How would you fix your favorite game series?

>Final Fantasy
Erase 8, 12, 13-1, 13-2, Lightning Returns and 14 from existence, nobody but shitters and casuals will miss them.

>not erase 6,7,9, and 11 from existence
Shit taste 2bh

>expecting somebody to kick the dog and send it flying
>given a cute gif to chuckle at instead
>everything went better than expected

>Fire Emblem
bring back the tellius writers.

>Final Fantasy
make a game similar to FF9 with FFX's gameplay.

Make a new game with the design of Dragon Quest VIII. Oh wait, they're already doing that.

Everyone in Bethesda HQ is fired
Call up Obsidian and InXile to make isometric Fallout games a year apart from each other.

>Final Fantasy

Erase IX. VIII tried new things and was only a massive critical and commercial success compared to the unanimous critical and massive commercial success of VII. Square panicked and shit out IX which was nothing but pandering to players who disliked VIII. It's the worst game in the series and everything has been downhill since.

kill yourself faggot

I think you let nostalgia do your thinking and are too cynical to enjoy ganes anymore. Maybe change hobbies.

>Monster Hunter

Remove the grinding, farming, bug catching, gathering, fishing, mining and other skinnerbox bullshit.

IX was a failure because it came out on the PS1 when the PS2 was already out, not because it was an homage to classic FF.

Wrong. I want games to improve. Video games today are gravitating towards is the wrong direction.

We have arguably achieved the best graphics that we could only dream of 10 years ago. So where is the gameplay? Where are the good stories? I don't see them.

All I see year after year is a shiny rehash. Video games cost too much to make and too much to buy. You should not have to wait so long to buy a good game.

6 is the only good Final Fantasy

IX was a failure because it was worse than VIII in every single way, and that's ignoring all of the innovation that VIII brought to the failed. It failed on a fundamental level, from storytelling to gameplay to characters.

I understand that Sup Forums is a younger crowd and IX was your first game, but it doesn't excuse the damage it did to the series.

games that have good stories get shit on by Sup Forums constantly.
>cost too much to buy
games have been pretty much the same price for the last couple decades.

>dat projecting
what damage, exactly, did it do?

No, really, what was so bad about IX that fucking VIII did better? Explain your reasoning.

that dogs leg is broken, it's "bouncing" because it's in pain

Have Konami sell the Suikoden IP to another company. And that company brings back the original writer/director/creator, giving him a sufficient budget. He picks up right were he left off with Suikoden III and continues the series. Eventually leading to the epic final fight between Harmonia and the rest of the world.

>get shit on by Sup Forums
Who gives a fuck about what Sup Forums thinks? the majority of them bought fallout 3 because it was their first fallout game. And they loved it.

Games shouldn't cost more than $40 new. Games need to stop having such high production costs. Games need to stop being marketed so much. Sometimes I believe the video game industry is run by mobsters laundering their money into video games.

Final fantasy 9. The last ff game with a the better tradition combat system.

t. sawyer

FFIX wasn't a failure financially. And since all FF games have massive problems in story and gameplay, it wasn't really a failure in that either. But it still sold less than FFVII and VIII.

Now FFXV is looking to be a financial failure if sales don't pick up.

delet the others

games have cost 60-80 dollars since the fucking 80s, and that's despite production costs going up and the value of the dollar going down.

and I'm pointing out what Sup Forums thinks because cinematic, story-based games come out all the time.

>remove 60% of the game and it gets better, really

>Now FFXV is looking to be a financial failure if sales don't pick up.
should have released it sooner. the longer it takes the more money it burns and outdated it feels.

>remove 14
Why? I agree with your other choices


Erase 1,2,3,4,9,10,11,12,13,14,15

11 was fucking epic. I use to sleep in my sleeping bag next to my pc waiting for party invites in jeuno. The last mmo to award time and patients put in vs dual wielding credit cards for micro transaction attacks. Even ffxiv 2.0 has been dumb down for weekend warriors.

you don't need cinematics to tell a story and almost every game has a story.

>what Sup Forums thinks
Sup Forums doesn't fucking know how to read.

>Dragon's Dogma

- Effective fast travel system
- Unique bosses
- NG+ increases difficulty in increments similar to souls series
- A set or a single unique skill for each class
- More story...way more story.
- Pawn gambit system
- Flying into free title screen patch for PC and Dark Arisen

Bonus: more berserk shit.

Final Fantasy 9 is a shit game but a good Final Fantasy

Final Fantasy 8 is a good game but a shit Final Fantasy

Fight me.

>you don't need cinematics to tell a story
Then Final Fantasy as a series has been doing it wrong from the start. Not surprising since its series creator has said he always wanted Final Fantasy to be more like a movie than a game.

you need cinematics to visually tell you what is going on when there is no dialogue but only actions.

