Why is ffv so underrated?
>simple but fun story (lasts longer than xv)
>GOAT job system
>lots of secret stuff (summons, villages, spells, weapons...)
>great ost
Why is ffv so underrated?
Because by the time it released in the west, nobody cared except a small niche audience, and not many play translation patches.
The rest all moved on to bigger newer games, and things like FF1, FF4, FF6, FF7 will remain their "childhood game"
its in my top 3 FF
loved the job system
amazing OST
and you can probably add FFX to that lot for current Sup Forums
because it was never released outside of Japan until a decade ago so most missed it.
But for "most underrated" it gets talked about way more than most FF's on Sup Forums.
don't get me wrong V is my favorite, and this place is probably one of the few exceptions of its popularity.
>friend is a big FF fan
>ask him if he like V
>he says he didn't and never explains why
V got something going on I dunno. It had a lot of GOAT moments though.
>that mergedworld music
I've been replaying the gba version right now. I really only have two complains about it.
It's too slow. You move at a snails pace, unless you have a thief or waste a slot just for movement. And during cut scenes there are like half second pauses every time a sprite emotes a little.
That and I feel the character customization is a little limited even with the amazing job system. Being able to slot a passive skill to your characters without taking away your ability to have an active one would have fixed that for me.
>battle on the big bridge
>pirate ship graveyard
That was such a good dungeon.
Something about this really makes you feel like you are in a foreign land.
FF5 is by far my favorite Final Fantasy.
Battle on the Big Bridge is objectively the best thing since sliced bread.
can't unsee Bartz's hair as a beard
Faris plot twist was the best. I thought Prompto would do the same when Ardyn spoke about his "skeletons in the closet"
>tfw used to listen to fucking MIDI of that
the translation for the snes version wasn't even out yet at the time
To me it just sounds like it's the end of the world.
The beginning of this one makes me feel like I've traveled back to olden times.
I thought that was just a man with a beard at first. Jesus
the feels
Remember that first time when you arrived in that world? No airship, no boko, nothing. Just being on on-foot again in a strange land.
>big FF fan
>Never played V
His favorite FF game is prob XIII/XII
didnt know about gilgamesh on xiv, stopped playing it ages ago, is he part of heavensward?
>x attack+that double hit weapon
The game didn't come out when it should have.
>+ dual wield
Rapid Fire, Dual-Wielding Mystic Knight strikes are arguably better.
I think if you could do that the game would be too much easy.
But Midis were and there were midis of FF5 back in 1996. I had some
Hes from the Hildibrand storyline quest in patch 2.2 and then got a hard mode in 2.5
Pretty chill guy
He said he didn't like it, not that he hadn't played it.
ffv made grinding fun
Oh im fuckin blind
alas my statement remains the same
careful with your choice of words friendo
literally the only good quest set in the entire game
anyone here managed to kill this dude?
I'm playing through IV right now and enjoying it and plan to play V and VI eventually
The only other games I've played and finished are X and XV
Would it be better to stop playing IV and just play V or keep playing IV
>see a mechanical spider thing
>First game I played in the series was FFIII on the DS
>someone told me FFV was just like it only better
>FFV is now my favorite
funny how that works
Yes. I've killed all superbosses in this game.
congratulation on being the niche audience
Because neither the cast nor Exdeath were memorable enough for alot of people.
finish IV first, so you will notice how much combat has improved in V. Also, IV is pretty fun, especially by the end.
>Omega mk II in the advance version
I couldn't fucking handle my rage
Gladiator job is fun
>he hasn't fought Neo Shinryu
He's the true hell.
yea hes weak to thunder
Stop lock him with Romeo's Ballad and then spam rapid fire Thundaga strikes on his ass.
Or if you have a Time Mage, a reflect ring, a Poison Rod, and four hours of free time you can watch him slowly bleed to death.
I killed it too, but its so fucking strange how a super boss like this was walking around so casually.
Wasn't released in America
VI and VII came after
Play Bravely Default. They have a passive slot just for that.
how else were they going to do it?
FFV is best FF. FFV Ancient Cave is a great hack if you've never played it.
>Dual wield spellblade rapid fire is so op they made it into Bartz's super in Dissidia
Makes more sense than a super boss hiding in a chest.
you know the GBA version has B-Button run automatically enabled right?
