Anybody else miss when Das1 just came out and was booming? The game was so fucking good man. Masterpiece and it was still fresh af. I miss ~2011 Sup Forums when the whole board was playing souls and it was like that for two years. We havent had a game like that since that virtually the whole board played and loved. Das2 and 3 both disappointed and Bloodborne was ps4 only and the pvp sucked. I really miss the Das1 days and hoping we experience a game like that again sooner rather than later.
Anybody else miss when Das1 just came out and was booming? The game was so fucking good man...
Bloodborne is literally better than dark souls, and the pvp was amazing, what the fuck are you talking about?
>30 fps
I agree OP. There will be posters who'll reply soon saying how you're wrong as Demon's Souls was the true best eera of Souls and maybe they're right I dunno but Dark Souls on Sup Forums from 2011-2013/14 was great
>The game was so fucking good man. Masterpiece
>bloodborne's pvp sucked
The worst meme. The absolute worst.
You people just want to circlestrafe and backstab all day. BB has amazing combat and the pvp is fantastic. I can only assume you mouthbreathers have issues with the invasion mechanics.
I remember Sup Forums being much more in love with demon souls desu fampai, but sure, those days with ds1 were good, then it was released on pc and all went to shit forever
I'm an '09 tier newfag and dark souls at its peak was definitely the best Sup Forums I ever experienced. We're never gonna have a time like that again m8. Even if they make an amazing new soulslike it will never be as fresh and as captivating as the original dark souls was. Yeah we had demons souls but that community was much smaller. Das1 was where everyone on v could play it and the community exploded. It was just awesome that everybody was enjoying the game without the fanboy bs. And yes, Das1 was way better than DeS, an improvement in every way, but that's not what this thread is about. Just a Das1 appreciation thread of a time we'll never again get on v.
>Four Kings
I don't get it, you can dodge their attacks pretty easily, and as long as you haven't been losing your souls constantly you can do enough damage to fight two at a time max, this was more a casual filter than anything, just poorly placed since S&O were better at it. Bed of Chaos is the only boss that's strictly bad off the top of my head, maybe Firesage Demon for being a reskin that doesn't fight differently, unlike Stray Demon which was actually different.
I beat them first try, i don't even know how, i just remember my heart about to explode from my chest afterwards
There was nothing particularly hard or bad about them to be honest
Why did you posted this
DaS2 is still active if you have a pvp itch. It's not the same but I still have fun with it.
Four kings was easy as fuck for me, maybe because I was running a melee character?
If there is something to complain about in ds1 is lost izalith and bed of chaos.
he's meme-ing (memeing)
>hurrrrr PC fans ruined Dark Souls threads quality
>meanwhile Bloodborne, a PS4 exclusive, threads are all "Lady Maria is cute! CUTE!" and ">tfw The Doll will never be your mommy" and "if you don't think this is the best Souls game you're a butthurt PCfag"
>if you so much as mention any legitimate flaw like Blood Vials as a consumable making it strictly inferior to Estus or the constant Frenzy for most of Nightmare of Mensis, everyone goes apeshit and says "r-r--r u casual? git gud!"
I'm sorry but the PC players ruining discussion narrative has got to stop. I've beaten Bloodborne and enjoyed it but the threads are way more cancer than PC-available Souls threads
DaS1 = DaS2 > DaS3 > BB
DasI = BB > DaSIII > DeS > DaSII
Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't
nice fart meme
Instead of DaS = BB I'd put DaS III= BB.
DaS III is a great game that gets a lot of unnecessary flak
DaS > DaS III = BB > DeS > DaS II
I did have issue with that, my first play through I got invaded twice, I was so disappointed considering how much I was invaded in every other souls
I did win both though, so that made me happy
spammable healing is cancer and that's why demons das3 and bloodborne have shit pvp
Dark souls 2 was the best of the souls at release
Then the "DOWNGRADED SHIT GAM", "vaati said it sucked!", and the nerfs started.
I found ds3 pvp pretty fun, though it was much more oriented to multliple players rather than 1v1 duels. I mean I can understand people disliking it but it was just a different flavor of pvp
>spammable healing
You can easily parry heal spammers you shitter, holy fuck. How dare you compare DaS3's estus chugging to BB's healing.
Why don't you just advertise that you never play BB?
the PC release ruined the series, and helped ruin lots of PC games afterwards as well
>Broken as shit lightning miracles making bosses pathetic
>the panic and anger after the lighting engine was thrown in the dumpster
no one's talking about Bloodborne
Dark Souls before the PC release was fantastic right up to that point. It was because of a lot of reasons. the playerbase wasn't nearly as bad, the OC people were making was actually interesting, there weren't memes like there are now. and there was no cash grab shit in sight
I will say that PC with DSfix is now the definitive experience, but the multi is dead even with DSCM.
