I still don't know why everyone seems to hate FF8 so much. Explain it to me, Sup Forums

I still don't know why everyone seems to hate FF8 so much. Explain it to me, Sup Forums

>best world
>best characters
>best level up system
>best music
>best cinematics


Is hating on FF8 a meme or what.

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Can't grind to win.

The fact that the story becomes pants on head retarded after the first disc.

I don't know why it's not on iOS. It's literally the only one 1-9 not on there

But every other PS FF goes pants on head retarded as well! Why is 8 singled out?

8 still has better music and characters than 7 or 9...

>best cinematics

>explain it to me
>lists subjective opinions
No u

Nice meme. For any game you make a thread for there will be more haters than lovers on Sup Forums because that seems to be the source of your statistic

>best world
>best characters
that get almost no meaningful development after a certain point. just think for a second about how easy it would be to rewrite the story with squall and rinoa as the only permanent PCs. the worldbuilding is pretty interesting at first, but it's largely abandoned in favor of the sorceress clusterfuck
>best level up system
it's a poorly thought out system that punishes you for leveling up and allows you to have endgame gear and magic by the end of the first disc if you teach your gfs the right stuff
>best music
the music is great, but I find that some of the more upbeat songs clash with the setting. not Uematsu's best

And you know why, don't you?
Everything after Disc 1 happens in Squall's final moments, he dreams the entire game, like Donnie Darko dreams his entire movie
Alas, Squall died at the end of Disc 1

ff8 is better than 10, 9 or 7.

the only problem is that romance shit.

the game doesn't take an hour to start leveling your shit either.


here we go

The orphanage shit and also latter half of the game only focus on Squall and Rinoa leaving out the rest of the party members becoming unimportant

It is a meme to hate it, especially spoonyfags, who are autistic. The game doesn't do its narrative well, and almost pulled off an interesting battle and ability system. It's my favorite FF but I know it's kind of bad.

The only one I would agree with is best cinematics. Which are admittedly great and still the best in the series. The music is great, but not the best. The world and characters show promise initially, but quickly get that potential wasted or thrown away.

I have no idea how you can say best level up system with a straight face. It outright punishes you for levelling. How is this ever a good system?

It's also very easy to break the game with it and completely destroys any character individuality. The rest I can at least see an argument for, but the level up system in 8 is one of the worst in the series.

Sure, the music, cinematics, minigame, and graphics (at the time) were all fantastic.

>Bad story
>Bad magic system
>Bad characters
>Broken level up/magic/equipment system
>Overly long summon system

Kind of ruin it.

The only thing that 8 did right was the one thing you didn't even mention.

Set pieces.

8 always managed to have you roaming around some unique looking location often doing some specific thing. The dollet invasion... the train mission... the assassination attempt... the assault on the lunatic pandora... breaking into esthar... going to fucking space. The game was full of little 'nuggets' that stuck out in your memory because every single one was distinct and notable. Every game after it gradually slacked off on these little by little until we end up with mediocre messes that pretty much just feel like the exact same thing from start to finish like 13 and 15.

As for everything else.

It's the least fleshed out of ANY main title's world
Cringe worthy teen drama stereotypes. Squall is about the only one with any real growth or character instead of ZANY XD QUIRKS
subjective. But it is good
By what standard? Purely on a visual front you may as well say that any of the latest ones beat it on a technical level.

>>best level up system
It's entirely pointless, the enemies level up with you, so there is no point in leveling at all really.

wtf is wrong with romance shit? i like it

>It's the least fleshed out of ANY main title's world

Even XIIIs?

>It's the least fleshed out of ANY main title's world

majority of Sup Forums is youtubekiddies who worship Spoony(?)

I have always found 10 to have the best level up system

I like the waifus

this is true, play the game

story turns utter dogshit at the end of disc 2 and the start of disc 3

There's a reason that XII, XIII, XV, Tales of Xillia, Path of Exile and like a dozen other games use it.