>tfw getting shit pushed in by galura
Its fine the way it is, but the first time i saw him i never imagined he would OHKO my party so easily.
Its far better than nowadays when you already know which level you gotta be to fight some bosses.
>Doing a fiesta run
>Get four white mages
Garula took like thirty minutes to die.
Spellswording is so goddamn fun in this game. This game, and SD3, which more or less were 'released' in West at the same time as emulations & fan translations.
>equip ice rod
>use ice rod
>one shot
garula is shy
>having shit taste and being proud of that fact
oh shit
I've wanted to play that for some time. But i'm not a fan of playing long games on emulators, and since I don't have a tv in my room I'd prefer it if it was on my 3ds.
>Fight Gilgamesh for the first time with a full party
>That part where he starts saying he underestimated you
>Meanwhile he's giving himself protect and haste and shit
>Casting reflect on him right before that
>Being able to slot a passive skill to your characters without taking away your ability to have an active one would have fixed that for me
In the gba version when you master a class, the Freelancer and Mimic class automatically gives you all passive abilities and stats.
FF anthology was released in 1999 though
Yeah probably. It's just I'm currently on my way the the ancient library after breaking the fire crystal and I feel so limited in what I can pick without sacrificing the essentials. The red mage has helped a little.
I do realize that this will change, at least I think I remember it changing, later in the game so I guess it's more of an early game problem.
It still feels way too slow but that's why emulators let you increase the speed of the game.
>pirate ship graveyard music
>first experience playing this game was on a ROM back in like 2001
>get to the part where you go "underwater"
>I guess the graphics fucked up because all I saw was a solid color for the water, couldn't see my character
>didn't know any better
>wander and wander and fucking wander around aimlessly fighting monster after monster
>through the power of childhood autism, managed to make it out extremely over leveled
I haven't played the game in like 13 years and I could hum you that tune
Best version of the game?
Never been a FF fan but job systems seem fun to me.
for nostalgia purposes i would play SNES or PSone.
but that version sucks ass
>mfw the shit translation
It came out at the end of the SNES's lifespan and was never released in the US. Same reason no one gives a shit about IX really. This is back in the day when they were churning out a FF game pretty much every year
Gameboy Advanced with the fan made sound restoration patch
GBA, with music restoration patch, I'd imagine.
>not posting the superior final fantasy 5
I mostly only know the snes version since I played it long before the gba version came out and I hate gba versions in general
but it's probably still better and what everyone recommends in general, with a music restoration patch anyway (although I hear it doesn't fix it all that well)
whatever you do, do _not_ touch any of those snes PS1 ports -- unless you really want loading times up the ass
Doesn't that have about 6000 micro transactions though
>Y Burn
I've enjoyed the mobile version, even though the Amano portraits look out-of-place. The translation is much better than the PS1 version.
All the Bravest does, which is different. Dimensions is just classic Final Fantasy on mobile IIRC.
This zip has all the fixes patched in the roms
the README tells you what patches are used
the emulator is included but im lazy to update it so heres the link to the latest dev build of mGBA
nope full game for only $15
im loveing the shit out of it it feels like a ture sequel to ff5
Because the villain becomes a fucking thorn on one of the main characters to survive. Imagine if Sephiroth became a leech and latched himself onto Aerith's back instead of killing her
wasn't that a very limited run?
I remember wanting it but never managing to get a copy -- I assume I was probably not the only one
Shit! Definitely gonna check this out
Karlboss is best boss.
That'd be kinda hot actually.
yeah near everyone had to use good ol graph paper and mapped it real life to get past that. They since have fixed it, go play it again.
I'll salsa her so hard
i only wish i found it sooner
Was it? I know they released a greatest hits version and didn't think it was particularly rare. I got that and FF Chronicles at some random local game shop
It came out in 1992.
>Same reason no one gives a shit about IX really. This is back in the day when they were churning out a FF game pretty much every year
That was specifically for the series fifteenth anniversary, they released FFIX as a celebration of classic style FF, FFX because it was the next in the "kinda sorta futuristic fantasy" line, FFXI as something completely new, and The Spirits Within for those who like eating shit.
>tfw highly prefer the PSX graphics and music
>tfw highly prefer the GBA translation, extra classes and dungeon
>tfw the Steam version is the shitty Android version
wat do
what about Butz?