An example of this would be Kuja destroying something and then it cuts to Dagger crying or looking away. There is no dialogue but it says a lot right there.

FFXIV was the best Final Fantasy that's been released for years.

>pic related

>you need cinematics to visually tell you what is going on when there is no dialogue but only actions.
That's true. And that's why I think a series like Chrono or Dragon Quest works so well with a silent protagonist.

But Final Fantasy hardly ever does this. Their idea of cinematics is 15 minutes of characters just standing around and talking. Like watching the fucking Star Wars prequels. But instead of boring political banter, its just empty character interaction.

I'm 26 years old. My first ff was IV, and I love the NES, SNES, and sega.

Do not pretend games are worth less now than they were back in the day. The old games have charm, and I love them, but at the end of the day, many old games were 15 minutes of original content sold for 60 dollars. That 15 minutes was replayable as fuck, but it was still 15 minutes of game.

And yes, I still plug in dr mario or tetris all the time and spend a few hours, and I replay FF1 every four years or so, but I still also enjoy modern titles as well.

>erase the most highly acclaimed games in the series

That gif still makes me cringe, because I think there's something legitimately wrong with the dog.

Someone who has a background in biology, dogs will never demonstrate that kind of behavior unless there's something wrong with them, and considering the industrial environment, I'm guessing it got hit and its leg is broken, and it's so scared and traumatized that its just sitting there.

What about my post made me an oldfag? I was just talking about how FFIX wasn't a financial bomb. It still sold 5.5 million copies.

But you are right, I am an old fag. I got into gaming in 1986.

they just need to work on it more.

You always need to have characters walking around talking to each other. it expands and identifies distinct characters to show how they go through challenges by either staying the same or changing to adapt.

How you do this is more important than what is being said. It's all part of the literary device of what to hide and what to reveal through writing.

And remove the waifufagging


fuckin prat

>erase the games I don't play
How does this fix anything?

That's what I said.

more waifus and any pairing possible

Heres your (You)

For someone with a background in biology you dont seem to understand that dogs can be fucking retarded for little to no discernable reason

>You always need to have characters walking around talking to each other. it expands and identifies distinct characters to show how they go through challenges by either staying the same or changing to adapt.
As its a game, that is true.

>How you do this is more important than what is being said.
But no, this I don't agree with. The major reason FF games are so bad in terms of cutscenes is because the story and dialogue is just outright bad itself. Over the course of 20 hours, a character like Yuna will never evolve. She starts off as a passive, demure girl and 20 hours in, she's still exactly the same. Still dependent on an entire team and Tidus to make decisions for her. Not to mention the story doesn't go anywhere until after Sin attacks the beach some 2/3 through the game. Everything up to that time is just empty world building. And I say its empty not because the world doesn't get developed, but because they focus so much on added crap like blitzball, Dinosaur like transports and ancient temples that the characters get completely ignored.

nah I think we both can agree that Yuna is a shit character regardless.

Her dialogue is ass and it took way too long for her character to have any significant change whatsoever.

>Erase 8, 12
spot the pleb

>Final Fantasy Tactics
Make more fucking games.

Bring back Iga and let him direct new titles the way he wants to instead of giving him a shoestring budget. All man wanted to do was make high end CV games in both Metroidvania and Classicvania style and just kept getting fucked over.

Well that was the point I was making so yeah I agree. But there's plenty of examples across FF of bad character development as well.

>ywn get over that after the bolder teetering on the edge of a cliff that was 3's ending, they spent 2 games and a spinoff fucking around earlier in the timeline

Remove custom characters (at least in the form of being plot relevant)

Find a way to make the magic triangle relevant again. R/B/G was an okay fix, but I think it streamlined fights too much.

Remove every girl/every guy and give us better written supports between smaller pools.

keep the homo tho

If you actually enjoy doing all that mindless filler shit why not play a MMO or one of those F2P skinnerboxes on Android or something?


Just make more Battle Network and X games similar to the PS1 ones.

Anyone that wanted Legends 3 probably never played Legends. It legit sucked.

All the prequels and side games definitely killed Suikoden. Don't know how people can claim Suikoden V is one of the best when it didn't have any connection to the previous games except runes and a couple cameo characters. In all other ways, it just felt like a super slow, super light version of Suikoden II.

>Now FFXV is looking to be a financial failure

It's easily the worst game in the series.

I hope it bombs just to get Square to stop focusing 90% of its entire budget on one series. Putting your entire companies future on the success of one game is never a smart strategy. Even Rockstar doesn't do that shit with GTA.

Dark Arisen has the best fast travel system ever devised.