What went so horribly wrong?
What went so horribly wrong?
people are more interesed in other shit (mainly porn and shitposting) than video games.
This OP
Irony and contrarianism. That and console war shit.
There's no reason for this board to exist anymore.
All the vidya discussion went over to /vg/ and /vr/. This is a den of plebbitor and tumblrites screen capping EPIC MAYMAY threads that get a ton of replies to post on /r/Sup Forums to get a shitton of upboats.
Put this board of its misery already Hiroshima, please.
And yet, you're here?
Old habits die hard.
Meta threads
the rage is gone and became comfy. Sup Forums is nothing more than a beta cuck these days
So if that's what you think Sup Forums is for, then what is it you do here? Are you sure you're not the problem?
>shitposting prioritized over discussion
>ironic shitposting believed to be the norm
For example, see this stupid post full of meaningless buzzwords.
at least generals kept this board about vidya. tortanic is when this board attracted reddittors en masse
Moot's birth. Everything since has just followed from there.
People are always looking for equivalences.
Constant yearly waves of newfags and gamergate
Remember good old times when we could have fun shitting on the poorly made fanservice weeb games? Well, now you can't do it without being called sjw
The common anonymity trap. Lack of self-control, lack of self-awareness, and delusions of humor.
It still manages to be better than a lot of other boards, though. Mostly everyone here cares about games in some way.
Let me give you an analogy.
Sup Forums is like heroin. It is extremely addictive and causes gargantuan levels of harm and I want to stop taking it.
However I am a massive junkie who is severely addicted. Every day I go to my local underpass, suck dick for money to pay for some smack and a syringe that I shoot up and pass out on. All while being surrounded by equally trashy junkies. Eventually this substance will kill me.
By all means I should stop taking this hellishly harmful drug, but I cannot. My brain is wired to the point where I just want my fix and think about it disregarding everything else.
This is my relationship with Sup Forums.
>Remember good old times when we could have fun shitting on the poorly made fanservice weeb games? Well, now you can't do it without being called sjw
This literally never happens.
whoops meant to quote
Lack of self awareness is a serious issue here honestly. Newfags see people shitposting, think they're being serious, and begin to believe it is the accepted way to post.
Yeah, but how does video game discussion fit into that?
why boner
It doesn't. I want to quit this garbage board but I cannot.
Yeah it did.
I think all 3 DoAX games and recent Senran Kagura games suck. Say it these days and people will scream about evil tumblr tranny Satan
So you are the problem? You view Sup Forums as a containment board for shitposting and you treat it as such.
My exact reaction first time I saw it.
Partly. For continuing to browse this trash board giving it traffic and posts because I lack the willpower to quit coming here.
The whole gamergate fiasco