>this finally came out
>not a single active thread about it
It's that bad, huh?
>this finally came out
>not a single active thread about it
It's that bad, huh?
what the fuck is there to talk about?
literally the only thing to talk about is that there are no threads about it.
>tfw you bought and PS3 and a PS4 for it
kys shitlord
I don't know, I thought if it was good there'd be threads raving about it like most PS4 releases.
I saw videos on it and it really does look like a fairly terrible game, especially with how much you have to fight with the guardian's shitty AI and the game's poor physics.
>10 years of waiting
>it's shit
isnt it from the creators of shadow of the collosus and ICO ?
so it should be at least pretty good, if they dont have some different people on the team or some shit
It's pretty good. But that's it. It's just good. It's not excessively shit, but it's also not the citizen kane of video games. So don't expect an over abundance of threads about it.
it's shit
>tfw you invent artcore games but then drag your feet so long with the third game due to legit incompetence that it bombs due to being years behind from an innovation standpoint
I just got it today, I played it for 2 hours and I feel like I never went above 25 fps the whole time, even in tiny fucking linear crawl spaces the fps didn't feel right.
The dog is dumbfuck retarded, looks like a ps3 game, the controls are horrendous and the input lag is atrocious, and this is coming from someone who enjoyed ICO way more than Sotc
already requested refund from amazon, shame really, I don't know how anyone greenlighted this shit out of the door.
yeah dude i totally know that feel
Is there any more common a feel?
it's great
expect the usual team ico performance.
I played it from start to finish yesterday in one setting, took about 10 hours. Here is my unbiased opinion. I'm nobody, just a lurker that gets annoyed at times with some posts here.
I won't talk about the visuals as anyone can make their own mind up on that by watching a video. Definitely could have done with more environment variety, but it's a ICO/SotC game, they always have the same visual theme.
From the start, it feels very clunky. Don't expect precise controls and being able to connect with the game in that regard, you have to play by the games rules. There's considerable input delay (played on PS4 Pro at 1080p). When you wanna climb or drop from things, you'll end up mashing the buttons and that'll buffer command, quite frustrating.
The camera is your worst enemy when climbing and just looking around. You cant pan it around fast and it has a tendency to stick low, sadly it's another thing you need to adjust for to be able to play the game.
The puzzles are not really puzzling, you'll spend most of your time trying to get the game to understand what you're telling Trico. Either that or looking everywhere, seeing nowhere to go, only to remember to ride Trico and tell him to just go forward and see what happens.
Climb here, jump there, it's not intuitive at all and takes a few hours to understand how the game interprets the commands you give it. Eventually you'll get it and make progress a lot quicker, by that point the game is nearly over.
If you get any "feels" from watching animated movies with animals, or have a soft spot for animals in general, this game will touch you. Despite all the flaws it has with control, the frustration with the camera and just tedious gameplay at times, the game does hit home with emotion. Does it make up for it? I guess. It's not a game you play for the gameplay, far from it. You'd play this for an "experience", something to enjoy once, talk about and then let it kind of be a memory from time to time.
It's not as good as shadow of the colossus but I enjoyed it more than any other single player game this year
Ico games were pretty overrated
Now that artsy games are not as special people can see that
>all these mad pcucks itt
I'm currently playing through it with my gf and I am trying to completely ignore these threads or haven't made any threads myself because I really want to avoid spoilers because Ico and Shadow of the Collosis really blew me away with their endings and I have a feeling this one will too.
So far I I've played about 1-2 hours and think it's an 8/10 because no combat and story progression and she says it's a 10/10 because she feels its magical.
We were supposed to go to an ugly sweater party tonight, but she says she'd rather stay in and get cozy to pass the game.
This seems to be the general consensus. Damn shame considering how fun SotC was.
Ico games were always bland. Never understood why so many forum dwellers spoke so much praise of SotC.
I'm so glad this shit came out so people can shut the fuck up about it by the end of this month.
Fucking christ thank god it came out so people can SHUT THE FUCK UP about it and constantly bringing the shit up like it was gonna be some savior.
Controls are bad, like really bad i don't get why they didn't go with the SOTC controls. Puzzles are more based around luck with Tricos AI and physics than anything else and the camera is just horrible.Has some nice visuals and momens, but that's about it
>not a single active thread about it
Why would there? What the fuck is even the story behind this game?
did you play on the standard ps4? my games fps feels sub 25 fps at best
sounds like you just watched the trailer and are larping a bullshit review
>this finally came out
Then what's your amazing opinion on it? Pretty much everything he said is correct.
No, my post states I played on a PS4 Pro at 1080p
I have a twitch vod but then I'd be called out for shilling a channel.
It's a great game. Everyone is busy playing it.
Ya just can't win these days..
