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denuvo is the savior of pc gaming.
Why do you think exclusives still exist? publisher are afraid of pc piracy, with that gone you'd be enjoying, for example, rockstar releases on day one
>Pay thousands for anti-piracy
>Remove it
It's not because they hurt pirates feelings, that's for fuck sure.
Hope the rumors about it shredding SSDs underwent more testing and turned out true, and they're doing it to avoid a massive lawsuit.
Console pleb here.
What exactly is denuvo?
Or because Denuvo requires regular payments and companies stop finding it worth it after a few months.
This, The Climb didn't exactly set the world on fire.
>Or because Denuvo requires regular payments
Really? kek, so i'm gonna assume that most devs will eventually remove Denuvo from their games,
It's nothing to do with SSD horseshit, it's an experiment gone horribly wrong.
It turns out that decent anti-piracy is a really, really fucking bad thing. Because the people who keep your game alive by talking about it online? It turns out that most of them are poor and barely buy games. By removing the ability to let them try your game, you lose advertising that money really can't buy. A lot of this year's major releases have maxed out at 1 or 2 threads on launch day, when in the past something like DX:HR flooded the board for weeks.
Does Denuvo have an annual license fee or something? Maybe Crytek removed it so their employees could afford lunch.
Literally what
Hopefully Square Enix removes it from Tomb Raider soon. I've went through three SSD's trying to finish that game.
The fuck is "The Climb"?
What? Crytek were the biggest anti piracy bitches back in the day
Always online anti piracy system that costs a shit ton of money to add to a game. A DRM system that is really hard to beat.
That all these companies are removing it is incredibly odd.
A shitty first person GIRP / QUOP game that Crytek released and charged $60 for.
They were paid off by Oculus so it's not available on Vive and can only be played with a controller.
Is it playable without VR?
Denuvo takes a cut of the sales based on total sold. It's why a few indies have Denuvo on their games too.
If this were true why have all the games that were cracked removed it?
Deus Ex MD, Mirrors Edge C were cracked and still have it on there.
>The Climb
I didn't know this existed.
>Mirrors Edge C is such a shitty game that no one cares about it even after cracked version is out.
what the fuck does that mean
The future of piracy is having to wait 3-6 months for a crack to be released after the initial release. Seems fine to me.
>game has denuvo
>game does not sell at all
H-how did this happen? THOSE FILTHY PIR--
oh wait they can't blame pirates this time
I guess Denuvo is good after all since it tells you if the game is truly shit.
It's expensive and publishers find it to be a waste of money.
At launch: It could prevent pirates from spoiling the game/preventing sales
Three months later: It's a waste of money.
I spilled my drink. I think EA hit them too hard in the head.
>denuvo improved the Sup Forums boards
>didn't increase sales
>costs additional money
and drove me away from buying digital games back to physical (where devs actually earn less).
Seems the experiment was a full success.
I love how they don't even comment on why they're removing Denuvo from their games.
Because without the excuse to blame pirates for shit sales as a result of a shit game, they can't scapegoat it to publishers.
And pirates never had that big of an impact IN THE FIRST PLACE.
the only games you can really buy physical anymore are like
nintendo games
This. Pretty much every game with Denuvo has flopped. Devs are hopefully starting to see that anti-piracy measures harm consumers more than pirates and don't help sales.
Buyfags BTFO again, pirates win again.
>Pretty much every game with Denuvo has flopped.
And those games would have flopped without Denuvo, too.
>with that gone you'd be enjoying
No we wouldn't. Games aren't released on PC because PC players won't buy games at full price in the droves and droves needed to recoup the bloated budgets most games have now. Most will wait for a 25%, 50%, 75% off sale, and many still won't buy it.
It has nothing to do with piracy.
I bought 9 physical games since October and don't have to give a fuck about Denuvo anymore.
Not a single one from Nintendo.
