Starting a new thread since Ignis one is almost full

Why is he still alive

Leviathan is a woman in this game, silly goose.

She's the mermaid with Bahamut in the lore mural

Anyone else get serious Dragon's Dogma vibes from this game?

>mfw have a level 10 chocoboo and still cat beat Ignis

God dammit hes so bullshit!
The computer has access to the turbo boost you get from hitting those ballons on the jumping course or eating that choco food that give you a whole day of super speed.

I understand that you have to drift to keep your momentum going,but you meter refills much slower in races than in the open world

definitely, i just hope with the update they make the WoR be able to be properly explored

I never played dogma, but i felt its similar to Monster huhnter games

Luna is so shit, both in the movie and game. Her VA in the game doesn't fit her stupid face at all.

Has anyone caught a Phantom Snakehead? Can anyone list where and what lure they used?

>tfw finally got the sturdy helix horn to drop for the ultima blade

Im only in chapter 6, but it looks like you can get one of the strongest weapons in this game at the start of chapter 3.

I tried this game at a friend's place earlier tonight.

Honestly, I was kinda bored.
I did some hunts and other sidequests, went fishing and rode chocobos.

Is there more to this game?
He told me story is great, but the way they tell it is absolute worst.

Visibility is poor.

>the game has shit direction, zero cinematic feel to the events, just about average combat but it's the coziest road trip game there is in vidya

I never keep being buttblasted about not going to play the game I dreamt XV to be but at least it has a good side to it as well.

There's too much shit happening offscreen storywise. They are going to patch more stuff into second half so it would make more sense. At least wait until then.

Just eat the speed greens.
The only race I ever lost was against Iris but you can just use the greens you get for finishing the chocobo quests

So is anyone even using the Regalia Type-F? I admit I haven't played much around with it because I had to let the ending of the game sink in, but I'm about to pick it up and start doing the dungeons and shit and I'm just thinking... why? There's quick travel parking lots all over the place and the whole landing procedure is clunky as fuck

>want to buy this game
>99% sure gf got it for me for Christmas
>tfw can't play for another 15 days

Fuck this gay holiday

I would unspeakable things to Gentiana

Is there a way to put more than one sticker on the car?

Pryna`s death is more sad than Luna`s.

>casually flashing her toes like that

what a fucking slut. those japanese designers know E X A C T L Y what they're doing

It's amazing how unfun flying is because of how youn eed to drive to build speed, take off and the animation is looong, then literally you have to land on Roads, which makes the entire purpose of the the thing pointless and the landing is as mentioned, retarded.

I disagree with some of the things you said

literally GIT GUT m8

>Verstael connection
>Ardyn's illusions show Prompto as a MT
>"I needed to tell you that I'm real. Not some...fake. "
It's definitely more than simple speculation.


I would use it more if it was faster but the only advantage it has right now is avoiding the roads

The game could be saved by a Bitterblack Isle post-game. I feel like they kinda tried, but ended up with something more along the lines of Bloodborne's Chalice Dungeons

Can anyone tell me when you can get to the Vesper pool area at the top of the map?

There are some quest back there to complete, but im at chapter 6 about to head to Altasssia and Iris says we wont be able to come back for a while.

I don't want to miss the quest if there a way to complete them now.

you're not going to altissia until after you go to vesperpool. So keep doing the story.

It would be awesome if they released a game or DLC telling what happened during those 10 years without Noctis.

>not posting her lewd form

Altissia is chapter 9 and Vesperpool unlocks in 7 or 8

Yeah, definitely.

At least it's a good sign that they are aware of what the fans would like to see and are willing to work towards fulfilling some of that. They said they want this to be a game that fans can enjoy for a long time.

I just went all the way through Costlemark Tower for my last royal arm, got out of the dungeon, and assumed it would auto-save like all the other times. I promptly crashed my Regalia, and turns out my last save was from before I walked into that stupid tower. Looks like I'm done with the game for a while.

>yfw you realize the whole Ardyn/Prompto switchroo on the train
Holy shit. That explains why Prompto suddenly got so competent.

there's like a road trip game, and then a more traditional empires-and-magic ff game, but they're in the same box and fighting each other

it should have just focused exclusively on the bro-down and saved all the story stuff for a more linear ff versus 15

Ohhh shit!

I didn't know the food you feed the choco can be used in the races.

Yes, you should be able to put the same sticker on different sides of the car, but you cant put muliples on the same side of the regalia

>that one user who complained about her beautiful tits

disgusting porno balloon tits are all virgins know

post shivass

If the open world were bigger and had more explorable areas(maybe dlc) then the flying will be more usefull, but driving is fine for now

her tits are god tier imho

>world dying
>bros so guilty they avoid each other
Are you ready for more depression?

>Leviathan likes that Bahamut cock

>by far the least popular girl in the game
>official twitter poll comes up
>immediately has 30% of the vote and mysteriously never dips below
She's basically XIII-2 Lightning but a damsel, right?

I like her messenger form more

i was seriously impressed with her model when it was first revealed, and they even blessed her with an ass

Thanks, anons!
i was worried there for a second when Iris says we wont be able to return for a while and the mission is about finding a boat to get to ALtassia

>Trusting games to auto-save when you need them to

Not even once. Always save manually if and when you can.

Don't make me activate my trap card...

Yeah me too.

Is ther a specific reason she keeps her eyes closed 90% of the time we see her

You never have to save her, though. It's literally impossible.

the 10 year skip currently holds no weight. we sort of really need to see how shit the world got and for everyone.

