XV thread
XV thread
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Aranea is perfect.
Better than XII and XIII
Not as good as IV-X
I want Prompto to send me lewd selfies.
>Balamb Garden is a music track for riding
The road trip just got comfier
It's shit.
The sweet blood, oh, it sings to me. It's enough to make a man sick
Why did we have xv general here instead of on /vg/?
What's his personality?
So I've seen videos of Gladio using a different skill other than the spinning thing
how do I make him do other things
I feel like I'm retarded
this is a literal goddess
Ascension > techniques > right side of tree for Gladio skills
to equip new ones go to Gear > Gladio > Techniques
You unlock them in the Ascension menu
Then you equip them in the gear menu
You are.
Ascension. Techniques. You can spend AP to use on teaching them new techniques, you equip them on the gear screen.
You guys..... are the best
Teach him different techniques in Ascension and then set them up in the Gear menu.
>Dude, are you seriously trying to kill me right now?
This is a good question actually.
We've had these thread after thread. After this one it might be time to jump ship over to /vg/.
Should we just jump to /ffg/ or make a new general. /ffg/ is mostly into their little mobage game than Final Fantasy games.
Did anyone else google whether or not Ignis would get his vision back when he lost it because it was all too much?
Why, Square? Why?
Actually can't wait for this bit of the game then. I'm really loving Ardyn based on what I've seen so far, and I really love how his voice actor always seems really excited to talk about him. When the bros are fighting does Ardyn just observe?
>spent 200,000 gil on phoenix downs and hi ethers for the 72 hour turtle fight
>killed it in 30 minutes
>only used a few potions
Somethin' dawned on me when I was on my own: any food you make tastes better when you use good ingredients, right? Then, if you take something already delicious like Cup Noodles and add in the finest, freshest ingredients, what do you get? The ultimate flavor experience!
So I ask you, Noct: what's your favorite ingredient?
More like this please. I hate the way it teases you when she literally strips down and then flies off-screen. Shiva looks nothing like her. It makes my dick diamond dust
no thanks
No, I googled
>How did Ignis lose his fucking vision when I wasn't looking
Unfortunately, just like with Gladio's scars, I don't get an answer.
No, the sequence where he "joins" is on rails buts still a pretty great moment for Ardyn. Daren du Paul really did the character justice.
Why is there nothing but gay porn when there are girls like Iris, Aranea, Luna, Gentiana, and Cindy?
dlc for her when?
>Clueless gamer
>Understanding JRPG's
Buy the season pass and all will be revealed ;^)
*Cue hero background music*
Noctis' blood sacrifice/execution obliterated everything related to the Caelums and the mess created 2000 years ago, including the ring and the Crystal. The magic is gone forever now.
Imma get that shit on the Switch no lie
I love Xenoblade X though. Got 300+ hours on it actually and hosted the /xcxg/ for a while when ti first came out.
It's certainly a fuller game, but it's also way less accessible and has some fucking problems.
That entire fucking quest
>that blatant advertising they aren't even trying to hide
>That ending sequence that sounds like something straight out of a commercial
I wonder if you guys ever listen when characters speak.
Bedroom scene
>You're hurt
>A small price to pay in the greater battle
On the train
>The last thing I saw was Ardyn
Want me to taste test for ya?
reminder for "but 10 years" concerns:
almost everything we have of versus 13 is cg trailers. the one extremely limited proof of concept gameplay demo is the only other thing. thanks to both the technology not being able to realize the game's ambitions, and thanks to the team being poached to help with 13 and 14, the project never developed past that. the idea of restarting the project on new-gen consoles was floated in 2011, and after some initial exploration, the project was only finally started (as ff15) in 2012.
the initial ff15 reveal trailer was a cg target render, used to mock up what they want the game to look like. as far as actual game, they had nothing.
squeenix management wasn't convinced that big-budget console jrpgs were even viable anymore. tabata got promoted in 2013 - ff15 still being in relative infancy - with a very clear mandate: we are going to ship whatever you have in three years. whether you succeed could define whether games like this will even be made anymore. no pressure.
more speculatively:
the story was modified, mangled, and cut up to put the emotional core of the game - the road trip with bros - front and center. that means most plot-relevant events happen offscreen. that means most of the characters in previous trailers appear very little, if at all. that means the second half of the game - when shit goes down and the story can't justify a comfy road trip anymore - is a linear race to the finish.
the team shipped out the best they could with the time and resouces they had, stuck with a story concept (huge melodramatic jrpg themes) that didn't work with alongside gameplay concept (comfy road trip). you can say any of this is bad or good but that's how it is.
just getting back at XV-Kun
I want to ____ Lin
Ah I see. Was kinda hoping he'd be around for some free roaming with the bros. I'd like to think that Ardyn would have a lot to say about their antics.
Your sister.
i dont blame you
>great open world jrpg
>sense of danger and environment is crafted to perfection
>runs well doesn't look too bad to boot
>stuck on the fucking wiiU
I make comparisons to these two all the time and I'm a sucker for these types of games my only wish is that the stories were better.
I want to murder Tatsu.
>Those physics.