That's literally what happened with Lords of The Fallen. It was so shitty that even pirates didn't care.
pour us a rum, jack
and then the console says it has to download anyway
or that it has to activate on steam
i think physical games ship with denuvo anyways if they have it
>google this
>it actually happened
holy shit how do you even reach such a level of mismanagement that you just flat out don't pay your employees
the second a job isn't paying your cheque without reason, you can sue, can't you?
Probably because the companies that own those games aren't willing to remove the feature, or the games weren't cracked in the 3 month window denuvo guarantees with a refund. Even if they were, do you really think EA and SE would ever let people crack and pirate their shit easily?
>pay 200.000 dollars on Denuvo fees
>don't even feed the own employees
>games all flop
Crysis truly was a one-hit wonder.
Remember when Crysis was at the front of the graphics race, where people joked that even NASA couldn't run it at full specs? And now here we are... to fall so low must hurt
dead company
Crysis was the last good game they made, then it all went to shit
Well the reason so many companies were hiring or directly funding Denuvo was cuz they had actual statistical proof that Denuvo increased sales in the first few weeks for games that had it. Originally they were just working for hire, then EA became their primary benefactor and they got a ton more work.
Well any of their competitors could've made some stupidly heavy to run but what would've been the point?
>our business model is making games that run 10fps xD
>has to download anyway
I downloaded patches for physical games since the mid 90s. Nothing wrong with it.
>or that it has to activate on steam
A code is not a physical game. That's exactly what I'm no longer spending money on.
In the few cases so far I imagine it's because
>Bethesda is owned by the shittiest moneygrubbers in existence, Zenimax, who likely don't feel like giving Denuvo anymore of their sales cut (and FO4 sells for peanuts now anyway)
>Crytek is literally out of money and can't even pay their workers, let alone the fees on Denuvo
where the fuck do you even find physical games anymore that it doesn't activate on steam
>holy shit how do you even reach such a level of mismanagement that you just flat out don't pay your employees
Their bosses are turkish muslims
this triggers me so much
Because PC players are generally smarter and more patient.
If they weren't, they wouldn't bother going through the trouble of building a PC in the first place, so it makes sense.
a lot of suckers buy prebuilt PCs though user
People who spent a small fortune to have a screen stuck to their face and hardware that could support that aren't too cheap to cash out for a game.
>where the fuck do you even find physical games anymore that it doesn't activate on steam
>Why do you think exclusives still exist?
Because Sony and Microsoft pay the developers/publishers money for the games to be exclusive so that they could sell their consoles better.
Wasn't this only in crytek UK who are now dambuster studios (ex free radical?) who made the horribly Mal-managed and punished homefront 2.
EA titles, because you activate those on Origin :^)
>thinking that's DRM-free
right, so you're retarded then
And you get SecuROM Online and Denuvo on top of it.
What a wonderful world we live in.
It's Denuvo-free. Good enough.
Please pirate our game.
DRM that requires an internet connection to start the game, and you connect to the server and it gives you a unique hashtag based on your mobo/gpu/cpu that only works for you.
If the servers ever go offline you will NEVER be able to play the game you paid for ever again.
Neil Gaiman pretty much predicted this
Crysis sold like shit for that exact reason. It's why you don't have games that are made for graphics card 5 years in the future than only 1% can play with high settings.
Making 1 game with good graphics isnt that noteworthy user. If most PC devs were interested in making games that requires god tier computers to run, Crysis would have probably been dethroned pretty fast, but not a single dev cares about that because its actually a bad strategy.
If I remember correctly, Square Enix made a special contract with Denuvo.
Square Enix didn't trust it working so they wanted to pay less the faster it is cracked and in return they had to pay more the longer it is uncracked.
>That all these companies are removing it is incredibly odd.
one of the appeals of PC games is modding. By removing Denuvo they are basically releasing the modable version of the game.
Sounds awful.
When a game from a big company bombs you get suits holding a meeting to find out the reason why it happened, and they will never accept "it was a shit game" as one of them even if it actually was the main reason.
