yeah okay im sick of you losers on Sup Forums defending this broken piece of shit with literally 0 counters other than "just dont look at him, just dont try to attack him 1 on 1, just dont play in the same game against him"



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Pretty good solution is to stop playing that normalfag game

>he still plays Overwatch

>defend this
Why are you even playing such a shit game?

Give me a better multiplayer game to play then

>you can't

>can't deal w/ the hog
turbo shitters pls go

Found your problem.

t. Genji main

Reaper and Zarya are easy counters.

Mei on the otherhand is a pure annoyance to the game and needs to be the first character to go.

Titanfall 2.

Objectively better.

>He still plays overwatch.

Literally dead on PC

>filthy frank
Why do you watch pure shit?

Sombra counters him

>m-muh ult charge

Roadhog shitters will defend this

he and ana makes the tank meta

why you are such newfag?

>he cant into Zen

Zen completely counters hog. A support. You just need to git gud.

>he plays on PC

>playing any kind of FPS on consoles


>the edgy 16 year old calls other people newfags


Ana has a great counter to him, sleepy darts and stop healing

He is a problem now sadly, hooks always been dumb but anna is enabling tons of stupid tank stacking shit right now.

Dudes on both sides in most pro matches nowadays.

that's the fake frank retard


A famous McCree main just turned into a hog main

Wait, the hook is hitscan? That explains a lot

double the hook recharge time and i am ok with it.

6 seconds is far too generous a recharge for what is basically an instant kill on dps/healers.

>the ult fluffer
>too op

hook is not hitscan it uses the same physics as hanzo arrows. check it out in target range.

It is hitscan, it just has a charge time between pressing shift and actually hooking
It has been proven multiple times, you can do it yourself in practice

how to fix roadhog
>hook is an exception to favor the shooter
bam now you can actually fucking save yourself from this 3 frame bullshit

it's a projectile
has the same speed as anas sleep dart

yeah sounds about right, kinda silly the way people will argue how shit isn't fucked when even the proscene is doing it.

I like the game but I'm not really a fan of this meta with the whole 1 dps named 76 most of the time, I hope it works itself out soon.

i pick Ana every time for 3v3 because she bitch slaps the hog every time. sleep his ass, take care of whatever teammates he had near him then go to town on his slow ass, grenading him in the process so tubby can't heal. you'd have to an idiot to fuck up ana vs hog

You are retarded, the hook is not hitscan. It does have an insanely generous hitbox, but it's not hitscan.

He's one of the easiest heroes to counter in the game lol

>goes through walls and objects
>can hook around corners
sounds like hitscan to me

Go on....

>what is latency

>he didn't play goldeneye on console

>be cowboy
>enjoy countering the fuck out of hog with headshots
>carry games well until the three tank meta becomes problematic
>no longer viable to play as much DPS as before
>mfw Taimou becomes a hog main

The reason why shit like this happens is because the game refuses to reward mechanical skill as much as it does spamming the same easy combos over again.

Reaper, Widow, a mccree/76 that understands what positioning is, Zarya bubbles nullify most of his hooks if they aren't complete shit, zenyatta turns him into a free ult sponge and ruins his life

The only thing that roadhog beats are retards that don't understand how to stick to a team and try to 1v1 the world.

whats the meta now? i quit after s1

abused zarya with a support main found on /vg/ we both finished top 300~ lel

I've been playing Street Fighter V and FFXIV.

Killing Floor 2 is pretty fun if you want a Co op shooter.

Zenyatta is hardly a support, he's just a better soldier in every way but with a weaker heal.

The margin for latency is far beyond, further more the fact that it will hook at sight and animate despite any distance a player travels.

Trying to cheat me out of my mew again faggot?

Some combination of Winston/Zarya/Rein, 76/Reaper/Mei, and Ana/Lucio/Zen

triple tank is common with 76, ana and lucio/zen

Rein D.va Roadhog one dps (76 normally, some light float room here with picks.) Ana lucio

Is easily the best comp atm with some minor float room.

Titanfall is fun, but also completely mindless. The match you had 20 hours ago is identical to the one you had 5 minutes ago. Run around, shoot dudes, solo 4 lyfe.

Rein +2 tanks, Soldier, ana+lucio
really fun huh

You're a retard if you don't have Zarya on your team to embarrass Roadhog AND Dva. If you actually think that's the meta you should delete your game.

>Be on defense in Payload
>Set up as turret with Bastion
>Engulf Hogboy and pals in bullets as they escort their fagmobile
Thanks for the 30 kills that round, boys.

