It seems like the game industry suffer from the same body type syndrome.
You almost never see vVoluptuous bodies save a few.
Why is that? The last of us 2 is a perfect example.
That girl looks flat as an ironing board.
It seems like the game industry suffer from the same body type syndrome.
You almost never see vVoluptuous bodies save a few.
Why is that? The last of us 2 is a perfect example.
That girl looks flat as an ironing board.
Most characters, male or female, are rather aethletic for obvious reasons
Probably because they're pig disgusting.
excuse me?
Not all games have to be fanservice about bodies.
Also go out sometime. there are alot of girls with flat bodies.
holy shit
S L I M E D when?
No No. I don't mean pure fan service just variety so everyone doesn't look like dolls.
>You almost never see vVoluptuous bodies save a few
There are TONS, but Sup Forums cries "waifubait weeb cancer"
Who the fuck is this?
Video games has a bunch of Hollywood rejects and like Hollywood, body types with too much of certain features (ass, tits) are avoided.
I mean you don't even see guys with big muscular butts.
She has no ass dude.
You can find 4'x asian girls with better asses.
thicc meme has gone too far
Aren't you tired of memeing this shit all day?
I know about her, but I mean there should a little more body types like hers.
This is honestly the best body type for my taste. I would no joke marry a girl like this.
Nigga Ellie didn't grow up with food.
play Haydee
excuse me?
I have slightly more ass than her and I'm pretty flat and average
Perfect example that certain angles can make a body look a lot better.
Don't reply to him. Al he does is memeing.
You're probably fat.
source plz
Though I can't lie, I did go past 140lbs due to depressive eating.
are you a boy?