Are my temps safe?

I'm running a HD7950 but my 1 one my fans is dead. When running Assassin's Creed 3 I'm seeing temps of 75C buts that's on the GPU itself not my VRMs which are the hottest running parts of the card

The fan that died is above the VRMs. Could my VRMs be running a lot hotter than card is reporting or should I be safe?

I'm running the HD7950 right now because I'm not going to install my new R9 Fury until Christmas.

I have two 7950's and each one has 1 dead fan. What is with these cards...

Hm, that's a good question.

I've read ways to fix the fans. I'm just lazy I guess

With the temps running that hot it worries me. I've already dropped my clocks to 880MHz and lowered the power limit to -10.

Idk if that helps though since that's not undervolting it just lowering the maximum draw allowed. Undervolting it should put less stress on the VRMs but not having a fan running next to the VRMs worries me. I wish there was a sensor there since that's the part that tends to heat up more than the GPU itself

It actually seems to be a common problem with most GPUs nowadays. Cheap ass venders

The temps you're posting are hot but not "oh holy fuck am I about to set my house on fire" temps, so it could possibly be worked with. Personally, I would not fuck with a card that had a fan out, it's hard telling what could happen with shit like that. The best you could get is that it would continue running as hot as it does with what you're currently running. If you ever plan on running something more intensive or upgrading parts in your computer, I'd recommend you either replace your card or bitch at your manufacturer/place of sale (depending on warranty and whatnot) until you get a better/new one.

Shit my old 7950 has a broken fan too

>R9 Fury

I have a R9 Fury waiting to replace it with but I'm using the HD7950 till christmas. I'm hoping it doesn't give me trouble

I have my window open right now (cold as fuck right now) to help it. At idle its running 31C which is pretty fucking warm given the ambient temp is well below 0C.

I'll probably fix the fans once the I switch GPUs and throw the HD7950 in my sister's Phenom II x4 PC. Its a lot better than the GTX460 768MB thats currently in it

75 is "acceptable", though most people try to push it down toward 70 at the least.

GTX 1070 performance

New last year. For $240 I'm not going to complain even though my FX6300 will choke the fuck out of it unless running DX12 or Vulkan

AMD CPUs are a real failure. I'm actually bottlenecked trying to play 4k videos. Literally no choice but to go Intel; I'm not holding my breath on AM4.

I realize that the FX6300 is an awful CPU to pair this with but for the $340 I paid for everything new I feel like I have a pretty beastly budget PC

I love how fast Windows 10 restarts. Makes overclocking the processor super quick

That's because it doesn't take advantage of both cores in the module. They need to really push for multithreading when streaming. Would really help lower clocked CPUs

I would agree however Doom really shows how good these processors actually are. The FX6300 stock is beating the i5 2500k stock in Vulkan Doom. Pretty crazy given that the FX6300 was behind the i3 most of its life

AMD HBM cards are going to age so well you won't believe it

Try getting the fan going again. There may be dust in it, so blast some compressed air around and into the fan. Also, oil the fan. This is recommended for even the working fans. I've done or and it seriously reduces the sound of the machine.


I was so pissed when that happened. Linus will never let AMD forget it

Yeah the bandwidth is double that of the GTX980


lol i hope thats a bug

I know Intel's largely better, but my my little poo has served me honorably for almost 4 years now. Looking back on it, it really was good value for money.

this is more of an indictment of how shitty browsers and media players are when it comes to multithreading than it is of modern processors

Intel keeps pushing single core performance as if it means anything. These new processors aren't going to be hitting 6-8ghz any time soon and their IPC improvements are largely insignificant. They keep dedicating more and more of the die to onboard graphics too, which is fucking retarded for anybody who just wants a cheap fast hexcore.

I bought a 3GB GTX 1060 early on in the whole Black Friday thing, I'm kicking myself now though having seen that R9 Fury for $240 after MIR.

I don't game that often so the thing getting really hot isn't a big deal to me, and I heard you can undervolt them pretty easily too if you want to cut down on power consumption.

IMO the R9 Fury and X cards are the next 8800GT

I hope its like the 8800GT. I used my old 8800GT in a i5 4690k build I did for a friend and it was really impressive how well it held up in some newer titles like Diablo 3

I'm not really worried about getting as high a frame rate as possible. I just want to max the games which my HD7950 did for all of my older titles. The R9 Fury though will do it in all the games released in the past 3 years which I haven't played yet

Should be able to run everything in 4K at 30fps

I feel like some optimization could really push the 4GB beyond what 4GB of GDDR5 can do

Often some things aren't compressed properly. A bit of modding could do wonders

My 750 ti never goes over 60 even in games that are too much for it.
Before that I had one that was going between 70-80 all the time. The temp is okay but it will probably die an earlier death, because my said GPU that was usually this hot only survived 2 years.

Yeah its not the chip that worries me. 75C is safe. Its the vrms that I can't monitor that concern me.