>main D.Va
>get excited every time I see an enemy hog

He's free ult. I especially love it when they try and tank my damage while self-healing. Thats like, a 30% ult buildup right there alone.

I have to agree with this one, Pharah gets fucked so hard by Roadhog

Zarya is definitely strong against those heroes, but the way the comp overall works she doesn't contribute as much. Without dva and hog you will lose the rein shield battle, and after that the fight overall.


Don't sit in his range like an idiot????????????

Someone play this nigga the clip of roadhog pulling the enemy roadhog from behind a barricade

t. hog main

>have to be a sniper to be completely out of range

I'm just a baby player level 30 but I haven't really seen what test to see what his range is yet. It's not a frequent issue for me, but I had one match where it happened about 4 times consecutively

>How to balance Roadhog in One step
>1 sec delay
>visual and audio cue is him swing the hook before he throws


Play a FGC game or Smash then, although you'll probably run into the same amount of autism if you go down the Smash route.

It's 10 meters, and you're nu pharah so you have literally no reason to fall in that range.

Of course you're still going to get fucked up by 76 and Ana, but you probably play with shitters that can't hit easy targets like yourself.

You'd also make him the worst character in the game.

Zen, Reaper

>Literally harder than tracer to grab

As a roadhog main, my only conclusion is that you're bad.

I have no idea what you meant by that, but being able to shoot the hook back to him would be metal as fuck.
The Roadhog would have to hook your only when you reload, and that would be fucking impressive despite hitscan/speed/annoying factor

Or just make his hook hitbox not a rectangle that reaches around walls.

dva counters haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard

I don't think the hook is the problem, so much as the free kill he gets out of it. Maybe they could reduce the hooks cooldown and make it penetrate shields, but also make it so he can only melee hooked targets for a second or two. It could still be used then to hook priority targets from behind shields and stuff so your team can fuck them up. It'd also give him some actual support abilities instead of being some fucking weird solo dps.

Literally any squishy just have to keep distance and eat up some free ult.
He'a still a tank, squishies arent meant to have an easy time 1v1ing him.

>sleep the hog
>teammates wake him up
Thanks fags

I'm okay, but sometimes I do bad had plenty of matches as mvp, but quite a few where I've been useless


>in one step
>says 2 steps
What did he mean by this?

dota 2 or csgo are both pretty good

it's more a problem with her recall than his hook. I've seen her start her recall but then her body flings back to where she was recalling from and dies

jesus christ

>people complain about a game designed to be an arcade fun experience

so you got killed. everyone gets killed at some point. I bet you queue alone too and don't have fun with the game with friends as intended.


>"why are you even playing such a shit game"
>posts a pic of a "gud uteber lel"


>dota 2

So we're judging people based on reaction images now?

roadhog is a joke and if you think he's broken you have brain damage
he isn't even the best tank

Haven't we been doing that?


He's barely even a tank

Dva counters him

>t. Genji


>guys it's totally a projectile that homes in on people from across the map
All that video shows is that there is too much of a delay on her translocator, not anything about the hook.

Yesterday on 3v3 I hook pulled through the floor and through a mid-high wall

""""skill"""" based_ hooter

My man the DEVS have confirmed Roadhog's hook is a projectile weapon and is 'working as intended.'

Granted there's a few weird things about it:

1. While you are throwing the hook (immediately after you press shift) there is a short window where you get to aim the hook, at which point it will travel in a straight line towards your crosshair target

2. If you move left or right the hook will not strafe with you, it will continue in its straight line. This is how hooks behind walls and around corners happen

3. The hook's hitbox is fucking enormous, about the size of Soldier

4. Where and how the hook drags its connected target is influenced (sometimes to a large degree) by the physics engine and how hog, target and hook are moving at the time

It's fucky but it is NOT hitscan.

meant to reply to

>The hook's hitbox is fucking enormous, about the size of Soldier
The only thing more bullshit than that is the size of Genji's reflect. He even manages to reflect things that he wasn't even trying to reflect.

Hey man, Mei takes skill.

It's not like she can just trip on her dick and score a quadruple kill...

every time i see a roadhog i wreck him, so either i'm matched with shitters or you just need to git gud

>The hook's hitbox is fucking enormous, about the size of Soldier
I keep hearing this, but when playig i see this is a blatant fucking lie

Hitscan? More like HOOKSCAN amirite?

It's the same with Reinhards meele swing, logically you would think the horizontal arch is wider because of your POV but it's actually vertical so if you're chasing someone and he's just a few inches away from you, you could turn the camera so you're chasing him at a 90 degree angle and you'll have a higher chance of hitting him.