He's right you know
He's right you know
like how you cut out the date because it said it was from 2011.
inb4 people defend him because he promised them stuff like every other politician
He's flip flopped on so many of his stances and policies from before he was elected, so I wouldn't worry about it.
Video games in general transformed Sup Forums into the hellish whirlpool that it is, so we should just cut our losses and get rid of them altogether
fucking V I D E O G A M E S
He's right. This explains how hostile, racist, and misogynistic the majority of Sup Forums is.
I'm finding as I get older I'm less and less interested in playing violent video games.
I wonder, if I live long enough will there will come a time when I too will condemn violent video games and the people that play them?
I think the video game thing is just like his old anti-vaxxing tweets. He read some stupid shit on Facebook and agreed with it until actually doing research on the subject. Or just forgot about it altogether.
people were violent before violent video games
people were violent before violent movies
people were violent before violent comics
people were violent before violent songs
people were violent before violent books
wtf i hate videogames now
>Schizophrenic fundamentalist religious nutters who indoctrinate their children with globalist conspiracy theories don't create spree killers, animated violence does!
Someone please stop this ride.
Kill me, Pete.
>Trump posting
Kill yourself
trump is an outdated meme
That's not the groups committing the shooting. Its overwhelmingly children of liberal parents
He's not right and Barron will show him the cyber to prove it. I'm not worried.
i agree
stricter laws should be put on game ratings and selling inappropriate games to children under the age restriction.
You kidding me these thundercunts get fucking triggered when you call someone a lying Jew.
he's also right on this you know
That's why I only play RPGs. I always save the world and I don't go around killing people :)
fuck off
And he was an innocent 64 years old man..
He's also partially right on this
Kill me, Pete
Our influence has been overblown a shitload
Was this before or after he got the concerned republic mothers vote?
I hate US prime time.
All you fucking sharts do is fling shit at culture war shadows until, I don't know you need to watch conan o'brien or get shot or something.
Holy shit, I leave for 3 months and you kiddies are still posting stale memes? Jesus.
It isn't my time yet Petey.
It's not stale as long as I get that (You)
Well, he is right.
Only nu-males disagree.
2. He said a while back that video games don't cause violence and he doesn't have a problem with them.
Kill me, Pete
That's fucking stupid. People were NOWHERE this sociopathic and unempathatic before the internet and video games. I don't think video games are the sole reason we're violent but I think they play a part. I just hate how people have become so addicted to them they don't even want to discuss the negative effects of the internet and video games.
Actually it is real. And when did he say that?
so they're like really trying hard to find a way to stop him from getting the presidency huh
No they're going to cry about it for a few more weeks then go home and give up like usual
Violent songs and books (or at least written texts) have existed for quite a long time, user
good try chink.
stay delusional
it is real you retard
assmad chink confirmed
your days are numbered thats for sure.
it's a real tweet
yes it's creating rabid homosexual monsters like you OP