Why do people pretend that this series is good?

Why do people pretend that this series is good?

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Because heavily scripted gameplay and pretty graphics and it's a first party title. They're not bad games but they're not the goty contenders they're made out to be. Not by a long shot.

Uncharted 2 was pretty good.
Sadly 1 was mediocre and 3 was shit. Haven't played 4 yet, though.

Because it is?

It's not though. At its worst it's garbage and at its best it's mediocre.

Why do you pretend it isn't?

Sup Forums pretends it's good because it isn't open world

Because it's good.

Because its a sony exclusive. If Tomb Raider was a sony exlusive it would get the same reaction, and if Uncharted was multiplat people would shit on it.

It's as close as you can to watching a movie with controller.

2 and 4 are good. 3 is bad, 1 is slightly above average for its time.

>Because heavily scripted gameplay and pretty graphics and it's a first party title. They're not bad games but they're not the goty contenders they're made out to be. Not by a long shot.

This is the most accurate comment, so I'm not surprised it has gone unnoticed until now.

>heavily scripted gameplay
Haha what
A branch might break or something when you're climbing every now and then but that's about as 'scripted' as the gameplay gets compared to other games

Well done for upvoting it

i have only played 2, it's a good game and you can't convince me otherwise.


I think 2 is pretty great. Probably one of the best cinematic experiences I've had with a game. It really feels like I'm playing an action blockbuster.
On top of that...
>very likable characters
>believable character interactions
>fun character camaraderie
>engaging story
>perfect pacing
>perfect controls
>solid platforming
>better gunplay than most AAA games
>beautiful graphics
>overall, a good time

1 basically feels like the beta version of 2, and 3 is a slight step down due to copying the formula, but losing the great pacing. Still haven't beaten 4 yet. Got about halfway, then Overwatch took over my life. So far, it's been pretty great.


Some people like games that play by themselves, you knwo

No. Apart from the first game, it's a good series. Nothing spectacular, but still good.

Uncharted 4 has problems but from a gameplay perspective its the undisputed best of the series.

bad b8

Definitely not. The game pretty much autocorrects most of your jumps and the climbing is so barebones and scripted it can barely be considered gameplay.

It was initially seen as a Tomb Raider wannabe

Then Tomb Raider got shitty, and Uncharted got better

I hated 4, they removed the "hot potato but with a grenade mechanic" from U3, also the stealth gameplay is a step back from The Last of Us, like you can't use a bottle or anything to use as a distraction.

I don't really see what's bad about it. The only thing that bothers me about the games are Drake's shitty animations during platforming/climbing.


I wasn't huge on the first three games but Uncharted 4 really upped the ante in the gameplay department with bigger levels and more open combat areas, including an actual working stealth system.

Maybe it's because I played them all back to back on the collection, but the original trilogy really blends together for me and I didn't see much difference or improvement moving from one game to the next. They all had more or less the same iffy platforming, the same half-baked gunplay and the same horrible difficulty spikes. You know what makes good game design? A ridiculously fragile player character pitted against bullet-sponge turret-toting faggots in heavy armor for half the game :^)

So when I would play the next game, it kind of felt like I was playing the same game, like I just played a very long Uncharted 1.

The Last of Us had much better gameplay which is what gave me hope for U4, and it delivered in spades.

2 was the best Uncharted game.

The Tomb Raider reboots were better.

>The Tomb Raider reboots were better.
kill yourself my friend

But they were.


Because the industry has different standards now. They value presentation and narrative over good gameplay.

There was a lot less cinematic Hollywood bullshit and more actual gameplay.

>less cinematic bullshit
>more gameplay

Around here it's mostly shills and falseflaggers, I'd say.

They are exclusives.
If they weren't, they'd be like the new Tomb Raider games, only talked about the first 5 days after the launch.

>sit behind cover and shoot 1000 enemies
>walk 10 meter
>sit behind cover and shoot more enemies
People love call of duty so i can see why theyd enjoy this shit too.

I had fun with these games. That's all that matters to me.

>using an argument that applies to all shooters thinking it only applies to 1
yep, youre a dumbass

>all shooters have cover systems
>all shooters have little map segments where 10000 enemies spawn out of nowhere
yep, youre a dumbass

Tomb Raider had better gameplay.
Uncharted was walking simulator with a cinematic cutscene every 3 minutes and the occasional gunfight.

The only reason you've been cumming all over Uncharted is because it's exclusive and this shitty console has nothing else to play.

>implying a shooter needs a cover system for the player to utilize cover at all
am i being memed?

Cause it's an action movie.
People play it for the cinematic/story not the gameplay.

Only reason you like tomb raider is because its on pc.

>this sphincter splintered over the objectively better game in every category vs TR

>enjoy the game
>"wahhh why are you pretending, user"

people have different taste user, some just enjoy eye candy hollywood action game.

> At its worst it's garbage and at its best it's mediocre.

judging base on what ? your personal taste ?

play the game

Why is there so much climbing in 4? Even the designers must've realized how boring that shit is cause they give you the climbing peg once you reach the pirate settlement so you'd have a second button to press now and then while clambering over shit.

Your opinion is trash

Stop posting please

>sit behind cover
>all shooters
Holy shit play more games

Because it's a very accessible action/shooter game with cinematic presentation aimed at the lowest common denominator backed by a big marketing campaign, in other words it was designed to be financially and critically successful

It's because our supreme leader jimmy fallon deemed it a great series
he freaked out about The Last of Us as well btw.
Oh wait, I forgot, his retarded fake enthusiasm is only valid if he geeks out because of mario phone games

As a whole the uncharted series is overrated but holy shit everything about among thieves was fantastic