Hey Sup Forums. Here's a game for you. Free of charge.
Hey Sup Forums. Here's a game for you. Free of charge
>join game
>within 1 minute of joining first match to try out game
>"this poor faggot doesnt even have a hat"
>"why dont you have a hat poor fag"
>Same thing happens to me
>destroy everyone in 3 different matches
>chat is spammed with wtf dude I'm lagging so hard
>They're just mad a no hat destroyed them
TF2 wants me to have an option to disable any skins or other cosmetic only items. I hope every game will get this
tf2 is the best MP-only first person shooter still populated on the market. i play it every day
So how will valve ruin pyro?
hopefully by
>making it take more skill to play
>buffing its range, damage, and advanced mobility
>making it take more skill to play
>f2p and leddit whine about it for a month and valve reverts it
>tfw freetard
>tfw proprietary AMD drivers are shit and outdated
>tfw open source drivers cause whole PC to freeze when I try to play TF2 since some update
more like MLP-only, lmao
likely scenario desu but i can dream
if only valve would fucking communicate the reasoning behind their changes, people would actually learn and understand
haven't seen a bronyfaggot in a TF2 server in months, calm down barneyfag
what went so wrong
>buffing his range
>more skill to play
>the reasoning behind their change
>implying they don't just throw shit at the wall and see what sticks
this is what I wish the flamethrower was
was playing a moment ago. still fun to own noobs.
not that user
nerfing the width = more skill to play.
nobody said buffing the range = more skill to play. that's aimed at making Pyro more effective at high levels of skill, not at making it take more skill to play.
tldr: range buff = more power, width nerf = more skill
>pick demo
>go 100 kills 2 deaths each map
>every medic ubers me
>5 friend request after each map
i swear TF2 wasent this easy before, i guess its filled with f2p trash kids nowdays
>all the brony shitposting in tf2 threads
it all makes sense now
Thanks user! I was playing that just a bit ago!
But needing to find ways to break close to the enemy is the literal only skillful thing about pyro
BASED /mlpol/
>live in asia
>no good community servers to play vanilla on
It's either 24/7 jump, 24/7 zombie shit, or 24/7 unbalanced no scramble servers
Where in Asia, familia
the one closest to shitpost nation (the not-canada one)
He probably means Pinoys, so Malaysia?
i want to say pyro has nowhere to go but up but valve's incompetence keeps exceeding my expectations with every update
malays are culture thieves fuck em
anyone know any vanilla servers that have a decent playerbase? or like, at the stage where the backburner got fixed
It is, if the community wasnt a shithole. They are terrible and toxic. I still think tf2 is incredibly mechanically sound, but the player base ruins the game.
t. Singapoor
It's true about them being culture thieves though, about as much as Indoshitters.
What do you call counter strike?
there's only 2 comm servers around here and i mostly play late at night so they either have 5 people playing or are completely empty so i stick to eu skial servers and i never manage to get less than 80 ping on any of them
i can't even play lobbies because ping
with more range on the Flamethrower that would still be a thing, and the Pyro would actually require some aim too
this is a word manufactured by the league of legends community moderators to let them make their games more kid-friendly and filter all swear words, just so you know
somehow more plagued with rng than tf2
more hackers than tf2
less content available than tf2
worse characters, dialogue and art style than tf2
less varied gameplay than tf2
paid sprays
Lawl, gtfo with your shitty Overwatch clone xxDDD
le aiming skill is overrated af though
but fix his reflect hitbox, if anything
this game sucks b*lls
Remember that TF2 was a good game till Mann-Conomy Update.
Now It's dress my little pony edition
there is one hat from mlshit and it's restricted to halloween. please stop shitposting, you're lowering the quality of the board for everyone
It was a good game until b4nny acted like the collective voice of the players
People also didn't know what they wanted pre-MyM, and like a wish on a monkey's paw we got comp with the cost of the game being less fun to fuck around with
casual wasn't even b4nnys idea
you can blame the interns over at valve for fucking up the launch of the update
>we got comp with the cost of the game being less fun
Why couldn't they just add comp and leave pubs the way they were ? It sucks having to queue for casual match, instead of just going in and out whenever you feel
shut up and post some classic tf2 videos
>can't just go in and out whenever you feel
tf2 is a round-based game, and this has given players more incentive to play full rounds instead of hopping in and out
plus you're free to leave whenever again so
why is engineer laughing
>when you can't get half the weapons as a free player
>what are cosmetic weapons and reskins
I'd much rather every F2P cost money and actually have substantial amounts of content unlocked solely via in game currency.