>tfw almost no characters with porno ballon tits in games.

>Ignis one is almost full
Then use an image of Ignis instead of some dumb bitch that nobody except XV-kun cares about.

>you brought up the XV-kun boogeyman
That nigga was the only guy who liked her. I don't hate XV, but Luna was lame. She did nothing, and Ignis is far more memorable. The only thing people will remember her is for showing her a picture of Iris/Cidney in the ending. Cucking Luna is always great, and a cuck ending is what she deserves for stealing the final scene away from Gladious, Prompto, and Ignis.

>mfw someone manages to hack the game
>show Luna a picture of Stella

smug but caring himecut > Shiva

not surprising for a faggot

play a western game, they make hideous females and pretty much inflated tits like that

literal autism, it happens when you're a ghost/dead god/messenger hybrid who is built for breeding

>stealing the final scene away from Gladious, Prompto, and Ignis

Do you really wish a harem gay marriage scene instead?

It doesnt get brought up at all in the game or the guide as far as I know so its just a thing she does.
But I wont deny it really adds to her allure when she does open them.

>people actually thought XV's map would be bigger than Witcher 3

you'd think a game about a gay boyband would have trouble with waifus, but

even luna gave me a bit of a semi when she was tearing up her dress fighting leviathan

is there a major female character in this game who isn't marriage material?

I remember the days of playing Morrowind on Xbox and saving like every 30 minutes, I will never trust auto-saving.

That's it!

I had to do Costlemark tower twice because of a glitch after killing the Jabberwocky. Fuck that puzzle and now I read that I need to go there for a third time for the hunt (and eventually 4th for the extra dungeon)

>ywn get your tongue stuck to that ass like in A Christmas Story


>buy a cook book
>ignis claims he's come up with a ''new'' recipe

>>mfw someone manages to hack the game
>>show Luna a picture of Stella
I showed her a picture of Aranea's cleavage.

They're so bad at faces, though!

Well, at least there's still Cidney and Aranea.

The bros are alive and relatively well, m8. They can't be in the last scene by default.

Do the hunt when you go there for the maze

>mfw my picture was a shot of Aranea's tits

What's up Iggy?

You can save the hunt for the extra dungeon, because to get to the extra dungeon you need to partially do the puzzle.
Because for some fucking reason you have to do the puzzle every god damned time. At the very least, the extra dungeon was fun as fuck.

I've come up with a new recpieah!

>mfw they might possibly have him as a permanent party member and maybe give him a proper timeskip design

The drop chance is pretty high as long as you break the horn. At least for the hunts from Old Lestallum, dunno if other monsters drop it.

>tfw you always wanted to be the cool, calm collected nerd like Ignis who is blessed with superiour wit and sharpness but was only just the planky weird loser

h-heh. I bet if I were able to kick daggers and lances into wild beasts, people would have thought I was cool, too...

I got through the cube puzzle no problem by sheer luck, but what I'm really not looking forward to is those rooms with the bombs. There was one tiny room I got stuck in with so many bombs that I literally couldn't see what was happening aside from my party getting blown the fuck out with a self-destruct every five seconds.

Nah, all of them are 10/10. Even the Accordo First Secretary is pretty fine for an old woman.

>He told me story is great, but the way they tell it is absolute worst.

Yeah,that's how it is. The world/lore is pretty damn good and interesting, the plot itself is too.. but the delivery is terrible. Abysmal even.

time to practice, user

>it really adds to her allure when she does open them.

Like when she looks at Noctis while smiling right before turning into Shiva.

>is there a major female character in this game who isn't marriage material?

>mfw he has his mustache back

ahh yes, the yojimbo + 10 bombs speciale

loved it, would fry my PS4PRO again doing that room

2nd time I went there, I ate at galdin quay for elemental nullify to fuck those bombs right down their throats. it worked splendidly

Just because it looks really cool, doesn't mean it isn't autistic.

Thanks. I will wait then.

>I promptly crashed my Regalia
I too know that feel

>5 minute card ride to next quest
>almost there
>time to park
>hit o because you think it's the get out of the car button
>start flying
>never practiced flying this piece of shit
>panic as you try to land
>slightly askew from the main road
>crash in fiery death
>have to reload save
>this happened more than once

Oh yea

This. I like the eyes closed thing since it's also part of designs I've loved in other games/anime/manga

i genuinely don't understand how you're supposed to deal with the bombs

i can't spam magic because of the cooldown
i can't focus an attack on them because there are too many and my party is retarded
i can't spam tech because by the time the bar is built, they've already exploded and wiped out the party
they're immune to lucii ring x-zone thing

the only thing i can think of is to go play the rest of the game, and come back when i'm so overlevelled i can oneshot them

To tell the truth I love how the dubbing for this game feels like it was done during the PS2 Days. All this western "capture actor interactions directly" stuff is cool but XV reminds me of FFX. iirc even XIII went through the trouble of redoing the lip sync in English but XV doesn't even match up sometimes and it gives me nostalgia for some reason

>tfw you pick up Balmung

Shit is deadly.

I am going to marry Iggy!

>Ultros on the bottom left

For all we know the DLC will make more of the map explorable, so we will have to wait and see

>Shiva lets you put your dick inside her frigid pussy
>you have two minutes to do your business
>keeping your inside dick any longer than two minutes will literally freeze your dick into an icicle that shatters into a million pieces
Do you take her challenge?