>finest, freshiest
I was absolutely floored when I realized it was actually Prompto in that whole sequence. And "Prompto" that helps you later is Ardyn.
>I recall when the Hydraen raged, in the midst of the Empires retreat, one conspicuous craft remained behind: the chancellor's. The last thing I remember seeing was his ship heading for the altar. I fell unconscious and was powerless to stop him.
I'm surprised so many people are up in arms about not knowing how iggy lost his sight when not knowing how Prompto got the manually controlled harpoon is much more of an oversight.
Neat. I didn't know you could crash in No Man's Sky.
>Japanese company is out of touch and bad with its employees
>in other news, water is wet and Chicago is dangerous
Only real thing wrong with it is the audio (not just bad music at parts but the audio engineering it the game is just fucking garbage), the combat system being a little weird at times, and enemy aggro having problems.
Hey man, anythings possible with future DLC, can always dream.
His VA sounded like he wanted to die saying this.
>This niggas VA voices Reinhardt in Overmeme
Dude has range.
>No Man's Sky
You can't, game won't let you.
Game crashes itself for you instead.
>better than 12 and 13
thanks you guys
I'll go be retarded somewhere else
>The ultimate flavor experience!
His delivery on this line gets me every time.
Hopefully they did pay attention to all of that but we still do not know specifics. That's what we want.
You can talk about anything on /ffg/. Just because mobage is popular doesn't mean other discussions are drowned out.
muh nigguhs
So what are we to expect from the episode DLC?
>water is wet
I fucking hate this shit because it's not. It can't be by definition. Yet people think they're so smart responding to shit with this saying.
yeah I didn't realise it until later, thought Ardyn was just fucking with me. As for the latter, that might as well have been Prompto, there's not really anything to suggest that he's Ardyn.
gameplay tweaks for each character and a plot that doesnt answer the questions we have
>140 hours in
>just about to finish chapter 1
Man you guys should stop using fast travel and rushing through the game, bunch of shitposters! Who /comfy/ here?
define wet, user.
>(not just bad music at parts but the audio engineering it the game is just fucking garbage)
>dramatic cutscene starts playing
>this starts playing
>lyrics come in
>cant hear the cutscene
>reload so i can change volume settings
>the combat system being a little weird at times, and enemy aggro having problems
I feel like most of the issues can be managed well with a good grasp but the battle system well, on foot was deep so most people didn't get a grasp until the last couple of hours of the main story. The aggro problems were a pain though and it was better to just say fuck it and leave it to the NPC and use memewalker if anything.
how ignis got blind
prompto history with his father probably after he got captured by ardyn
how gladious got his scar
forgot link
>They shat out a game that had really only had three years of development time and the rest of the game will be added bit by bit over early 2017.
They could have just released the entire game next year if we are going to get additional story and game content released in pieces over that same span of time but if November 2016 was SE's was their deadline then I can understand that point.
>You guys... are the best.
Post your best friends name
Joey you are fucking amazing
Similar problems with XV as well.
>car music too quiet
>(the sparse) overworld field music kinda sorta quiet
>Somnus is dissapointingly quiet
>can't adjust volume because battle themes will be louder
Ah, so basically no different from the FFXIII-2 DLC, awesome.
Who actually cares? The company shipped a mediocre to bad game. What caused it to be like this is irrelevant.
>we will be remodeling your exhaust pipes
>Chapter 1
I just got cid hammer after getting the ultima blade.
Does it do anything?
It seems to be an important item.
why does Luna sound like a middle aged woman in the movie
isn't she supposed to be 20?
>episode Gladios
>Ultros kidnaps Iris
Does anyone know if there's an FF15 OST for the car with the battle musics? There's some battle themes that I absolutely love but I can't seem to find them.
>Blank slate character
No. Just because he's not like Cloud/Squall or Zidane/Tidus doesn't mean he lacks a personality.
I couldn't get into the combat.
>They could have just released the entire game
I would think Tabby would've loved to have done just that if he could've but SE just wouldn't allow it. A shame really since interest will likely have burned out by the time they finished adding all the new features and story content.
It's not as bad as X. Believe us. It's Nowhere NEAR as bad as X. X doesn't even HAVE audio options.
She is voiced by Lena Headey in movie
how/when do you get this? I must have missed something, help a plebian out plz
unfortunately not. we're not even getting the soundtrack until the 21st
since they're going so far as to patch in major story scenes, maybe they'll patch that in too
beat the game
Anything I should make sure I do before Altissia?
Luna is 24 years old.
Well, the illusion persists until the train roof scene, so Ardyn is obviously around you somewhere.
Voiced by this chick in the game. Luna is supposed to be 24.
Western women are bad at not having their female characters sound middle aged, however I find Western men have the same issue and cause male characters to sound too old as well.
>don't mind me I'm just going to one shot you even when you're over 30+ levels higher than me
Also anyone else wish there was an in game bestiary?
How do I enter that Tower dungeon? I'm at chapter 3 and found it but can't find the entrance.
you're never locked out of anything. you'll be able to go back to lucis generally whenever you want
that said, altissa is the point where the game gets super linear; so if you haven't enjoyed the road tripping to its fullest, don't leave until you're ready for all the comfy capming to be over