>actually implying such things
just buy a fucking hat for 50 cents of the market you kike if you really want to play the game jesus shitfucking christ you're a faggot
>tfw bought it few months before it went free
true, shit country, very third world, praise emperor lee
Do I get a hat if I bought the game before it was f2p?
I can deal with matchmaking actively killing the game
I can deal with comp mode being a fucking joke
I can deal with random crits still being in the game
I can deal with poorly balanced weapons which honestly are relatively fine
I can't deal with the gigantic amount of hackers that plague the game right now. And no I do not mean "person who killed me" hackers I mean "snipers on my team I can see spinning around in place headshotting everyting".
TF2 is a hacker's paradise right now; votekicks rarely come through, even if they do there is no penalty and the hacker can just join a new server. Even in the rare occasion where you do get banned, you can just make a new steam account and don't even have to download TF2 again
Yes you get a proof of purchase hat
>It was a good game until b4nny acted like the collective voice of the players
>player joins
>goes sniper
>is already well above best player on server in has less than 10 hours in tf2
>only game on his profile
>is headshotting cloaked spies
>filling killfeed with headshots
>"kick the hacker"
>"no hes just really good!"
I swear to God some people are actually too retarded to find the F1 key somehow. I've seen heavies standing on the top of the kart spazzing out and shooting everyone and the vote not going through because not enough players voted
Also another compltely functional feature matchmaking took away was being able to go spectator, making it much harder to actually check whether someone is aimbotting or just good
>game is balance around comp players
I liked demo nerf so much. The salt and tears were delicious.
Dream changes for pyro
>Make all flamethrowers hitscan with a much tighter cone
>Stock now has 1.5x range
>Stock airblast cooldown dropped to 0.6s (to match demo)
>Give degreaser 50% switch speed overall
>Change health on extinguish to ammo on extinguish
>Revert phlog to how it was (heals but no uber)
>Remove RS from pyro
>Scorch shot only minicrits on direct
>Scorch shot does not have knockback
>Revert axtinguisher to love & war
>Homewrecker and Neon annihilator does not reactivate buildings
>Homewrecker -75% knockback while active
>Powerjack speed bonus dropped to 10%
>Powerjack can overheal
>Third degree +50% damage to players being healed, -50% otherwise
>Bug fixes
>t. shitter who can't play soldier or scout
demo is actually underpowered in his current state
>free of charge
It wasn't 9 years ago when I bought it.
But look at this amazing hat you got!
>Get the game gifted to me
>Still get the hat anyway
>Just craft it into something else
i would nerf demo more so he could be defensive class as intended
comp meta is shit anyway and only autist play it that mode
I had fun in Singapore
The Ivory Tower (aka 4 floors of whores) was heaven.
>defensive class as intended
>this is what f2p actually believe
nice meme you got there sir
hey hey, I played this game for __fun___ not to be good
you can still access the server browser, i dont know why you all act like you cant do that anymore
shit, you got me, at least we got this thread to 1 page
>mfw press F2
>then votekick an innocent player for hacking and the vote goes through
>People who use matchmaking
>People that NEVER use the proper searching windows
>People that never even played any gamemode that isn't made by valve
There's your problem, you have to go for servers that aren't part of the matchmakers in order to have a fun time, hackers doesn't give a shit about these,
Reminder it has been 467 days since the last comic.
But I did pay for tf2
>idle servers
>24/7 2fort servers
I fucking loved Tf2, especially when the Mannconomy was strong.
>mfw idling while sleeping
>mfw waking up to a bunch of stuff
>mfw selling all my good shit, or going for a key in order to get more rare
>mfw getting all the games i actually want
>Mfw steam cards and the rest
jesus I remember when tf2 turned to complete shit after becoming free to play. Or actually it turned to shit somewhere during sniper/spy updates
so you loved items and trading, not TF2
Nah, sniper/spy was alright. The first big nail in the coffin was Mannconomy, and the final one was F2P
is there a problem with that?
>you'll never experience the wild west of trading ever again
>load up 2fort
>scan server for people with less than 50 hours
>"hey man can u trade me that crate 30/40 for a cool laser weapon"
>you'll never make 40$ in one night off hats and crates
Wake me up inside Sup Forums
It was scummy and horrible but it felt so good
>tfw paid money for it back in the day
At least I got to play it while it was still good :^)
>playing reddit: the game