It's janky as hell. Difficult to control your character, even more difficult to control the giant fucking bird dog. Not to mention his AI will constantly get in your way, ruining shit for you. Puzzles aren't challenging at all so far. Boring experience. Also it has severe performance issues at times. A forest area in the first hour of the game drops to a good 10-15 FPS.
No one cares because the game came out about 3 years too late. People lost interest a few years ago. And most reports say the game is mediocre. Not bad but just meh.
I'm busy playing it. But the piss-poor perfomance really lowers the quality of the game.
Wait why did you just paraphrase yourself
I can't play it until after Christmas, so I'm avoiding spoilers. Bye!
I actually don't have near as much trouble with Trico not listening as people seem to be reporting. Usually the only time I have problems with his AI is if I'm actively trying to steer his every movement. Otherwise, he does what he's supposed to do most of the time with no input from me. There are moments where he doesn't continue up a path, which has made me think maybe I need to get off him to do something. Only for him to jump away the second I get off.
The FPS is actually disgusting and it has actually spoiled my enjoyment of the game
On the bright side, though, the game looks absolutely fucking gorgeous in HDR. It's the first game I've played that has HDR and it has me excited to play RE7 on PC next month, knowing that it's also an HDR game.
it was announced in 2007. I'm not sure if Sup Forums was even alive then.
Sup Forums is physically incapable of seeing a game as anything other than a blunder, or mediocre. There is no such thing as decent or good.
I really liked it. I haven't played a game like this in a long time.
>no combat
Yeah get ready for pushing magic armor for hours and hope you get lucky with the pyhsics
I loved it. It was about what I expected based on what we've been shown, and maybe a little more. Only reason people hate on it now is because of Sup Forums's cancerous forced Tortanic culture, and the fact it can't be emulated yet unlike the first two games.
Fuck off, i don't hate it, but you're one of those fags that ignores hundreds of flaws because for some reason anything else is tortanic.
The controls are bad and a step down from SOTC, the camera is just bad worse than fucking FFXV and the puzzles are just based on bad trico AI and physics barrels
When a game is dragged along for more than half a decade, and then gets dumped out into the market as a mediocre retread, it's hard to see it as anything other than a "blunder".
I enjoyed it, but it really feels lacking in comparison to SotC, and it should've been released during the PS2 era.
It'll go down as a ho-hum cult classic though, that's for certain. It has charm.
because they ran out of money to develop it, obviously. A child could figure that one out
Shit fucking game.
It's just a glorified digitalpet with nicer graphics
the ai is frustrating because trico doesn't do what you want it to do a lot of the time, yeah the novelty of "oh it's like a real pet" is cool for the first 1 hour or so but it gets old fast because when trico doesn't respond you're constantly wondering if you're doing the right path/solution/command etc or if the game is glitched or if trico's ai just doesn't feel like it, and there's also the annoying camera controls and the tips that you can't turn off. this is like ico but when you fail in ico, it's your fault, in this game it's the game's fault, not yours.
this game is not worth the 8 or 9 years it took to come out, I'd would've been happy if we got sotc 2 than this.
Jesus christ taht part where tricos tail has to drop through he whole, had to restart 3 times and wait 10 minutes for it to slowly fall down
>not the citizen kane of video games
into the trash it goes
>tell Trico to do something a few times
>it doesn't
>look for another solution
>exhaust possibilities
>try first thing again
>Trico does it this time
Wait what the fuck? It's out? It's actually out?! Hahahahahaha
Over a fucking decade in the waiting and it comes out and no one even notices. Top fucking kek.
So was it shit like expected?
It seems to only last about 12 hours. Does it have replay value?
"nothing like it out there, masterpiece"
PR would tell you yes because finding all glowing barrels unlocks costumes, but I really can't imagine wanting to go through it more than once.
citizen kane is not a famous movie because its good, its famous because it was innovative. The rest of your post frames it to suggest kane was a good movie.
The anons that did not live to see this day are the lucky ones, they died with hope in their heart...
So it's literally just Ico with a flying dog instead of a girl? Great. What a fucking waste, how did they spend 10 years on the same game that even has the same fucking artstyle as Ico? What the fuck were they doing?
>make the god tier SotC
>for their next game literally remake the prototype for all pretentious indie shit everywhere, Ico, but with an animal this time instead of a girl
One hit wonder devs.
>The rest of your post frames it to suggest kane was a good movie.
But it is. Citizen Kane IS a good movie. I agree, it's not why it is famous, and it's ideed famous due to the innovative techniques it brought on the table, but it's still a good movie.
japs can't even make good games.
>bought it day one
>still loving it
It's a lovely game. I still have my frustrations and don't think it surpasses Shadow of the Colossus but I thoroughly enjoy it and find it one of my top two favorite games this year.
