
Where do you usually build your bases?

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in minecraft

The shallows have your life pod so usually farther out.

My first experience going outside the shallows and the plankton fields was meeting a reaper leviathan, so now I am way too spooked to play this game anymore. I didn't even die, but I'm scared for life.

Anyone else getting a weird ass bug where your inventory is invisible? Usually starts with the inventory getting a little transparent, and then some minutes later it is totally invisible, both when I press TAB and when I try to open a storage. Restarting the game fixes it but it's recently been happening way too often, so it's too annoying.

If you are referring to that green forest, there aren't any reapers there. You either found a bug or a Stalker, which is a small creature that can be very easily avoided. And I mean very easily, it only attacks in a straight line, it's completely incapable of turning.

I know about the Sand Sharks and Stalkers. I was trying to investigate the mothership after getting the rad suit, but as I reached the end of one of them after seeing a few sandsharks and thinking no problem, I was greeted by the leviathan roar and shortly afterwards I took 90% of my life in 1 hit, which I quickly healed up, swam the fuck away and it somehow left me alone. Ever since I've been too spooked to venture far from the shallows and the green forest and just basebuild in the shallows with almost no blueprints of interest.

Well, let me put you at some ease: Reaper Leviathans only spawn in three locations. Around the Aurora, in the dunes, and in the mountains. The dunes and the mountains are very large biomes without any "obstacles" such as trees or mountains, so you'll know when you get there. They are also very late-game. No Reapers anywhere else.

Avoiding the Reaper from the Aurora is also possible if you first swim to the Aurora's back, then circle it to the front. Just be careful once you get to the front and quickly swim the fuck to the entrance, which is above the surface, thus making the Reaper unable to touch you. But I don't think it will even notice you if you do what I said.

Yeah, I saw some very open desert underground areas right next to the Aurora, guessing those are the Dunes. Guess I just gotta progress in the other direction. I was about 1 scanning piece away to getting the small submarine, but my game had a fatal bug so I had to start over. My welding tool didn't work, so I couldn't repair any doors and therefore couldn't get into a lot of the wreckages around the areas where all the juicy stuff is.

I couldn't find any fix for it, so I just remade my game.

Also is the materials infinitly spawning? Or are you forced to explore further away at some point because you ran out of materials?