x
Rivendare's sword 1x
Zulian tiger 2x
Razashi raptor 1x
Phoenix during TBC 1x
White bird from QuelDanas instance 3x
Eye of rag 2x
Bindings of windseeker x2 each
Illidan's glaives 1x each
The only thing I didnt see drop was Rivendare's mount.
Bitch pls
WoWbabbies everyone
Funnily, my rarest item was Rivendare's Deathcharger. Got it like 1 week before the drop rate was nerfed, my salt was unmatched for awhile.
Lucky. Never saw it drop in all my years.
>Hundreds of UBRS runs
>Never see the fucking warlock T0 robe drop
>Finally drops one day
>Shaman from my guild rolls and wins
>lol XD
>Bragging about rare drops in WoW which has instances so everyone gets their own private copy of shit to kill
lmao try playing a real MMO where all significant targets are on a 1 week real world spawn timer, but there are many other guilds competing for that kill, so you get to kill it about 3 times a year, you fucking CASUAL.
GW2 precursor two-handed sword during that stupid ass event on the coral reef island or whatever
sold it to buy Norn slutmogs
The Sword of Kings, fuck you Poo you only get to use your fists.
These things are rare?
Baron Rivendare's deathcharger during vanilla. I won the roll as an undead and my server went ballistic.
Also worth mentionion I've come across 3 shiny pokemon during playthroughs across several games (as opposed to specifically hunting shinies).
>and my server went ballistic
I'll take "Things that didn't happen" for $1000, Alex
>implying you are anywhere near that important
I would link you all my FFXI kraken clubs if I could faggit
I'm playing BDO right now and I'm getting a PEN Kzarka blade tonight, it's totally not gonna fail and downgrade I swear
People went ballistic because it's a 0.001% drop from the end boss in a dungeon that took about 2 hours to run and it has the same model as the other undead epic mounts except the color of the cloth is blue.
What the fuck are you talking about? It's not him who's important, it's the mount. At the begining everyone went apeshit when someone looted something cool. I was the first player EU to get the warlock epic mount and people sucked my dick for a week straight as I stood afk in front or Orgrimmar's bank
Hey user, your ping seems to be red.
>missing the entire point
the entire server didn't lose their shit because some random nobody got a rare drop, that's an autistic mental fantasy from a friendless loser who has never been praised for anything in his life.
lmao what next are you gonna brag about fucking runescape??? hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahah
>Pretending to know shit about video games while never having played FFXI
>implying final fantasy games are hardcore
could you be any more of an obvious troll?
everquest >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ff11
I got the Onyxian drake on my first attempt, pretty sure I got one or both of the drakes from eye of eternity pretty fucking quickly aswell as Armageddon from Naxx
Jesus cynical much
u w8
I might be mistaken but doesn't it have something like a 1.4% drop rate?
From Gluth, it has a regular drop rate from the four horseman. My guild saw like five in the time we farmed that place.
Oh shit gotcha. As much as I killed the four horsemen I've never seen it
Getting one of these motherfuckers to join the party
>the entire server didn't lose their shit because some random nobody got a rare drop, that's an autistic mental fantasy from a friendless loser who has never been praised for anything in his life.
Except that's wrong. World firsts were huge back in the day. They aren't nearly as big a deal now.
>No, that's not how it worked at all, firstly literally no one was soloing it in WoTLK, period
As a DK I soloed everything up to TBC up till Sunwell (Kalecgos literally impossible because of mechanics back then)
That was what made me stop playing D2, I played through an entire latter season and never saw one high rune drop other than a pul from hellforge. And then found out only botters had high end runewords because of how astronomically low the drop rates were.