Other urls found in this thread:


>level 3 on my way to whiterun
>take the cavern mountain pass instead of the main road
>exit into wild empty plains
>gazing at the night sky and towers silhouetted against the moons
>walking in the middle of the barren plains, still miles away from whiterun and any bandit fort or camp
>see a few pixels moving on the horizon
>it seems humanoid
>slowly growing in size - it's coming towards me
>takes some time to cross the Plains
>notice a drawn weapon in its hand
>looking around for nearby smoke or campfires to see if I stumbled onto any camp or something, nothing near me but boulders
>it finally reaches me
>dark elf in iron armor named "Theif"

who are you quoting?





Wasting 40K gold on him for Smithing (because the other smith and her husband in Whiterun were killed by vampires) and he still says the same shit.

Was i the only one confused when they got back up and attacked you after yielding? If they shouted "I YIELD" then i stopped killing thembecause i felt it was the right thing to do, but then the bastards keep attacking you like nothing happened

Khajiit has wares, if you have coin

Show me the booty.

No you werent. Its a prime example of bqc: bethesda quality control



>people actually wasted their time and money on this shit tier excuse for a game


>should of

>should of
kys, mm.

Khajiit worst race

There's a mod that actually makes them stop fighting.


I'm degenerate enough to want to fuck a khajiit but that shit is disgusting, senpai

>5 years later and Sup Forums is still talking about this game they supposedly hate every single day

You vastly underestimate the amount of normalfags here, the regular inhabitants got pushed out or into minority years ago user.

People started playing again because of the remaster


>not wanting to fug gigantic khajiit

No, this just isn't a bad game.

These threads have existed forever.

Sup Forums is tsundere as fuck.


Skyrim is indeed pretty shit but mods can make it interesting and I don't feel like playing much else at the moment.

Oh god, those furrows. Just imagine that thing clawing at your skin.

Delete this right now

Why would a reptilian tree-person need breasts?

IS there a mod to add DD combat into this piece of shit?

Not when undicked dunmer still roam the land


The issue is that this basically happens:

>Bandits drops to below % health
>You stop attacking and let him fuck off
>Health regens above % threshold
>Bandit attacks again since he's only passive if below % health or if he doesn't see you


How do I make smithing, enchanting, and alchemy more fucking fun/sensible to level? Is there a mod that adds books for your character to read so he just fucking learns about it instead of magically knowing how to craft a full set of daedric shit from another dimension just because he sat there piling up the iron daggers


Venom sacs.

They don't go passive, they are still considered "in combat".

Just shut your eyes if you want to be Daredevil.

Check LL, they got a shit ton of DD content.

no, the lack of interaction between weapon and world is hardcoded into the game

Why only have them on half of the population?
Why do reptile tree-people need genders when they don't reproduce?

The males shoot their venom from their dicks.

To make the other races think they're sort of normal

because theyre a weird mutant slave race genetically engineered by psychic space trees who decided to give them mammalian traits.

but the real reason is that bethesda was too lazy to make a seperate bodies for beast races in oblivion. they didnt have tits in morrowind.

>bethesda was too lazy
story of their life

>People are unironically play as Khajits and Argonians despite all the clippings, snot disappearing into helmets etc


>Oblivion shut the gates themselves when Argonians were robbing their planes blind

Then the Redorans smacked their shit.

>they don't reproduce?

>complaining about lizard tits

I am not a homo and if you say i am a homo then you are stupid

>not complaining about lizard tits

>bigger development team
>bigger budget
>bigger fanbase
>somehow make worse games over time
Bethseda sure are miracle workers.

come on now, there's no need to get violent!
yaaaagh! who goes there?

>PS4 version is still fucked for mods
I am livid. Had I not already "invested" so much into mine, I would've sold it for an Xbone.

I'll probably end up getting one at the end of this generation or whenever they decide to stop making new versions.

If it wasn't for Todd's obsession with radiant quests, both Skyrim and F4 would've been great.
Think about it.

Really makes me think.

>people wasted money AGAIN on a remaster for this game with the excuse of "mods"


How do you waste money on something that's free?

>wants mods
>plays on console


>wants games
>(pirates) on pc

Morrowind had some good quests with a lot of variety, then Bethesda made Oblivion and did even better quests and factions (one of the best things about Oblivion) Radiant quests are the reasons why we will never see fleshed out Guilds like in Daggerfall, Morrowind and Oblivion ever again.

>Bethesda allows mods for consoles for SSE
>they utterly fuck up the DLC load orders and timestamps for console and PC
>multiple big mods cause problems because of Bethesda's incompetence
>still not fixed

Thankfully PC users can fix it.

It's a decent compromise - no bullshit with trying to get the mods to work correctly.

Loot + Wrye Bash says hi.

Someone needs to tell Todd to make proper quests again.

It was originally planned for the player to be able to capture enemies that yield. It was never implemented because of time constraints.

>run over some bones
>they almost kill you
>jump on a rock
>none of the enemies can follow you since they can't jump so you can just take your time and snipe them with your bow
>Fauna AI is still running through water as if they're Dolphins

>>Fauna AI is still running through water as if they're Dolphins
That last points seems like you need Sky Test. Realistic Animals and Predators.

It was never implemented because Bethesda is just half-assing all of their games as usual, the Civil War and Guilds being the biggest joke Skyrim has to offer.

Isn't it great how every rock and bone gives the player the option to increase their Restoration skill?

Thank you for agreeing with what I already said.

The series basically stopped at Morrowind Nothing after is canon. Nor good.

>comfy winter weather
>skyrim special edition vanilla
>haven't played skyrim since it came out
>actually enjoying it
it's not technically impressive or anything, but damn this game is visually pleasing
if I can get a good deal during christmas sales I'll even buy your game todd

Looks like shit


This. It's difficult to accept time constrains when nearly everything else was also half-assed.

From what I understand and from what I've read, not sure how true it is though, Skyrim was at first going to heavily rely on "radiant" quests for nearly everything. Somewhere down the line they realized how a terrible idea it was to have so much of the content rely on radiant quests so they just threw shit together and hope it stuck.


This would explain a lot, what's their obsession with radiant quests, that shit is acceptable in an MMO, but nowhere else.

Playing Skyrim again because of the SE, still top tier comfy, especially now that I have a rig strong enough to mod without worries.

I think they come out of trees as either male or female

>looks like shi-
>piggies and baby birdies

Pleb here. What are radiant quests?

>play skyrim again because SE
>quit at whiterun because it's still as shallow as ever

>playing skyrim SE
>realize it doesn't even support SKSE

>spend 2 weeks installing 250 mods and getting them working properly
>its still shit

Don't worry they are hard at work under pressure of death threats that it must be done soon, and pressure from bethesda to make it work on consoles!

Basically extremely simple "go retrieve X item / kill X Bandit Leader at Y cave". Quests that just randomly place shit in different caves with objectives listed above. It's a pretty shit way to design since these quests can take you fucking ANYWHERE on the map most of the time. Like the radiant quest Annekke Crag-Jumper gives you to go kill a Bandit Leader, she says she saw a brigand "on the way back to his camp". Well turns out Annekke must have bionic eyes or a telescope because her radiant quest sent me off the coast passed Winterhold to a ship.

Guys, Jon died in one of those vampires attacks, is there a way to revive him like if nothing ever happened? Like a code or something?
One of the problems with skyrim is that his "cities" sometimes feels empty and this just makes it even worse.