Its suffering being a Wii-U owner
Its suffering being a Wii-U owner
>already got to play a majority of those
The only suffering will be if the Switch becomes a Port machine like the PS4.
>tfw I bought a Wii U because I thought I would get a new zelda game but what I got was Mariokart with DLC, two remakes, and a film of dust over the screen
Not really, senpai. The Wii-U has been my favorite console of this generation, it's not about what stays exclusive, it's about the fact that I got to play these games early, while they were still exclusive, and I enjoyed most of them. Yes, I even liked Star Fox Zero.
And just because they get ported to something else doesn't mean it takes away my ability to play them. I can still play them all and have fun, exclusive or not. Plus, the Wii-U offers me the convenience of having my classic titles on the e-shop as well as having full GC emulation that lets me play any GC title I want for free, same as the Wii. It's not a bad system, better than the Wii as a whole I would say. My second favorite system this gen is the Xbone, only because Halo 5 is actually good now and all my friends play on Xbox. I sold my Ps4 after finding Bloodborne sort of disappointing and not being too into the other exclusives.
no one told you to buy it faggot
no one told you to buy a Wii either or any of those gay handhelds with two screens.
>implying anyone forced you to get the Wii U
Switch Master Race, however.
what if the switch has gyro?
>implying wonderful 101 isn't 100% playable without the tablet
>Implying playing with the pro controller isn't the superior way of playing the game.
as a Wii U owner, I think it was worth it only because I got to play those games early, and it is-will be a god tier emulation machine.
But without the emulation, I wouldnt feel it was worth it.
>Devil's Third
Enjoy your consolation prize bitch boys, the WiiU is an embarrassment
> My second favorite system this gen is the Xbone
>I sold my Ps4 after finding Bloodborne sort of disappointing
I've never read such a shit opinion on this board before, and I'm not even pro-sony. Bloodborne is as close as you can possibly get to classic Castlevania, down to the level design, weapons, and not rewarding the player for making progress. It's what videogames SHOULD be in this current day and age, Minimal but engaging story, and tons of inticing replayability.
>console fanbois flinging shit at other console fanbois
>Hating the original DS
>implying wonderful 101 isn't 100% playable without the tablet
It's not. Did you conviniently forget you can't see into buildings, and had to look at the tablet to find those lock mechanism gears? Explain how you'd do that on switch without entirely re-coding the game for it.
>Close to Castlevania
It would have been, if they had stuck to the Van Hellsing shit without bringing "lol aliens" into the mix. It should be noted that there's probably nothing I hate more than a fantasy game that cops out and attributes all of the fantastical elements to extraterrestrial meddling.
Plus, I felt that the build variety was stifled compared to previous Souls games, the scenery hardly ever changed throughout the game and the soundtrack was 100% choirs hitting high notes which bored me, among other things. I just didn't like the game too much.
>mfw dodging shitendo bullets since snes
Feels good.
>Super Mario 3D World
I will never not be assblasted about Hyrule Warriors.
>hey, let's give a ton of exclusive content to an inferior version while leaving the people who originally bought it in the dust
>It would have been, if they had stuck to the Van Hellsing shit without bringing "lol aliens" into the mix.
I'm not talking setting guy, I'm talking game mechanics. While Yharnam does feel like Dracula's castle, I'm talking strictly about playability.
You don't have auto save checkpoints
Your actions matter, and if you do stupid shit you're rightfully punished for it
It takes trial and error, and memory to figure out your best routes
Game isn't bullshit unfair to you, for the sake of being unfair, and is all about pattern memorization.
Its been fucking years since I felt the need to get out a graph pad and draw maps/take notes for a videogame, I felt like a fucking kid again.
New Super mario 3D world was shown on switch. Don't act like it won't compeltely overshadow and make 3D world a pointless investment.
Sure, but I mean I felt the previous Souls titles offered up all of that from a design standpoint as well as gave you more on top of it. The game wasn't bad, just disappointing to me and I didn't see it all the way through a second playthrough for that reason. I can see why some people would like it, and I like games that many call shit, so it's a matter of taste more than anything.
That's kind of a silly mindset. A sequel coming out doesn't invalidate the previous entry. I can't go back in time and unplay 3DW because something similar looks like it will be coming out on the switch and I wouldn't want to. I enjoyed 3DW and no game coming out in the future can change that.
>Buy Wii-U in 2013
>Have 2 Wii-U games and 12 Wii games
>It is now 2016
>Have 3 Wii-U games and 41 Wii games
Forget that. Bloodborne or not, anyone who brags that they sold a console here is usually advertising their fanboy faggotry with blinking neon lights. Really, are there so many people who spends hundreds of dollars on hardware only to arbitrarily determine they hate it enough to get rid of it for pennies on the dollar?
These, I just bought a PS4 and have been loving the ever living hell out of Bloodborne. My friend's actually playing it right now, and we're both hooked. I made a thread this morning talking about how BB felt like a true Metroidvania in terms of level design and enemy placement, and what Castlevania should have been when it went 3D.
It's so refreshing to have a game that punishes you for mistakes with death like the classic SNES games.
I don't think that guy has played BB man, any gamer who played Super Castlevania, Super Metroid and Symphony of the Night back in the day can no doubt appreciate a game like Bloodborne. Hell, any Nintendo fan that wants to see Metroid return to form would love the ever living shit out of Bloodborne, because that's basically what I am.
Dude's just memeing the spoilers he read in some thread. Deal is, it's not even aliens, it's Lovecraftian horrors, which is very fitting for the setting desu.
do people still play splatoon?
If the rumors are true and Switch really does get a DaS trilogy, I think it would be best for the metroidvania/Classvania fans nintendo fans.
Agreed, I was massively disappointed with the Wii U. Easily the worst console I've ever bought, and even that couldn't convince me to sell the Damn thing, as there are a couple games that made the thing worth keeping in the end, especially with it having homebrew now.
>tfw didnt buy the Shit U and now i can emulate the 3 worthwhile games for it.
I can't sell it because of the B/C with the wii. At the end of the day, its still my Wii, and has extra bonuses, being the emulation, and the homebrew on the V-wii.
Selling it for $40 and getting a normal wii again seems pointless.
I think it'd be cool for Nintendo fans to get a chance to play the DaS trilogy on Switch. It's not enough to convince me to buy a Switch, as I already have a PS4, but I think it'll be great for people who still haven't bought one, especially Nintendo fans who didn't buy any current gen consoles.
Hopefully the trilogy means DaS 1 is coming to PS4, as it's the only one I'm missing, and I don't wanna buy a PS3 right after buying the PS4.
If fromsoft does release it, it would be all current gen consoles, theres no way in hell a DaS trilogy wouldn't sell, it caters to the kids on youtube and twitch who always wanted to play them, it caters to long time fans who want them in a neat package, It's win/win for everyone. So i'm sure PC and PS4 will get it too.
Bloodborne on the otherhand, thats up to Sony
Nah, BB will remain a PS4 exclusive, just Bayo2 will remain on WiiU/Nintendo consoles. And that's fine, it should stay that way imo.
>Bayo 2 will remain nintendo
That all depends on Bayo 3. The starfox segment can easily be edited out if they really wanted to do a trilogy
Guy who posted that I sold my Ps4, I was just ranking this gen's consoles from best to worst in my own perspective. Owned all of em, only sold the one.
Now granted, a part of me wishes I had kept it around because while I sold it on account of not even having one game that I routinely played on it, I now routinely swap systems with my brother so that I can play SFV and Godzilla. I've never gamed on PC or else I'd probably have SFV on there, but yeah.