First Switch third party exclusive announced

First Switch third party exclusive announced

>The game runs on Unreal Engine 4 and follows Yann, a young boy with Asperger’s syndrome, and Ani, his French bulldog.

Fuck, welp there goes my project. It was basically the same idea except instead of a French Bulldog it was various monster girls with elemental powers.

if only it was a little girl

>main character is an aspie

Okay yeah but I seriously doubt it's going to affect gameplay in any way, so this is just listing a disability for the sake of diversity. Fucking Frenchies.

Woulda been better if the boy was missing a leg or something.

i think it's based on a book so it just might

>that most recent comment
I think that poster has some mental disorder.

>monstergirls growing more and more sexual lu frus rated as time goes on
>boy flips out and screams "I don't like to be touched" at any hint of intimacy
>girls cone together to plan various ways of tricking him into fucking them

Hmm, very interesting. You mind if I take notes?

>Sup Forums is always just the idea guy

>the first thing that the creator uses to sell its product is by bragging his main characters having Asperger’s syndrome

How to tell a game is going to be shit 101

It's based on a book, about a young boy with aspergers. Did you actually read the article or jumping on the typical 'shit on it because of x' bandwagon?

Yeah because video games based on books are so damn good... fuck off

I got some crayons for my birthday I could sketch up some rube goldbergesque dick traps

I'd want multiple endings. Bad end would be where they give up and just turn him into a sex toy, shattering his mind.

Good end would be where their love overcomes his emotional barriers and he opens up and dicks them into a higher plane of being

True end, snow globe reality and CHIM


>Yeah because video games based on books are so damn good... fuck off

its a shit book

>I got some crayons for my birthday I could sketch up some rube goldbergesque dick traps
I'm sure you could drawn anything better than I can.

>Tom Clancy
>Parasite Eve
Whew, now say that any of those are bad games.

No one here would give a damn if this was on PS4 or Xbox One

Knew you'd post that trash. Have some self-respect. Can't argue with Shadow Complex and tom clancy, but Bioshock is also shit.

>he likes shadow complex

You're alright by me. Friend.

In a book, yeah, an autistic kid as the protagonist is a selling point. But this is a game, how is it any different from a regular kid?

he has autistic powers

So like, being able to count shit real good, shitposting on anonymous imageboards, and being able to speak with fish?


can he reeeeeeee his enemies to death?

>implying this walking sim will have enemies