Why do people hate the AC3 again?

Why do people hate the AC3 again?

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because it is boring as hell ?

I liked the ones before it for historic scenery porn, wooden churches and forests didn't really have that effect. Also, Connor was absolute shit as character.

I only rented it, but I remember the prologue took forever. It was also annoying since the cool dude you play as at the start was a lot better than aloof Native you end up as.
Aside from that, the gameplay also wasn't very good. That's AssCreed for you though.

Dull story, dull characters, no real change in gameplay from last game.
Oh, and some of the menus were so fucking retarded that they must have had an intern make them and then forget to check the work. Crafting shit was a chore - something simple like marking/removing the stuff you'd already crafted wasn't there. You were sent to the very start of the menu system all the time. It was frustrating as hell.

>dull characters


I just hated the architecture. The areas were so shit compared to the Ezio games.

>no real change in gameplay from last game
ACIII implemented ship riding that was so praised in ACIV

Kenway would have been a better protag

anyone who still thought it was enjoyable after II or brotherhood, has questionable taste.

>Don't think I have any intention of caressing your cheek and saying I was wrong. I will not weep and wonder what might have been. I'm sure you understand. Still, I'm proud of you in a way. You have shown great conviction. Strength. Courage. All noble qualities. I should have killed you long ago.

Find me a better quote Eziofags.


True, I forgot about that. I was thinking about the basic gameplay.
Sailing was good. Mostly because it was something new, that it wasn't just another new weapon or gadget that you really didn't need.

AC III also reworked a combat which is basically same in IV.

Looking back IV took a lot from III and just improved on it.

>you should find an outlet
>I have plenty of outlets
>I meant besides vaginas

Storywise it's really fucking slow, the story is dumb and character/setting concepts are cool but poorly used.

Gameplay wise it's just Assassins Creed 2 but in a forest now. I did like the hookshot, though.

Why are threads like that not a instaban?

was real sad after playing black flag


They set it too close to the present. The older games worked because the events were not as well known, so they had a lot more opportunity to mess with the events. But with a timeperiod as well known as that one, anything changed is going to look incredibly out of place, and anything left the same felt dull, and the self insert character felt out of place and terrible with either outcome

He was better in Rogue

>self insert character
How many 6'6" 270lb Native Americans do you think work at Ubisoft

For as boring as this game was, I really liked the animation work in this game, like the way Connor moves, jumps and actually blends in with spots (sitting on a fence, browsing a stall), the latter being removed from later games which sucked.

It really is only well known to americans, though. I played through these games in high school and knew much more about italian renaissance than american revolution.

I really fucking hate climbing trees

I never got around to playing it at the time, but I love the colonial era, so I'll try it

I cannot explain it, but it was boring as fuck.
Though it had interesting characters and a nice story.

It might have been that the gameplay was stale, not much improvement there. Which is why AC4 felt so good with all the pirating stuff.

The Frontier was comfy, but thats about it.
Rogue is superior to AC3 in every way. It has the same controls as ACIV so its actually somewhat enjoyable, and it does Colonial America way better than AC3 does. New York from Rogue is actually somewhat interesting, and the "wilderness" portion is amazing, it was nice that you didn't have to always use your ship, and could often walk from location to location, or take a raft and cross the river that way, instead of having to always return to your boat every fucking time.

Rogue is the best Assassin's Creed game, hands down. Its short length is a blessing, makes the game so much more bearable. The switch from a bunch of little tiny islands, to less larger locations, works with it as well, as every location is of a much higher quality, and is interesting to explore. The game is comfy as fuck, and the only one worth buying.

So since they're giving away this shit for free, is it worth creating an Ubisoft account for?

>start game with an interesting MC that could give a new perspective on Templars
>suddenly switch to some random indigenous kid on a generic revenge story
>is also a shit character

On top of that the environments where boring as fuck and the tutorial feels like it lasts half the game I swear to god.

Previous ones had interesting encyclopedic articles I enjoyed reading and learning. This one shoved sarcastic Brit humor into every sentence it could in them.
Like just fucking let me read and learn for fucks sake. I don't need some hipster commentary.

Because it came after the Ezio trilogy.

And Desmond's conclusion was limp-dicked after almost 7 years of build up.

The gameplay issues aren't anything remotely different from the other games, and the combat system actually has more depth than Brotherhood's by having enemies you can't just counter-kill.

The areas look incredible, the atmosphere is a high point in the series, and they actually dared to do something with the Assassin/Templar storyline beyond good guy/bad guy.

Ezio fanboys and memesters are the only people who genuinely hate AC3.

Connor was better than Arno in my opinion, you can't expect character that watched his mother burn alive to be happy and cheerful.

I thought Rogue was French Revolution and he dies in 3? How can he be in Rogue?

I never played Unity so I wouldn't know but Connor is by far my least favourite main character in any AC game.

>Not understanding that their lives were intertwined as father and son
>Can't empathize with someone
>WHERE'S CHARLES LEE amirite gais

You are retarded.

>The tutorial lasts like half the game

And bad at video games.

Refresh my memory on what that scene was you posted? It is 4's protag and his son doing something?

No, that's Unity.

Rogue is set between BF and 3

No one likes America

Kind of.

