Do you regret getting a PS4
Do you regret getting a PS4
Fucking nasty
No shame. Now answer my question
I have seven games on PS4, pretty happy with each of them. Going to add persona 5 to that collection when it comes out. Your feet are disgusting, into hygiene already.
yea, that pile of trash with a couple tacked on exclusives is not worth the fucking money
I did a year ago, but I sold all that shit and got my money back. So, no foul.
Got the Bloodborne-machine during the last sale, got pretty much what I expected. Will probably sell it soon.
You have some disgusting feet hombre.
For the past 2 years yes. Maybe I wont if they release something not fuckin shit for once.
Got one for Bloodborne and to play Battlefront with friends. All it does is act as a netflix/media streaming machine now.
Well it's better than the Xbone and I needed one or the other so no, I don't regret it. Probably the worst console generation yet though.
Not at all
TLG will eventually be respected as the game of this generation
What is so disgusting about it? My nails are where they need to be, bodily hair is natural and normal for men. You're just unconfident
Bought one that was in a sale, got 4 games, only ever turned it on once to set it up.
No but I regret gaming PC. Best I can hope for now is indie shit and maybe some console multiplats delayed.
Well, that sucks.
My brother bought one for Destiny, I'm pretty sure he fucking regrets it.
I used it for Bloodborne and the Gravity Rush remaster. Gravity Rush wasn't very good but I 100%'d it anyway since I liked aspects of it anyway and hoped to hell it'd improve as I put more time into it. It didn't.
Bloodborne is a lot of fun for an aRPG.
no because i didn't get one in the first place
ps3 was my last console
My last console being a PS2 I got zero regret as I jumped off the ship just in time.
your feet are fine, by posting an image you open yourself up to criticism though, so don't act stupid and feign ignorance.
shitty cpu and gpu. "gaming pc". yep of course user
Shave your fucking legs, jesus christ.
no, wife uses it for dvds and catch up tv, i have a few games for it. Nothing to regret, it wasn't expensive in the first place.
Nah, I ended up playing it more than I do on my PC right now
Can't wait for NiOh, Gravity Rush 2 and KH games next year.
I would if I did but I didn't so I don't
Can some cuteboys post feet?
Only fags and athletes shave their legs.
Since video games aren't a sport that only leaves one thing
Faggot detected
I bought it for Bloodborne.
I enjoyed Bloodborne and sunk hundreds of hours into it.
So, I'm satisfied with my purchase.
Fags like hairy men.
The only people afraid of the dominating musk of masculinity are feminists, teenagers and insecure beta orbiters.
First of all, thats fucking disgusting.
Second of all, the only reason to get a PS4 is for Ace Combat 7. So nah.
So far, so good.
Got some good shit coming next year too, like GR2, Nier and P5.
Could immediately tell what this thread would divulge into from the thumbnail.
OP here. Does it seem like I'm fat by my feet picture?
it doesnt seem like it, you are fat
No, Cuz my parents bought it for me for Christmas
That was like 3 years ago, wasn't it. Christ, time moves fast
I'm not. I swear I'm not
Don't worry, your feet turned me on famalama.
whatever you say, fatty
Not really, even though I haven't played it for a while.. but then again, I haven't played on my PC either. Games just ain't good nor interesting anymore. I've had enough of graphics masturbation.
Why are feet so gross?
>tfw going to get a 1060 instead of PS4
>still can't run modern games on ultra based on testing videos
Let it Die and Yakuza 0 are the only thing I'm interested in.
Ultra is for cards that aren't entry level, familia.
Are you a neanderthal?
Lmao nah nigga those look like fat fucking sausage feet.
if my 970 meme card runs shit fine at 1080p then you should be fine
just don't skimp out on the CPU and RAM senpai
I feel you man. I couldn't justify a 1080 for my 1080p gaming, especially since I regularly play like, 2 modern games and spend most of my other time playing mobashit and MMO's. I went for the middle ground and got a 1070 though, pretty glad I did. It can do my modern games on ultra and over 60 fps so my 120hz monitor doesn't feel like a waste.
Fix your fucking feet, man.
i dont regret it at all but i do regret seeing your disgusting sausage feet
now if you regret your ps4 ill be happy to take those games off your feet, lad
Women don't like hairy men. Women don't like hairy balls, dicks, arms, or legs.
Literally ask any woman if they like those things, and they'll tell you no. How much of a retard are you to think that women still find disgusting lumberjacks attractive?
I can sell them to you. Wanna negotiate?
I regret clicking on this thread. Looks like some turkroach or greek faggot.
I'm neither of those mate
I've regretted getting a PS4 since launch, but Let It Die made it a little better
Fuck off you femboy faggot who shaves his ass so he can get dildos up there.