1v1 duels have always been garbage
I consider PVP in dark souls to be invasions, and ds3 had tipped the balance too far forward for the host allowing phantoms to have estus and password matching, duo invaders was and is far too infrequent to be considered
probably because I've played the damn game, frequently pussies will circle around an object till they have the opportunity to heal, and it's such a short window that i can't do shit about it.
Still enjoying it today on PS3. I'd say that it's gotten even more active than it was a year ago.
Instead of interesting PvP though now there is just Havel moms everywhere wih hornet rings and some combination of Great Club, BKGA, and Murakumo. Did see a guy with a Stone Greatsword and Great Combustion that was both refreshing and cancerous at the same time.
Gotta install it and play it for the first time today! What should I expect?
Dark souls was fucking garbage.
And Sup Forums didn't even know about it until the PtDE came out on PC.
You're kidding right?
Why would you timestamp the fact that you own bb?
Even better why post bb in a souls thread? Their two completely different games.
Nigga did you read what he was replying to?
Nah, Just done playing on tostrer and bought a good pc today
don't talk to me or my wife's son ever again please.
And you have no idea about what Dark Souls is? If you're on Sup Forums you should have some idea, there's multiple threads daily. There's at least one up every time I come on anyway.
Either way if you have no idea then expect to make a shit build your first time through and miss a ton of content. Pro tip: soft cap for leveling is 40 so dont put more than 40 points into anything unless you're committing hardcore.
Get DSFix. Now.
Sorry Ma'am
>reading through the entire thread of replies and not just responding to images posted.
What is this reddit? Alright I dont have the desire to start up a shitpost anymore.
also a point into health, endurance, or damage is never wasted.
dont upgrade your armor. upgrade your weapons
Dark Souls 1 was also 30 fps on release.
All the games are good.
I just play then and enjoy them. Each one has slight differences, I just deal with it.
Don't need to spend my time arguing over which is best, or whatever the fuk.
As long as they are challenging and interesting, IDGAF. 99 percent of other games bore me to death so as long as I enjoy this I have no need to b!tch about anything.
Besides maybe taking the invisible cat ring out of the first Dark Souls and making it weaker. Was hilarious.
You dont have to read everything just what he was replying to. You might answer your own question before typing it out and posting it.
Looking back on it, the Dark Souls hype was a mistake.
>most of the bosses are shit
>most of the levels are shit
>all the lorefaggotry that went nowhere
>git gud prepare to die difficulty meme despite the game being easy as shit
>2 disappointing sequels
>the Dark Souls hype was a mistake.
Considering it got two sequels, a spin-off, millions of units sold, I'd say it wasn't.
>most of the levels are shit
Which ones?
>all the lorefaggotry that went nowhere
So you're a dumbass?
>git gud prepare to die difficulty meme despite the game being easy as shit
>2 disappointing sequels
Fuck off fanboy. i'm talking about the quality of the games, not how many shekels they generated.
>i'm talking about the quality of the games
No you're not. You completely ignored my inquiries.
>what I thought was a waistcloth was beautiful chainmail this whole time
>And Sup Forums didn't even know about it until the PtDE came out on PC.
That's laughably incorrect.
Dark Souls has some of the WORST story telling I've seen in a game praised for it. The plot is all done through cut scenes and gameplay but the story is told through fucking item descriptions.
Where is this text supposed to be coming from? Is it written on the items? Not fucking likely since you can view the models and I don't see writing fucking anywhere.
Is it is what your character knows/is telling the player about the item? Also fucking impossible since there's no way for the character to know that shit.
It's nonsensical, lazy, and worse than putting a fucking text scroll in the middle of a film but instead of people ignoring it as a flaw they act like it's the greatest shit ever since it lets them fill in all the gaps with fan theories
I regret playing that game and I am sad that it became popular on here because it really isn't that good. It shouldn't be used as a standard for comparing to other games and it absolutely shouldn't be considered a 5/5.
>Dark Souls has some of the WORST story telling I've seen in a game praised for it. The plot is all done through cut scenes and gameplay but the story is told through fucking item descriptions.
>Where is this text supposed to be coming from? Is it written on the items? Not fucking likely since you can view the models and I don't see writing fucking anywhere.
>Is it is what your character knows/is telling the player about the item? Also fucking impossible since there's no way for the character to know that shit.
That's nice but I never made a comment about the quality of the story, or the manner in which it is presented to the player. My only purpose in calling user a dumbass was because the lore does go somewhere. It goes a lot of where.
>since it lets them fill in all the gaps with fan theories
Goddamn you're so stupid.
What are your grievances with it? This is from someone who think's it's 9/10 with Artorias Of The Abyss.
>assblasted lorefag
That shit doesn't go anywhere but please feel free to post your vidyavaati cancer
I've never watched vaatividya. I've never needed someone to tell me that Quelana states in dialogue that it has been 1000 years since her mother attempted to recreate the first flame. Because it's in the game. In dialogue. By talking to her. Fucking idiot.