I bet you believe in the indoctrination theory as well

hell no, FF should have just stayed with the materia system in VII if they didn't want to be experimental which is kinda there thing and I don't want to see change tbqh

I wish they had developed the Materia system farther. It was neat.

Give me more passive materia and weapons with three connected slots.

It's way to easy to break the game, without even trying. Limit breaks shouldn't be able to be spammed just by hitting L1 a few times.

I could write a giant wall of text breaking down every moment I hated but really it could be summed up as Rinoa and her "relationship" with Squall breaks that game and makes me not want to spend time with it. Also it moves really slow.

somehow RinoaXSquall was still tolerable whereas YunaXTeedus was unbearable

I was disappointed when I found out that VIII had a happy-go-lucky ending tho, didn't fit the theme at all

I'd have to disagree here. TeedusxYuna might have been anime: the relationship but at the least, narratively, they needed each other. Yuna would never have learned to break away from Yevon and truly kill Sin without Teedus's influence. And Teedus would never have grown up and learned the value of self sacrifice without Yuna's influence.

>Xbabbys are weebshits
it all makes sense now, senpai

>Most of the characters are either unimportant or fucking stupid (See: Rinoa)
>The Junction system is a easily-exploited mess, and level scaling is only good for keeping a low level. Also, drawing sucks huge balls.
>Best? Nah. It's good, though.
>What cinematics?

Considering it's final fantasy yes you are right. It doesn't mean it's not true and what the game was going for the entire time.

Post proof


I liked FFVIII until Rinoa became the focus.

Took a major nose dive then.

When it was just highschool mercenary adventures I was enjoying myself.

you can like FF without being a weebshit, but X was going way too far with it

Actually yes, why not? It's miles better than anything BW has written and MEA plays so far in the future that canon or not doesn't even matter

You like it, and that's what's important.
I don't understand why people would care, or that hating on something is a "meme".

How does a messageboard of anonymous fuckwits impact your opinion of the game? If you let them impact your opinion, you're giving them too much credit, they're human garbage.

This sadly. get rekt, check online realize they were dumb, but they ego wont allow that, blame on the game being stupid

Consider suicide, you fat virgin unemployed fuck. How many people would mourne if you died? 2? And for how long? People would forget about you within 1 week. You waste of resources. I feel sorry for your parents. Think about your life decisions for 5 minutes before you post again.

I hate Sup Forums, I hate memes and I hate you.

I think that comes from the fact that its the first voiced FF. And I guess it's around the same time characters started to get overdesigned. But FFX has a similar style of writing as all the other FFs, it's just that this time not only do the VAs have to attempt to match english dialogue to japanese mouth movements but also you now have voices to listen to rather than you using much less awkward voices in your head. So it just makes the writing stand out more.

Still I'm more talking about the influences of Teedus and Yuna as characters from a narrative standpoint, not how weeb it is.

isn't this literally the game "grind in the beginning to win"?

wow so inspirational i was gonna suicide but you message stop me you very special friend of me now

>But FFX has a similar style of writing as all the other FFs
I really don't see how. I doesn't even feel like an FF game aside from summons. Even XIII nailed the FF atmosphere which is really the thing that makes FF

>saved next to school airship thing and got stuck inside it
Deleted my save file and never looked back desu

It's different kind of grind.
Not the "go autistic and grind to level 100 on starting squirrels".

what? how?

Grinding isn't just levels. You can also grind items, cards, and magic.

>best airship


Well, if you think about it, they saved the future but they haven't stopped it. The world is still going to go to shit.

Certainly looks a shit ton better than 9's

Common glitch. Save next to balamb garden and you get stuck in between the school and its rings. No way to get unstuck

When it comes to FFVIII sometimes I wonder how much of the story being told pretty badly had to do with the translation/localization. I mean that shit wasn't exactly that good back in FF's PS1 days.

How doesn't it feel like an FF game? A call to adventure? A small group fighting against an enemy larger than them? That larger enemy being a symptom of some even larger problem? The only differences is that lack of the overworld (which to be fair is a pretty fucking large difference) and crystals not being the centerpoint of the world around them. Which other FFs have done that too.