It's probably much more mundane than that. Something along the lines of:
>Denuvo requires regular payments from dev as long as it's attached to the game
>A few months after release, devs know sales are only going to trickle in from here on out regardless of DRM
>remove Denuvo since it's not protecting your sales anymore and only costing you money
Its not worth having it after 6 months of the game being out
It's not worth having ever there is no proof to back up games selling more with Denuvo. Yet there's proof of games selling allot worse with Denuvo. This DRM shit comes and goes pirates are just used as a scapegoat for when games bomb. Too bad they're bombing even worse with the DRM.
>Well the reason so many companies were hiring or directly funding Denuvo was cuz they had actual statistical proof that Denuvo increased sales in the first few weeks for games that had it.
No they didn't. If anything, it's the opposite.
>Piracy is the only way they can get people to play the game.
Heh, they can't blame pirates do they?
Crytek has financial problems so they probably simply couldn't afford it.
>A PClard publisher getting their shit pushed in.
What's new?
actshually when they went multiplat their games started to suck
Crysis had pretty good gameplay, use of physics and shit consoles couldn't handle at all
Crysis 2 was an abomination that was clearly simplified and didn't allow you to do what the first game did, I mean gameplay wise. The destruction was pretty much gone, forget about shooting trees and making them fall on the gooks
>Have you tried running a cost/benefit analysis on your buying decisions?
Yes, I have. Physical games are cheaper to buy (€), easier to get rid of (Gamestop), easier to install and update.
Also most importantly come without region locks, online activation and subscribers agreement bullshit.
>From an economic perspective what you do probably makes no sense.
Exchanging money into tangible goods is a very sound economical strategy in my opinion.
>Steam is
Going back to physical means it's completely irrelevant, what video game facebook is. That's the biggest the advantage: I don't have to bother, AT ALL.
Distracting me from enjoying my video games with irrelevant bullshit? I don't give a fuck anymore - no passwords, no hacked/stolen accounts. Just items on my shelf.
>Steam is very unlikely to disappear in the future and neither is it likely to ban you.
Once you built a reasonable physical collection you realize, that you threw money into the toilet with nothing in return. Meanwhile I found enjoyable games, which are not on Steam and never will be.
All that fuckery with "calculate your current digital account value" is just that: sunken cost fallacy and denial of it.
I'm never going to return, Gaben, you lost me.
There is an infallible anti-piracy method: just don't release your fucking games on PC.
That "market" is just not worth the trouble.
Funny how the reason Denuvo exists is the same reason developers aren't willing to put it on their games for an extended period of time.
protip: it's shekels.
>Maximum speed became your average console shooter's jog
I will never forgive Crytek.
There's a money back guarantee if the game is cracked within the first few months. thats why doom removed their denuvo.
tfw I thought Crysis 2 was going to be like 1, but in the concrete jungle, with destructable buildings and whatnot.
What a massive disappointment.
Crytek never made a single good game.
Only overrated bullshit and PC benchmarks.
Crysis games have this property where there's something missing when you're playing the game. I can't quite put my finger on it but it's all flash and no bang. Pretty graphics and a mildly interesting potential gimmick which was the suit but there's just one thing missing. As if the game lacks soul or something.
>thats why doom removed their denuvo
It's finally time to give nuDOOM a shot.
Even Denuvo lets you backup/redownload your games. A micro-scratch won't ruin your $60 investment.
It's been properly cracked for a few months where have you been?
This is the sort of shit Microsoft attempted to pull with Xbox One. Remember to continue rejecting console makers' attempts at this, even if they try to bribe you with goodies.
First Doom now this literally who game
why is denuvo being genocided?
>inb4 it comes out that it was breaking HDDs/SSDs or severely impacting cpu bound performance like some people said
But when was denuvo removed from the steam version?
That was the only thing keeping me from buying it.
Like a week ago it was removed in the latest update.
>Put tough anti-piracy shit on your game
>Expect sales to jump as pirates are forced to begrudgingly buy your game
>Instead they just never play it and pirate one of the other 10000000 currently pirate-able games
Really, really makes you think