Is she right? Will a Mario game come to the Switch?

Is she right? Will a Mario game come to the Switch?

no, never, don't be a retard

When was the last time there was a Mario Game?


I don't remember

it's not a matter of If it will, it's a matter of when

Of course there's going to be a mario game. However, this girl's been fantastically wrong too many times for me to give a shit about anything she says.

Emily Rogers said that Nintendo will continue making video games and she was right! How can she keep getting away with this?

Is that really her profile? Surely it would be easy for nintendo to find out who her bf is and fire him?

Unless it's a woman boyfriend

She leaked the Switch, Paper Mario, and Zelda being on Switch.

What has she ever gotten wrong?

About Color Splash being more like the first 2 games and not just sticker star 2. I know there's been other times because everything she says gets posted.

You are a c ompllete imbecile.

Not the same user but have this.

>Mario game on a Nintendo console

sure buddy, what's next? Bayonetta 2 on the Playstation?

She wasn't wrong about those..............Nintendo just changer the dates bacause of her leaks, if you stopped beign the misongastic yo'ud realize this.......

Of course a fucking Mario game will be on the Switch.
And the sun will rise tomorrow morning.

>Mario game on the switch

Kind of a stretch. This might make or break her perfect record.

user's dad confirmed for working for god.

Isn't there a picture of her in a swimsuit or something?

The levels of irony are killing me

>will a mario game come to a nintendo console?

what kind of question is this?

I know, right? Obviously the answer is fucking no.
What a dumb ass.


no :^)

>Nintendo console
I bet you're hoping for a Pokemon game too


haters always mention the female link thing to prove she's full of shit but aonuma admitted they were thinking about it during development so she was actually right...

sad to see another example of a successful woman being harassed because of her gender, such a toxic community it really makes me sad...


Forgot my meme

Being serious for a minute, Tamaki pulled that same horseshit with Devil's Third and it's backlash was subsequently why he stopped reporting on rumors like that so much.

drag him queen.

Oh cool, you're same-fagging yourself.

He actually said that they'd never have done it, and the team was surprised to hear of it.

Check your facts retard. And you have to be over 18 to post here by the way; the way you type shows your age.

Are there any other pictures of here irl?