Its suffering being a Wii-U owner

Its suffering being a Wii-U owner

>already got to play a majority of those

The only suffering will be if the Switch becomes a Port machine like the PS4.

>tfw I bought a Wii U because I thought I would get a new zelda game but what I got was Mariokart with DLC, two remakes, and a film of dust over the screen

Not really, senpai. The Wii-U has been my favorite console of this generation, it's not about what stays exclusive, it's about the fact that I got to play these games early, while they were still exclusive, and I enjoyed most of them. Yes, I even liked Star Fox Zero.

And just because they get ported to something else doesn't mean it takes away my ability to play them. I can still play them all and have fun, exclusive or not. Plus, the Wii-U offers me the convenience of having my classic titles on the e-shop as well as having full GC emulation that lets me play any GC title I want for free, same as the Wii. It's not a bad system, better than the Wii as a whole I would say. My second favorite system this gen is the Xbone, only because Halo 5 is actually good now and all my friends play on Xbox. I sold my Ps4 after finding Bloodborne sort of disappointing and not being too into the other exclusives.

no one told you to buy it faggot
no one told you to buy a Wii either or any of those gay handhelds with two screens.

>implying anyone forced you to get the Wii U
Switch Master Race, however.

what if the switch has gyro?

>implying wonderful 101 isn't 100% playable without the tablet
>Implying playing with the pro controller isn't the superior way of playing the game.

as a Wii U owner, I think it was worth it only because I got to play those games early, and it is-will be a god tier emulation machine.

But without the emulation, I wouldnt feel it was worth it.

>Devil's Third

Enjoy your consolation prize bitch boys, the WiiU is an embarrassment