Dont forget triple triad
>best mini-game

You can draw GF's and that's it.

>worship Spoony
>Anyone who criticizes or hates FFVIII are all lumped in together and the MUST have watched all of Spoony's FFVIII review and agreed with it wholeheartedly
>There are people who still think anyone gives a damn about Spoony.

All characters can get all skills and maximize all stats, to the point where the only difference between them are the overdrives, with some of them being clearly superior to others, thus you end up using only three characters in a game where the fighting system is based around switching them in and out of battle.

It could have been good if it was literally impossible to maximize everything for everyone so you could personalize the characters strengths but never make them all the same.

Limit Breaks were not spammed by hitting L1. You had to to constantly be in a state where your HP was in yellow or in a constant "aura" state.

Now it was easy has hell to spam the limit breaks because it was so easy to put your characters in any of the states I mentioned, but you are just being dishonest.

weeb hate romance, this a fact. weeb only like ship type romance/pairing

If you want to beat every optional superboss, the only choice is training Tidus, Rikku and Wakka to fight the underwater battle

Wow. I've never heard of this glitch and it has never happened to me. That sucks.

Not that guy, but I think he meant you can refresh the cursor by pressing circle I think so even when you're not in a low HP (yellow text) state, there's still a chance you can get a limit break

I'm not sure how that affects what I said at all. But yeah. I agree with that.

If that's the case then that is a pretty bad glitch. Had no idea that happened but I will admit I never tried hitting circle when my HP wasn't in yellow

>It's the least fleshed out of ANY main title's world

Now that I think about it, save for IX didn't every FF get a spin off at some point? Like even I-VI got some shit, don't even need to mention VII, X got a sequel and a bomb novella, XI is an MMO, XII is in Ivalice which had like five other games set in it, XIII had two sequels, XIV is another MMO, and I don't know shit about XV other than it exist.

Honestly would like a spin off or something, doesn't even have to be about or even metion Squall and co. I'd just like to know more shit about the world, like why/how the fuck there are monsters on the moon. At least with IV you learn the moon is artificial and shit's sustained by the crystals' power.

>there is no point in leveling at all really.

The higher an enemy's level the better magic you can draw from them, which you can then use to junction to your characters for better stats. Not to mention they have better items that can drop or you can steal from them as well, which you could refine into magic or better items. I have no idea either way if the level of an enemy you use CARD on as an effect on the card's stats though.

Just defining which particular 3 characters would be the focus

Rinoa such qt, cant wait for his 3d model in kindom heart.

>Got into an argument with my friend about this last night
>I called it the "Spoony Effect"
>Because of Spoony's videos people now shit all over FF8 and FF10
>FF8's story was blatantly stupid but the gameplay was still there, junctioning could have been better, and Spoony outright admits he's ignoring the easier ways to get magic because he wants to be a faggot bitch about drawing
>People are also ignoring how fun the battle system is in FF10 because "hurr durr I'm HUUUUUUUUNGREEEE HA HA HA HA HA"

e-celebs were a fucking mistake

FF6 is my favorite, FF9 close second

It's not a glitch, your chance of getting a limit break isn't directly tied to being in yellow HP. It's just unlikely.

It's not a glitch. There's just a small, as in 1% or less, chance of a limit popping up when your HP is in the white.


This explains the mechanics behind a Limit Break being available for a character

>>best level up system

how is it the best when everything fucking scales AND doesn't warn the player about it?

Also the game goes full retard on disc 3

the characters were shit

the card minigame was unfair.

Fucking Christ I hate arguing with his fanboys. The worst was when I found myself arguing with someone on Sup Forums who claimed that Rikku was entirely useless to X's plot and she could be removed with no net effect. I asked him to prove his point and rather than building an argument he just linked me to one of Spoony's videos. And then when I not only called him on being a parroting retard but that there were things on the video that were straight up wrong it was just nothing but a sea of reaction images and reciting the same bullshit over and over.

what the fuck is wrong with you

The fuck is a spoony? Other than an ecleb, that I was able to gather. Honestly asking here, not memeing or whatever.

