ITT: the smartest confirmed gamers in the world
ITT: the smartest confirmed gamers in the world
Why isn't Musk shilling Homeworld aswell?
>ultrafast FPS action
Why shill for it when he can experience it IRL?
>Spends zero in marketing of his companies
Come on now
I am slightly disappointed is musk.
Gonna go make some tea
If he's so smart why does his rockets explode?
Maybe he mains Tracer?
I mean hey as long as his company can get people to Mars and actually move humanity forward as a species he can do whatever he wants
Maybe he mains Tracer?
>Overwatch fast
>More like tank/chokepointwatch amiright?
>smartest man in the world plays on pc
Makes you think
>tfw to intelligent for TF2
maybe he likes to play as Soldier or Pharah
>of course
smart people don't marry gold digging whores, she's divorced him 3 times, cucked him and he bribed her to marry him again temporarily.
>smartest gamer
>recommends Overwatch
nice bait thread though
>having money
>marrying whores who like money
Holy fuck how retarded can one man be?
Sup Forums and /lgbt/ were right. Heterosexuality is degeneracy.
>tfw to intelligent for monogamy
>Sup Forums and /lgbtqzt/ working together
lol no I hope you like getting based up faggot pervert
Nice false flag, moslem.
>Sup Forums considers faggots "based" confirmed
Guy has no time for relationships. No wonder he gets divorced.
>Wow what a fast car lets have sex in it if you pay me $10,000
>Wow what a big rocket lets have sex in it if you pay me $100,000
>What you won't pay me to have sex with you? okay this is over divorce, pay for my condo or i'll block you on my phone
B-bros, how he didn't appreciate m-muh rocket jumping, literally best thing in the world
>Guy has no time for relationships
Dude Amber Heard is his waifu he's constantly hitting on her and getting rejected.
Even becoming multi-billionaire, life is suffering for the geeks.
>If your not a Muslim you have to suck faggot cock and get aids. Nice try aids patient
I'll rather a nuclear Apocalypse to be honest. Can't wait for sexual perverts and deviants to go back to being secret or getting beat up and their carers being ruined
>allahu akbar!
>burn the white people! white people must fall because they anger allah!
Enjoy your failed """civilization""", subhuman.
He literally asked if putting 10h a week in a relationship is enough time. Guy's got game but managing his life isnt one of his specialties.
>be a machinist for company who makes parts for SpaceX
>watch in horror as the news reported the explosion
Work was shit for half a year after that. They completely halted production of parts to revamp their QC procedures and standards, then once it was implemented 2 months later, only expected a 2 week delay in recieving their parts.
She claims to have been a "model ex-wife", on good terms with Musk's second wife, Talulah Riley.
wow he litterally cucked his ex-wife she has all the children, while he fucks riley
>Faggots capable of having children in-between having 100+ sex partners in a year.
Enjoy your aids and zero children.
>white people will die out any time now!
>they all have aids and 1000 sex partners per nanosecond!
Where did you read all that? In koran?
>ultrafast team FPS action
overwatch is the slowest fps I've ever played. fucking casuals talking shit about stuff they've no clue about
He's a lot smarter than you user, he just has a weakness for his fav pussy.
I don't know if you're retarded or if this is subtle trolling.
>Your reading comprehension
I see all those concrete enemas and drug fueled degenerate gay orgies have fucked up your mind.
Remember, Napoleon was the greatest man in human history yet he got cuckolded big time by his whore aging wife.
It's a fate of great thinkers to become instruments of roasties.
Not him, but I've fucked close to 100 women and I'm clean as a whistle bro.
>post retarded bullshit
>project retardation on others
That's the taqiya, right?
He got cucked because he was a manlet.
Nobody likes manlets.
Nice try anglo but he was average height.
Putin is a manlet and he isn't getting cucked, because he is not a great thinker.
Oh and he has 90% support in his country, meaning that everyone either likes him or pretend to like him.
t. manlet
Because everyone knows if you fuck over Putin he will get his personal KGB to escort you to a gulag.
Because he's not being paid to do so.
Women are far cleaner then Gays
Gay and bisexual men accounted for 82% (26,375) of HIV diagnoses among males and 67% of all diagnoses.
Really activates my almonds
Post about how literal Nazis who call for ethnic purgings want degenerate man fuckers. Nice one Milo.
Even the most faggoty prancing lala homoboy is better than the average muslim.
You all should go back to living in dirt where you belong mudslime scum.
Maybe he mains Tracer?
what if he don't ?
>You must have one or the other
lol no kick out the Muslims and cull the gays. Nice one /lgbt/ got anymore aids pills you need a few
Do not being silly comra-... friend. Everyone is loving Putin! Is best president in whole world!
