Why is ffv so underrated?
>simple but fun story (lasts longer than xv)
>GOAT job system
>lots of secret stuff (summons, villages, spells, weapons...)
>great ost
Why is ffv so underrated?
Because by the time it released in the west, nobody cared except a small niche audience, and not many play translation patches.
The rest all moved on to bigger newer games, and things like FF1, FF4, FF6, FF7 will remain their "childhood game"
its in my top 3 FF
loved the job system
amazing OST
and you can probably add FFX to that lot for current Sup Forums
because it was never released outside of Japan until a decade ago so most missed it.
But for "most underrated" it gets talked about way more than most FF's on Sup Forums.
don't get me wrong V is my favorite, and this place is probably one of the few exceptions of its popularity.
>friend is a big FF fan
>ask him if he like V
>he says he didn't and never explains why
V got something going on I dunno. It had a lot of GOAT moments though.
>that mergedworld music
I've been replaying the gba version right now. I really only have two complains about it.
It's too slow. You move at a snails pace, unless you have a thief or waste a slot just for movement. And during cut scenes there are like half second pauses every time a sprite emotes a little.
That and I feel the character customization is a little limited even with the amazing job system. Being able to slot a passive skill to your characters without taking away your ability to have an active one would have fixed that for me.
>battle on the big bridge