Hahah holy shit JUST
What a fucking anticlimactic ending
>yfw HL3's inevitable release will probably be just like this
So that Duke Nukem Forever and now The Last Guardian that have finally been released and both are meh or shit. At least people cared on Duke's release enough to give it attention though, fuck. This is embarassing. No hype whatsoever. I think that E3 trailer of actual fucking gameplay for the first time a year or so back killed all the hype. It looked so generic and shit, like Ico 2 instead of SotC 2.
That's a reference right there
Why does everything except the birdog look like shit, grafixwise?
Because the game engine has been rebuilt at least twice.
Has any game ever gotten a good sequel, 5 or more years later?
The game was made for PS3 for most of it's life. IIRC it was meant to be a fucking PS3 launch title or release year title anyways. Highly likely they started developing this game on PS2 tier tech.
I can sense the sting of disappointment in your words.
Everything animated is top notch. Environments otherwise look pretty good and its only characters that look strangely cartoon-ish. Honestly not sure why.
>even if you get a PS4 Pro, it only runs at 30 FPS at fucking 1080p!
>meant for PS2
>development switched to PS3
>then to PS4
>then to 4k PS4
Basically you have a PS4k emulating a PS4 emulating a PS3 emulating a PS2 hardware.
It's emulation all the way down.
Yeah and that whoever bought the fucking game probably was like
Seriously, puzzle games are fucking boring and anyother game similar to that should just be dumped into the trash to be honest
>image made in 2013 about game still not been released yet
And to answer your question, maybe DX Human Revolution?
Max Payne 3 kinda?
Yeah it's Ico with a SotC beast instead of a girl and more feels. The beast is the selling point, it is emotional and it's about your journey together. The gameplay doesn't hold up, it's what you trudge through for more development time with the boy and beast.
Just finished it an hour ago. It was great.
C&C 3 was good.
Red Alert 3 wasn't terrible.
Absolute cancer, but Ico was the same on release but since it was new back then people gave it a pass.
At least since this is literally Ico 2 now I can shit on both games for being pretentious indie cancer.
Shadow of the Colossus is their only good game.
That would be confirmation bias on your part. I'm disappointed with discussion of it on Sup Forums more than anything.
I'm loving The Last Guardian. Building the relationship with Trico and growing in responsiveness is very nice. The game, in a good way, feels like a relic from generations past in how little it holds your hand and encourages certain styles of play and development relationship-wise.
My main frustrations are with the lack of much extra content/secrets, lack of polish in certain areas such as the opening and title screen, and frustrations with commanding Trico in water.
>I thought if it was good there'd be threads raving about it
well now you know its not good
you didn't need to start a thread about a shitty game if you already could figure this out logically
That's some painful projecting.
>more feels
yeah frustration, anger, and utter disappointment
>in how little it holds your hand and encourages certain styles of play and development relationship-wise.
The game literally gives you button prompts on how to jump and climb right til the very end.
I know you're broken up about the 10 year disappointment, but this is just ridiculous.
I wish could find that picture of him laying on the train tracks.
And those prompts I don't find necessary and the use of them generally I find to be part of the lack of polish that I mention in I think it's a very good game and what little issues it has are not insurmountable towards enjoying the very good game. It's still one of my favorite games this year and this generation. Don't be ridiculous.
>Trico starts jumping backwards on the platforms you just spent five minutes trying to get him up
>no HUD for >muh immersion
>button prompts every 2 minutes
Way to go idiots.
>no HUD
But what would be in a HUD for this game anyway?
It's really interesting. But the problem is that it's really fucking annoying having to deal with the Doggo bullshit.
If it had two different game modes, it would be better. As it is right now, the doggo has a life of its own which is real cool. But that really hinders your game when you're just trying to complete it.
Those disgustingly smug anime girls are pretty well animated, what animu is it?
That's the point, idiot. The game doesn't need a HUD. But they still fuck that up with nonstop button prompts.
Sora no Woto.
It's pretty good, basically K-On in WW2.
Ah, well fair enough. My apologies.
>read the trophies after I finish it
>didn't know you can jump on the statues' backs
Very rarely did I experience him not behaving as I wanted him to. There was like one instance where he'd refuse to jump to a ledge but after a couple tries it worked.
Were you trying to command him from his back? It was typically easier to just walk around yourself and have him follow you.
For what purpose.
Game isn't shilled 24/7 with 20 active threads like OverWatch conclusion must be shit.
What does your daily life entail people here would find it extremely interesting I bet?
So the queen from ICO is now an evil goo that controls the dogs right?
Any other theories?
>basically K-On
Oh. Not my cup of tea then, sorry.
>mfw I finally discover you can rip the heads off of stone soldiers
>there's some kind of blood splatter or black smoke effect like from Ico