How do we make Final Fantasy great again ?
How do we make Final Fantasy great again ?
that's a bad score?
do you really have to shitpost man? cmon
Shut up nerd
why does everyone think an 80 on metacritic is bad? are they just looking for reasons to shitpost?
Give this man the director's chair.
I dont think you understand.
Any score below a 9/10 is pure trash while any score above 9/10 is paid reviews.
Pretty simple
Because it is. Burger reviewers use an 8-10 scale. It's the lowest score it could get without being literally unplayable.
86 is right in the great area
not quite outstanding, but still great
>works on the sequel of a 75% game
>expect more than 80 metascore
Please don't use Danganronpa for your terrible posts. Thanks.
Good games routinely get mediocre scores and shit games get great scores.
Game doesn't deserve an 80+. It's utterly mediocre, and often just plain bad
Stop shitting out so many final fantasy games.
Focus on a new IP for a bit.
Don't tell me what to do
Final Fantasy used to get 10s or close to 10s. That's why it's bad.
For a mainstream FF game they spent literal hundreds of millions on, absolutely.
I have no idea how Tabata hasn't been killed by Yakuza yet.
the series ended at 12 eons ago
sonyggers btfo
Give hiroyuki ito the directors chair
Stop catering to the faggots who don't like turn base is a good start.
86? That's not a bad score at all.
It's fun
Most accurate review I've read so far:
>"I've played further, but my opinion on the game hasn't changed much. The game just isn't very good and I'm not sure how it took 10 years to make this final product.
>There's pretty much no story for the first 9 chapters of the game. The open world adds nothing, there are no interesting side quests outside of the royal arm dungeons. Even those don't pose any challenge or threat. Too much of the story happens off screen (including Kingsgalive/Brotherhood) that it was even hard to care what happened when you finally get to Altissia. Honestly the game doesn't even start to feel like a Final Fantasy game until the "open world" is dropped for linearity. At that point you actually get to go to different locations, hear dialogue with actual characters involved with the plot and feel some sense of urgency and desire to see what happens next. If the game started at chapter 8-9 and didn't have the open world I feel like absolutely nothing would be lost." (cont)
>"The set piece battles are great and the first time I actually was interested in playing the game was in Altissia and beyond. Even then thought it was just pure QTE button mashing...That being said the combat is waaaay too easy even on normal. Free libra makes weaknesses an afterthought to exploit and multicast magic destroys literally everything in its path. Summons are too few and far between to matter, and teamwork attacks are incredibly strong while being incredibly boring. They feel like limit breaks of old without any of the flash or sense of tide turning power behind them. Dodge and parry makes you invincible for the most part outside of being swarmed by a large group of small monsters. There are so few items to buy and equip and most accessories are pointless filler. I don't think I've seen any status effects that weren't poison or confusion. No leveling nodes are interesting so there's no sense of getting more powerful aside from royal arms which in their own right aren't that good.
>Not sure how anyone could even think this is GOTY material at all. I feel like it tries to be Xenoblade, but forgot about all the things that made it great. The story, the variety of skills, customization, and play styles, the numerous party members, varied environments, actual story events that push you through the world. This game feels like it's just trying to check boxes on a generic open world game. There's a boring open world for the sake of being called open world, there are mundane quests littered throughout, and so little story that when something story related actually happens its genuinely surprising. I'm genuinely sad people are coming into the series at 15 and this is how the game will look moving forward. It looks like we will never actually see a good Final Fantasy again like 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 ever again if this is the direction they move in."
>we need to make an FF game
> but we also need open world for Western normiebux
I don't think anyone thought open world was meant to contribute anything for this game. You'd have to be functionally retarded.
>good Final Fantasy
Yeah that person needs to kill himself.
>starting shit about FF games from like 20 years ago
far too late
By letting it die and remembering why you loved the series.