Nope. Newton was literally the greatest person that ever lived. He also died a virgin, which is probably why he advanced basically every field of physics and mathematics he dabbled in. No time for bitches made him the ultimate being
>I'm nazi! I just want white people to succeed!
>nevermind that I cherish the death of white nations (that isn't actually happening) and all my morals are identical with those of muslims
Who said you have to pick one you retarded muslim?
I'm just saying that muslims are the worst.
He truly was a wizard
Or he got rejected by every bitch he tried to approach. Like the beta orbiter Dante Alighieri.
Maybe he mains Tracer?
I can't understand that painting.
Maybe he is a tracer main
maybe he's not that smart if he plays overwatch
>Newton was literally the greatest person that ever lived.
>not Tesla, also likely a virgin (or gay)
>not da Vinci, gay
>not Turing, who created the basic theory of computing, starting the revolution comparable to what inventing fire was in prehistory
What is it about women that they destroy all valuable qualities in men and turn them to animals?
He probably mains Tracer
this, it's literally the story he wants to tell
>No beer
>No Pork
>Multiple wives
>Prey to allahahah 7 times an hour
>Genocide of local culture
Nice one memer by your definition the Nazis were Muslims and imperial age British were also Muslims cause they weren't sucking dick and having interracial orgies
>pretend to be nazi
>want whites weak and then dead
Cool story mohammed
>not Jesus Christ, the man who cucked the jews and laid the foundations of modern civilization
Do you even salvation?
maybe he means 7___?
How the fuck do they fund space x anyway?
Is it purely donations?
Tesla and Turing did some incredible work, but Newton laid the foundation for both them, Einstein, and basically all modern physics and mathematics. He was the nost important thinker to ever live as of yet.
Most of the stuff he did is unconfirmed memes.
Literally who?
that would be CS
Tesla was literally a beta orbiter who put the pussy on the pedastal if he lived in our modern time he would be an sjw male feminist.
Newton was a cunt and stole all his good work off Cauchy.
judging by the spelling, he's german. So yes, he's retarded
>Speculating wildly and projecting insecurity, and comparing a guy that basically invented modern science with a dude that wrote a bunch of boring shit about heaven/hell.
>implying I'm not a Nazi
To be White you have to be gay. Nice one Milo when's the last time you've been to the synagogue
>Newton laid the foundation for both them
Foundations are important, but it doesn't mean his work "includes" theirs.
He was drowning in women who wanted the D - his D. And yet he didn't spend all his days fucking, even though he could.
>Gay and bisexual men accounted for 82% (26,375) of HIV diagnoses among males and 67% of all diagnoses.
What's the problem here then if they will kill themselves?
Unless you're planning to suck cock anytime soon you have nothing to worry about.
I heard it was because he got the ED, you know thomas EDison who cucked him
Yeah mohammed, islam will certainly strengthen white people! As-salāmu ʿalaykum!
Nazis were just muslims in disguise! It's true! It's says it here in the protocols!
CS is slow because of the tactical and no respawn aspect to it, OW is slow because the characters themselves are slow and the maps are big
>not da Vinci, gay
He was ambidextrous and hung out with tons of peeps of all kinds which leads me to believe he was bi - which was the default state for centuries before all the christian fundamentalist bullshit ruined sexuality forever.
How retarded can one person get? Newton was dead 50 years before Cauchy was born.
Gays are overwhelmingly leftists and more keep "coming" out every day.
Yes good goy leave White women alone, go ahead and fuck man arse and have zero white children. Remember white Christians killed you as well so you have to be a Leftist
>Gays are overwhelmingly leftists and more keep "coming" out every day.
So? You literally just have to sit back and watch. The purge will happen by itself. No need to chimp out like some sandnigger.
Could be bi, but his heterosexuality isn't as obvious as homosexuality, despite it being legal and tolerated.
Pretty sure he lived in the times where sexuality was already ruined by christian fundamentalists.
>rampant STDs and being assfucked is good
Don't worry if you desire a dick in your ass nobody's stopping you today.
>The purge will happen by itself.
Lmao muslims
Enjoy seeing the world move faster than you and artificial womb children of pairs of men and pairs of women outnumbering your subhuman spawn.
Oh wait you won't have any, because women detest wannabe nazi muslims.
Stupidest post of the month, congratulations.
>Having a mental illness
Go support some more trans rights don't forget to follow your friends and suicide because all that abnormal arse fucking catches up to you eventually
>muslimbabble intensifies
How does it feel that average gay will breed more children than you and live a healthier and longer life?
Newton was an asshole though, not sure he can qualify for greatest person
paid advertisements lol
Maybe she mains tracer?
>which was the default state for centuries before all the christian fundamentalist bullshit ruined sexuality forever
t. degeneracy pro
I hear ya.