FFVIII had a lot of unique and interesting ideas that would've been a lot better if they were balanced properly. I liked the junctioning system conceptually and the game shouldn't be condemned for trying to do something different.

The story was absolute trash. The simultaneous amnesia twist where they all just happened to live together as kids still triggers me to this day.

But it's not as bad as people on here like to make it out to be. It does some cool things and it does some mediocre shit.

Someone who should have died ages ago, not even being edgy here, he's just in that bad shape.

Almost 10 years ago, some dude made a series of videos on how much he hates FF8 and because it was 2007 and it was on the internet, everyone took it as gospel.

I'm honestly surprised people still bring it up because it's not like current Sup Forums has watch those videos or even know they exist.

The twist is even worse considering Irvine knew who they all really were the whole time.

Spoony is basically like pewdipie or the millions of other e celeb youtube guys who have OVERBLOW REACTIONS to simple shit in games as a means of entertaining their audience.

I will now take solace in the fact that Spoony is too fucking lazy to make videos anymore unless there has been a recent update. I stopped watching his channel after he took up posting on twitter all day.

He's a guy who is really into table top games who got extremely popular after making a series of videos ripping on Final Fantasy 8. He would also review other video games as well as movies but he became immensely popular with that FF8 review. He followed up on that with FF10 and 13 and became even more popular for awhile. He can be pretty damn funny and is very creative but a lot of his issues stem from laziness and probably a bit of depression and self-loathing.

I'm Sorry...

hope they use normal design for her. just don't do what happen to yuna in x2


fuck this moron, because I think FF8 is bad I get called a mindless drone.

A guy I used to watch back in the early/mid 2000's

Really big on MST3000 style riffing videos

His Phantasmagoria 2 LP is one of the funniest fucking LPs I've ever seen in my life, go look it up

Nowadays he's a washed up faggot who makes videos about wrasslin'

That's the thing that makes it bad. I could've swallowed the whole "GFs make us forget" thing if it weren't for the fact that Irvine never used GFs and so should've been able to blow the whistle on Edea being their orphan mother way back during the assassination. All it took was him saying

>I can't shoot our mother

And most of the shit that happened could've been prevented

And if I recall, don't they all join Garden at a young age? I can understand them all 'forgetting' Selphie because she went to Trabia but the others I find difficult as they would have interacted, especially Squall and Seifer

>Irvine is introduced to the group and everyone is briefed on the mission
>On the way to the actual mission Irvine stops everyone and says "hey, I actually remember you guys from years ago, and we all were in an orphanage and Edea was our caretaker. We probably shouldn't kill her."

Like he would have been taken seriously, especially with characters like Squall and Quistis. You wouldn't believe someone you had just met making a claim like that.

It's ok for ff, ff are shit series anyway.

>standing in the middle of a blown up basketball court within a school that had just been hit by missiles
>"Oh btw the guys, we all grew up in an orphanage together"

There was no good way of trying to get that cringe plot point across

There are a lot of incidents of characters putting on their retard hats in 8. The assassination mission is probably the worst example. The plan is super simple: the parade marches the sorceress through a gate, Quistis locks them behind the gate, Irvine shoots her, and Rinoa stays in her room. There was almost no way they could fuck that up. So what actually happens?

>Rinoa leaves her room to confront the Sorceress. By talking to her. Ends up captured by snake people who take forever to eat her.
>Quistis not only abandons her post but takes Zell and Selphie with her, just because she felt bad at (rightly) yelling at Rinoa and going ALL THE WAY BACK to her mansion to apologize. Had Quistis not made it back the sorceress could've escaped at any time.
>Irvine not shooting Edea in time. Granted she had magic to stop the bullets but shit by the time he actually fired the shot their cover was so blown they may as well had neon signs pointing out their positions.

>when fans come up with better story than authors did
