Risk of Rain

Risk of Rain thread: maybe if i say it enough there will be a host edition

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Keep the thread alive for a little bit.
If no one hosts by then, I'll do it.

I dreamed I was playing ror, there were lot of common fire wurms, and Metrid was carrying the game.

post infografix

when you host, do you use a vpn or something? or do you just give out your IP?

i know this isn't Sup Forums or Sup Forums but still i'd be nervous

I just give out my IP.
It's just Sup Forums, what's there to be afraid off? You talk as if this place was filled with elite hackers who blow up vans.

>Anonymous 12/10/16(Sat)19:25:31 No.360289116 ▶
>File: __ryuujou_kantai_collecti(...).png (1.06 MB, 1327x2178)
>I just give out my IP.
>It's just Sup Forums, what's there to be afraid off? You talk as if this place was filled with elite hackers who blow up vans.





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This thread has been pushed up.

Right now!

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