What are your thoughts on the Rockman series?
What are your thoughts on the Rockman series?
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just shut up and post more roll
Just skip the foreplay and post spats
I don't think that's legal on neo-Sup Forums.
>see pic
Classic is solid. Would play again.
X was ruined by Zero and deserves a reboot.
Zero is fine. Might play again.
ZX is okay. Might play on a road trip.
Never finished Battle Network. Maybe I'll play BN2 on the road trip instead.
Legends deserves the sequel it was promised. Needs the homely feel of the first game with the scale and challenge of the second game, and either playable Tron/Servbot or a new Tron Ni Kobun game.
>and deserves a reboot.
It could have happened. If Capcom didn't put a certain game on the PSP of all things.
>X was ruined by Zero and deserves a reboot.
>Never finished Battle Network. Maybe I'll play BN2 on the road trip instead.
Do it, great series.
>people who played Powered Up didn't put Roll in the bunny outfit
I like X and Zero as characters. Fight me.
You misspelled lovers
i like it but im not into ur gay/pedophilia stuff
1-3 are great, and I love games similar to them.
If your only experience with BN was the first one, fix that shit and play 2. The first one is the worst entry in the series.
hard as a rock, man
Not a real fan.
I don't hate Zero as a character, I hate him as a plot device.
Just imagine, if Powered Up had sold better, we would have got remake versions of the entire classic series.
Cut it out.
You got it wrong, senpai. People don't hate Zero itself but more like they hate the fact he stole X's spotlight. He's cool in my books but being a Xfag hurts.
looking at all the shit zero does
after 1 he kind of gets annoying
I liked him as the cool guy who sacrafices himself but after 1 all he seems to do in the story is die
post back.
Roll is my waifu
He's fine in X2 and 3. It's X4 the one that dropped the ball for give him so much shit and "muh Iris". X5 Zero is fine since they finally gave you a "final" fight between X and Zero. In X6 they should've kept Zero dead.
One of my favorite series. Really wish they finished the ZX trilogy.
I want to have sex with your
Capcom brings back Mega Man series, but you play as Roll fighting female robot masters
Would you play it?
Wrong game
What's the fucking point, what I want is a closure to the series.
If I just wanted a jump and shoot platformer I would've be playing gunvolt or a fanmade game like Rokko chan.
Sure, why not.
She's great in the vs series.
I wouldn't care.
>What are your thoughts on the Rockman series?
the localizations make me not want to play some of the games
Does it plays like classic Megaman? Is it well-made? Because, if so, I don't care who it stars. They could revive the classic series with Auto as the hero as long as it was good.
>game bombs because only Roll fans (pedophiles) buy it
>Capcom says Megaman is not profitable and gives up on it again.
I recognize that bulge
Lots of Roll fans in Japan, though, both pedophiles and non-pedophiles (girls).
>game bombs because only Roll fans (pedophiles) buy it
idk if everyone that posts on Sup Forums bought a game it would probably sell alright
>Almost all of those are in Rollchan 7
As long as the female robot masters aren't destroyed.
Can't we have just one Mega Man thread without Roll derailing it?
Of course not, where do you think you are?
This was always meant to be a Roll thread.
There's nothing actually stopping you from making a "Real" mega man thread though. Hell I'll even welcome it.
>Sup Forums
hello and welcome to Sup Forums
>Rollchan 7
What's that? Does it have anything to do with the Rollchan romhacks?
Is it possible to derail a thread that started derailed?
Look at the image op used. Do you think he just wants to discuss Rockman?
No Robot Master is ever really destroyed.
First of all it's not a derailing. Secondly just let the Rollicons post Roll and post about the games.
It's not fucking hard, reddit retard.
>You rescue them instead of destroying them.
Sounds cute as fuck, would play.
Except Splash Woman. Pretty sure she was scraped.
What a waste.
I hope so, never liked killing female villains.
eh, might as well just post it then
>implying anyone here knows condition implications
Though you could've been more explicit by adding a "then".
For a second I thought there was a pee stain on those panties
Nah, she's fine.
The RMs are either fixed and returned to their old jobs, kept around by Wily, or shut down and put in a museum.
But the ending shows that she was repaired.
Wait.. but in the ending of megaman 9 you indeed rescued them
I would devour her anus
this pic gets me everytime hnnnnng
play one peice of shit game play tyhem all
I never actually played MM9. I only know a little about the story. Oh well.
New thread here, special webms
The story was that all the MM9 robots were Light-based Robot Masters that were due for termination soon, and Wily offered to keep them online if they fought for him. Light is subsequently framed for their turning on humanity.
It's actually kinda morbid. Most other sets of Robot Masters are either reprogrammed or were made evil. In MM9 it's guranteed death or help Wily and risk death while causing chaos and framing an innocent man.
Fake Man is pretty cool, by the way.
I see, but don't worry, she is fine.
Dr. Light sounds like a cunt
MM9/10 worth playing? I've only played the classic games.
Oh no!
>I never actually played MM9
Get on that shit. It's a great game.
Interesting. I knew the basic premise of MM9 at least. Still that's pretty fucked.
He means well. He just kinda, ya know, triggered the events that led to mankind's extinction.
I wonder why he never bothered to find a woman.
I'll make a note to play it soon. I guess it wouldn't hurt. Haven't played Classic in a while anyway.
why should he find a real twat when he can make as much robot pussy as he wants? Wily can stick to making dudes, Light makes girls and all is right.
Do it. And if you haven't played 10 either, do that too.
Yes user. I'll play 10 as well.
10's not as fun as 9, IMO.
It really isn't, for some weird reason.
Awesome music at least.
Eh, they're not too far from one another. I think it's just that 9 exudes the feeling of another 2 (plus the story) whereas 10 kinda feels like one of the later Classic games while still controlling like 2.
10 also has a little more content than 9 (once you have all the DLC at least). Between Bass and the Megaman Killers Bonus Stages, I'd say that overall both are just as worthwhile.
I can't say I feel the same. 9's weapons are great, but the way it tries so hard to be 2 ruins it a bit and 10 has so much more content.
But they're both good and worth playing, so who cares?
>there are people on Sup Forums that don't have all tripfags and namefags filtered for being useless attention whores
>there are people on Sup Forums who REPLY to tripfags and namefags
>there are people on Sup Forums who post by opening their sentences with "there are people on Sup Forums who"
yes, it's from 2003, newfag, get your shit together
>Am I fitting in yet guise
>posting a video of moot after he became a normalfag
need the pixiv of this guy to favorite it
Optic Man has seen some shit.