What does clunky controls mean?
I mostly hear this complain about old games,but i never have trouble when i play them.
What does clunky controls mean?
Clunky means "it's not the exact control scheme I'm used to"
Omikron: The Nomad Souls is THE definition of clunky.
I don't even know how the hell I managed back then!
But that image is right.
I still don't understand how controllers became normal for fps games in the first place.
It could mean one of two things. Shitty control feedback, like using tank controls in an RPG instead of free movement or animation-locked lagtime in movement that leads to unresponsiveness. It could also just be people being bitchy.
How appropriate that I just clicked away from a monmusu thread to find this one.
>horse pussy.jpeg
At a certain point in video game history most game controls became largely homogenized. Forward, backward, strafe left, strafe right, and freelook.
After a while people simply got too used to this formula, and anything that came before or has since deviated from this control scheme feels clunky, awkward, or needlessly complicated.
Sometimes it can be a legitimate complaint,other times it is used by people who are simply too lazy to learn a different control scheme.
that explains a lot then
Goldeneye made them popular.
Clunky is just an easy word to use to describe a shitty control scheme that doesn't suit the gameplay that well.
Games like Prototype and the new GTA games can best be described as clunky because of their tank-like walking controls.
cute girl
To clarify, tank controls, where pressing forward moves you in the direction your character is facing, and moving side to side simply turns your character slowly, are almost universally seen as feeling very clunky. This is commonly used to the advantage of horror games, by making the oppressive-feeling movement add tension in high-stress situations.
ha ha
Nice thread, OP
But Im more interested in that pic you posted, and more specifically, why Centorea is 2nd worst girl after murder maid
Imprecise, restrictive, or unresponsive controls. Example:
>3d platformer
>can't control character mid-air during jumps
Tank controls are fine. The only real problem with them is the large turning radius that's common in survival horror, but that's not an issue with the controls themselves.
Because consoles are more popular than PCs these days. They had to find a way to ape FPS to work on them.
I was thinking about Croc when you mention tank controls in anything else that isnt a spooky game.
But idk i always called it as "wrong control scheme"
>I still don't understand how controllers became normal for fps games in the first place.
Because games got objectively worse to be playable on a controller.
See: CoD2.
Oh, I'm not saying they don't work, just that they, by nature, feel clunky as fuck.
Try playing a game where you actually use a tank without tank controls. It's awful.
>one moves your legs one moves your head, you retarded?
it means
>i dont like this game
>this game is on a system i dont own
>these days
Consoles have been more popular than PCs for gaming since the NES.
> Tank controls feel clunky in most games!
> You're wrong, user, tank controls are required to control tanks.
No shit, Sherlock, of course you'd want to use that control scheme with its fucking namesake.
>you will never a centaurgirl
>huge tits
>horse butt
>worst girl
Try again.
It's a meaningless fluff word used exclusively by under aged posters who would rather throw a tantrum and blame the game than take 30 seconds to learn a new control scheme.
"clunky controls" is right up there with heads that say "my computer is slow"
that is to say there's dozens of reasons that could cause the problem.
My particular favorite are the dipshit denizens of Sup Forums who blame the developer/system/hardware when in reality they have a sub-par poorfag setup with 250+ ms of input lag.
MFW most of these cats are pushing 200+ FPS with a display rendering less than half of them at 60hz and using a wireless mouse/keyboard and blaming the AAA devs for your shit experience
>comes from a race that literally cuckolds themselves
>not shit tier
They do design the platforming around the fact that it has tank controls, but it was always a bad decision because it restricts your mobility in a genre all about mobility.
But PC actually had big exclusives back then. Now everything is more homogeneous.
>improper greentexting
no, you're retarded
Is Ever Expanding Monster Harem Anime worth watching or do I just get the same experience from back when I read it?
I always thought it meant inefficient and unresponsive
Sure,and so did consoles. Much more so actually.
In any case that isn't what you said in your post. For the majority of gaming history PC gaming have been a niche market whereas consoles were generally always mainstream.
snek is worst girl
polt is best
the original resident evils
Clunky controls can mean two things
A. Certain buttons that must be pressed simultaneously are very awkward for the hands
Ex: imagine an Xbox FPS with shoot as B and aim as A(non-toggle). You'd never play it again
B. The sensitivity of the aiming is totally off and unfixable, whether it be different axis or acceleration is weird.
ex: GTA Sniping, Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising, Bad Company 1, Fallout 3/New Vegas
odd control schemes that aren't intuitive.
It's natural to hold the camera stick up to look up, and down to look down (or inverted if you prefer) but it's clunky if you have to hold the shoulder button to engage the camera stick functionality
Or if X is your jump/interact/attack button all once and is entirely dependent on poorly implemented contextual cues
Or having buttons that are opposite each other like circle and square be your jump and attack buttons, so it's difficult to jump and attack at the same time without triggering whatever cross and triangle do
Or one of the most common ones, say you are running on a course that curves (like in the 3d sonic games) and as you go around, the camera position changes. However, the game does not compensate for this in the control stick, so having you hold forward will now launch you into the side of the wall
Clunky is just the catch all term for controls that just don't feel right. You can get used to them, like with anything, but it's still a poor design choice
my favorite meme is "unresponsive controls"
like you could literally record the frames and prove them wrong, but its just a another bullshit excuse
Controls that have poor response either due to limited input detection or input delay due to stuff like animations that can't be canceled or just lock you down.
and controls that have limited movement option, preventing many flexible movement.
this is a real thing though. It's prevalent to a noticable degree in shadow of the colossus, for example.
Also, with the dawn of motion controls, it adds an entirely new and doubly frustrating legitimacy to the term
I find this endlessly amusing for some reason.
Or controls that have poor button layout, often preventing certain button combination, or requires octopus hands to not kill your fingers.
clunkey as
>retarded button placement
and games that aged like shit with horrible cameras and unresponsive reactions from the game
its fucking real
dont let anyone tell you otherwise
also Resident Evil isnt clunky, it is just tank controls in general
Eh... yeah, I fucked that up. What I meant to say was "FPS got more popular on console than PC"
>Obsessive, naive footless girl
>Forgetful not-loli
>A boyfriend-thieving siren
>bdsm-obsessed widow who can't let go of her own insecurities from her past owner
>no personality. no intelligence. water only. final destination
pone is clearly the best
basically metal gear for the ps1 and a lot of ps1 games.
The best
That just means Centorea is purer for coming out of that filth unscathed.
It means that the controls for that game are behind or lack compared to the set or perceived standards of control methods/quality for the same genre.
If you're used to something that controls well, is functional, doesn't have input delay, or poorly realized control mechanics then when you do have something that has those negatives it will very obvious to you.
The exceptions to this are when the standard for the method is the most popular within its genre and those become the expectations of the fans, like the classic resident evil games by best example. This is why there's a huge divide because 1 was left behind for easier money from the new fans who have no expectation or standard for the series except for it to be an action game to cater to their ADHD.yes im bitter
Trying to have sex with a horse is pretty clunky. She would have to try very hard to control herself.