I warned my wife that allowing our 3 boys to have a video game would lead to trouble. She wanted to do something nice for them... all the other kids had them, right? Then came the disobedience, the temper tantrums, the drooping school marks, the drop in social activities, no more hockey, baseball, dirt biking, snowmobiles sit unused for 2 years now. The dogs never get played with. forget about any chores. Divorced her, Kids never call, won't pursue careers, only live for war games. New boyfriend is retired, enables and joins them in video games. sad. I fly my airplane alone now, go on motorcycle rides alone now, go snowmobiling alone now, go to NASCAR races alone now, go fishing alone now, forget hunting. Playstation Pro, you have won. I hope you're happy. Enjoy my family.
I warned my wife that allowing our 3 boys to have a video game would lead to trouble...
I was taught that PEMDAS works from left to right but apparently it doesn't according to this image.
This is true. I assume your teacher just didn't give a shit and explain to you why it works the way it does.
I fucking love canal city
Public school sucks.
>forget hunting
Good, fuck your caveman bloodsport
>that image
Shit, I just got hit hard by deja vu. That place isn't somewhere around Fukuoka, is it?
>I care about my kids
>But I was too weak to drag them away from a piece of plastic
lmaoing @ ur lyfe
at least now you have more free time to play videogames without anyone interrupting you
>cucked by a PS "not even real 4K" Pro
How much does sony pay for all these threads? Surely they don't really convince NEETs on Sup Forums to buy their garbage?
You sound boring.
asian slave labor is cheap as fuck
OP, wtf is this shit
You'll also notice the limbo bar at the start.
It's called Madman's Bridge and if you make it to the centre without falling you get all the pussy.
so my mom has been depressed that I'm a sack of lazy shit who mooches off her and had been in perma-neet mode since I dropped out of high school second year. lately it's becoming really obvious that she wants me to socialize and make friends and open new avenues in life but I'm too awkward and anxious.
about a month ago I strarted telling her I was going to hang out with friends and I'd go for walks and get mcdonalds and stuff.
Her mood started improving slightly but suddenly last night she says to me in a half joking but mostly serious way "now if only ou could find a nice girl" and long story short I told her I have a girlfriend and I was spending the night with her tonight.
I'm at the park right now waiting for when mom goes to work so I can go back home and tell her I spent the night, but that's a good 6 or 7 hours away now.
what games can I play on my iPhone to pass the time quickly and preferably something immersive enough that I can forget about my shitty life for a few hours?
hey Reddit long time no see
>family giving me shit for not having a job
>get a job
>family giving me shit for not having my own place
>get my own place
>family giving me shit for working too much and not being at their place enough and when you gonna get married user?
How small is your penis?
It's not gonna convince her for long.
but i was always here
>living at parents
>so badly addicted to video games that I can't think to work a job
Suicide by 25
it's quite obvious really
Why didn't you discipline your kids?
That's because multiplication is the same as division of the inverse and addition is the same as subtraction of the inverse.
you're breaking my heart user
come clean to your mum, she loves you and wants you to be happy
talk about your anxiety and then find a trainer to help you develop social skills and overcome your fears. I've been through the same thing and ended up wasting 5 years of my life because I didn't end up taking action sooner.
what show/movie?
just looking for phone games guys
>Kids are into video games
>Parent's won't even bother to try to understand the hobby let alone play with their kids
And then they wonder why there is such a disconnect just because their kids didn't pick up on the hobbies they wanted to pass on.
I give private English lessons for a living and the other day I met this father who was there 100% for businessm, but after a few lessons he opened up and started to talk about his family. He told me that he really wants to spend time with his child but he is almost never home because he is constantly traveling for business.
His son got into Minecraft so instead of shunning it he learned about the game and now every night, regardless of where he is, he connects through the web and plays with his kid every single day through a server he rented.
That shit fucking moved me. The guy is on his early fifties and has a look of someone who would never have had touched any games if it wasn't for his kid. If every parent acted like this maybe children wouldn't feel so fucking abandoned.
disregard women, acquire good boy points
That guy sounds like a pretty rad dad, not gonna lie. Made me miss playing City of Villains with my own dad like a decade ago.
I agree OP.
You can take me as your son though, i despite games as well and I'm sick of this, I want to try all of that cool stuff.
Will you take me in?
This reminds me I haven't masturbated in over six hours.
>killing practically defenseless living beings for fun is for civilized people
Fuck, you just reminded me of the times I was playing Bomberman with my dad.
Good times.