The frontier can be fun to explore. If you take your time, and do everything gradually. Explore all you can, get all the upgrades possible, take your time with shit, its a bit better. By playing through the game slowly, exploring everything and completing everything avaible at you at the time before moving on, it makes latter sections less tedious.

Take the time to explore the underground and get the fast travel points, train your assassin helpers, liberate all the things. It makes the game easier to 100%, and by playing it like that, naturally, instead of blazing through the main story and then trying to 100% everything after, its going to be hell.

>why didn't people like muh free game again?
>because it was shit

get a job

Agreed, it looks pretty good for a last gen game. The nature is fantastic too.

Rogue is missing link between 3 and Unity. Unity is the french revolution you are thinking of.

Also IV takes place before 3.

It's post-game scene where Edward is his with daughter and son in London theater. Haytham mentions that his father took him to this theater in the first mission in AC3.

Oh. I remember they came out at the exact same time and thought they were just the different versions of the same thing.

Yeah, Ubi wanted to push Unity and kind of put Rogue out to die.

Rogue was the better game. Basically BF 1.5 but you play as a Templar and hang out with Haytham.

Only Sup Forums hates AC3.

Probably the only AC game where I really enjoyed the post-game/collectathon stuff

Also probably the most entertaining combat of the AC games

>Also probably the most entertaining combat of the AC games

Weird, because IV and Rogue have exactly same combat.

AC4/Rouge felt really sluggish compared to 3, like they slowed down all the animations just so it could work on the boats

Combat and setting was good, but the battles weren't thought out very well and ended being uninspired pieces of crap. If only we got the game they showed before it was released.


I really wish they would remake AC3. Combat was so damn fun.

So where was Rogue set then? Americas or Europe? And what historical event?

Requiescat in pace you motherfucker.

3 is its own engine, and was the high point of the stylish killing chain gameplay. Once you've experimented with 3's, it's hard to go back to any other other ones barring 1 and maybe Unity if you're a masochist.

Americas, Seven Years' War

Rest in peace but in Italian.

>optional objective: do not run into people

What the fuck is with all the Ass Creed shilling lately?


Not even the British cared, which is the only reason you have a country. What a glorious revolution.

Rogue and IV removed the ability to equip different weapon types, and even though you could pick up enemy weapons, you still couldn't even use light weapons, you just got one throwing knife. Did I mention you can only hold one throwing knife, because thats a fucking thing.

>talking about games on video game board is shilling

It also brought the "hiding" mechanic which let you hide in bushes and the climbing system got an overhaul. Plus they also added trading. In fact my gripes with the game aren't gameplay (because AC4 is pretty much the same an I loved that) it's the terrible story and characters.

I remember playing through the game, and at the last few acts I suddenly notice I have a throwing knife and was fairly confused why I only have one and can't upgrade it's ammo pouch

ubisoft was giving it away for free
>where America belongs
in a singlet? I agree.

Why does AC4 and Rogue look like shit compared to 3?
Also who thought it was a good idea to allow the use of only one main weapon type?

user, it's his character. He's the Trashman. He comes out and he throws trash all over the states. And then, he starts eating them.

AC3 also had great technology improvements, when you realise this somehow got improved on in Steep.



>boring environments
>awful real-world story
>tutorial is way too fucking long
>more padding than ever

The only good things about it were the improved combat and the ship missions, but those kinda got old towards the end as well.

One fun/infuriating thing I remember was getting wrecked over and over again in Fanorona by the old black guy. I never beat him.

>starts eating them.
cannibalism, eh? sounds pretty gruesome.

Did anyone actually use the trading and crafting system extensively in AC3, or did they just murder a fuckload of bears and beavers for their pelts?

I never crafted / traded a single thing during my playthrough.

The Bad:
>unlikable character
>shit setting with no interesting architecture, no good buildings to climb
>half of the game is a tutorial
>crafting system is terrible and IIRC serves no purpose
>hunting is useless and boring
>going back and forth in the homestead for the missions is a drag
>control scheme is a downgrade from previous games (need to pause the game to switch weapons, can't shoot gun freely)

The Good:
>boat missions
>templars aren't cartoon villains
>the kills are brutal and satisfying
>you can climb trees
>your footsteps leave marks in the snow

>it's 2012 and the world just might be over
>if WE cannot help it

Right in the first few minutes of the game you realize that they had run out of ideas.

>Half-assed minigame """""battles""""" that come nowhere near to what was advertised
>Boring characters with little to no real motivation (Connor: "they wan freedum, but foar hoo xDDd")
>Shallow story where Connor's shoved into the absolute epicenter of everything
>manage to make the Desmond stuff even worse than previous titles
>awful, though mostly non-existent stealth
>relegated to Boston, New York and west bumfuck (needed a wider spread, including Canada, Middle America, and/or the Gentleman South imo)
And this might be my autism but it especially irked me that soldiers wouldn't fire first, then bayonet second. I mean I would be cool with Connor dodging the shots, while still taking minor damage from volleys, as dumb as that is.


i LOVE AC3 since it game all the leverage I needed to shitpost on Sup Forums because of that nigga telling the MC that he was fair skinned enough to pass as spanish or italian