I got banned from overwatch for hacking but I still wanna play the game. What do Sup Forums?

I got banned from overwatch for hacking but I still wanna play the game. What do Sup Forums?

Not hack.

hack a cleaver into your skull

That is edgy.

Play Battleborn, that should be more up your alley.

Won't work. Blizzard will ban him again even if he buys a new copy of the game and doesn't hack on that one. Their ban is likely a hardware and IP address ban so nothing short of moving to a different house and using a new computer will let him play again.

Face the consequences of your own actions

better play paladins the security its a joke

Why the fuck did you hack then

Accept that you're a loser who's shit at videogames. LOL

Should have been a "professional Overwatch player"

That way you can hack all you want without risk of getting banned