>bit the bullet and beat Earthbound last summer
>now onto Mother 3
The combo system is so great. Although after I beat this I feel like I won't be able to handle Mother 1.
>bit the bullet and beat Earthbound last summer
>now onto Mother 3
The combo system is so great. Although after I beat this I feel like I won't be able to handle Mother 1.
Other urls found in this thread:
M1 is the best of the series
On emulator, it hard to get that satisfying 16 hit combo, but its not impossible.
I definitely enjoyed it more than Earthbound, more straightforward and I didn't have to sit through pointless plot. also that part in Empire Pork building where it plays the intro to M1. fucking got me good
How do I get good at the rhythm hits? Last time I tried playing I fucked up most of the time and got fucked up by the ghosts in that mansion.
Earthbound > Mother 3 > Mother
you shouldn't make threads about this game until you beat it, you'll just get spoiled
use the hypno pendulum to get a feel for the rhythms, a lot of them aren't just 4/4 beats
Do Dusters hypno pendulum and listen to the heart beat as that's the rhythm you need to use.
Of course it's different for all the songs, Strong One is hard as fuck
I'm already spoiled on the other-all plot from simply being alive and on the internet, it's more the dialogue and the shorter side stories
just figured i'd warn you. it's still worth playing for sure, the spoilers are heavily foreshadowed anyway
There is a version of mother 1+2 (for the GBA) that is translated more accurately and has an ring that makes the game less grindy.
There's literally nothing to it. It's wayyyyy too dry.
actually the biggest spoiler by far is rarely talked about actual spoiler leder's speech in the apartments
This. All I hear in terms of spoilers is the dead brother meme "he gave his last breath" . I never knew about that event until it happened and I'm glad i didn't. Interesting shit.
Honestly, only time i needed to grind was in the Attic of Club Titiboo and the volcano area.
I legit curios what action Ness and friends would have taken to find Porky. I mean after Porky kidnaps Andonuts Jeff must have been trying to track him down somehow. Plus of course the whole story of Porky time traveling and building his empire
I'm more suprised that how the entire history of Nowhere is only about 14 years old. Since Kumatora got to the islands when she was a baby and she is about 14-17 throughout the story. I'd have to assume that when porky kidnapped Andonuts, the entire land was destroyed or went down, forgot what Leder said had happened.
Mother 1 is alright, but I'd recommend the 25th anniversary romhack if you want graphics that actually match the clay models and an xp system that removes the NES grind as well as makes random battles not occur nearly as frequently. Also, modifies the overworld map slightly to make long backtracking not nearly as bad.
when the rest of the world was destroyed they wiped all of their memories in an attempt to rebuild without repeating their past mistakes. the cracks are show a bit when hinawa dies, by the end the project completely fails.
it brings some interesting subtext to the game on the next playthrough. and then there's things like nana's cryptic hints that you probably brushed off ("none of the families here look like each other"), characters like the mayor, how quickly people revert back to their actual old way of life...
the whole game has themes of loss of innocence and the end brings it full circle - the idyllic village you grew up in was never really "real"
Yeah, so I'm not sure what to think about your idea. I know for certain, you couldn't have these kinds of discussions about Earthbound.
History repeats itself, and I didn't pick up on the fact that a lot of the families don't appear to be related.
Post Kumatora
>Yeah, so I'm not sure what to think about your idea. I know for certain, you couldn't have these kinds of discussions about Earthbound.
the first part is actually stated in game. the egg of enlightenment held their memories, and was to be used in an emergency - this is the role wes + duster were to play - but they fail and by the end, it's too late
Not what I meant. I was talking about your curiosity of what Ness and the gang is doing, if they are looking for Porky and Jeff looking for Andonuts
different user. as far as i'm concerned, that's totally irrelevant
M1 is personally my favorite, there are some points you have to grind, notably when you get the next two party members, but people overestimate the amount of grinding needed. You can beat the game pretty easily with a team that averages level 25 while I see a lot of people grinding up to like 40 before even hitting Mt. Itoi. You just need to fully abuse Ana's PSI in lategame.
Mother > Mother 3 > Mother 2
>it's an enemy with the Spider!!! music
>or the Greedy Rat music
I think my team was average lvl 25 by the time I beat the game. As long as you know where to go, it gets pretty easy to navigate the world, and the music never got old to me. Also When Eve got fucking destroyed, saddest part in the game, next to Teddy's fake death.
those are 4/4 regular beats git gud lmao
While I'm only halfway into this, I have played every single Mother game up until now, and it's kinda amazing how much the first one is growing on me, the second is still a masterpiece, but the Third one is kinda falling apart for me, for one thing the drama, which I thought was great and made me cry when I was 14 is kinda hard to take seriously when the characters have these big heads and tiny bodies.
Also Kumatora is a prick, Duster is a literally who the entire story, the first 3 chapters have some bizarre overlapping, and there isn't as much of that ''discovery'' sense compared to the first 2 games.
>I feel like I won't be able to handle Mother 1.
Nah if you can handle NES style jrpgs in general, you can handle Mother 1.
>I feel like I won't be able to handle Mother 1.
You'll be fine, it's not nearly the hardest one out there, but you do have to grind a bit, get the Easy Patch if you're playing the NES version
>the first 3 chapters have some bizarre overlapping,
What's wrong with that?
I first game definitely grew on me while I went on with the game. I felt my experience with Earthbound was pretty shit so I think it isn't as good as 3. Also are you talking shit about my wife?
The short time it takes for you to go through Osohe Castle with Duster and Wess and find Kumatora/The egg is apparently the same amount of time Salsa did his little show, carried over the 3 happy boxes all over Tazmily, explored Osohe and went into the basement to pull the lever.
I actually have to go a bit in-depth to analyze what's so bizarre about the first 3 chapters of Mother 3, like why would Alec not see his grandsons for years when his house is literally a walk away? that kind of stuff
my experience with EarthBound was the fucking best, I will never forget it.
As for Mother 3, I remember dying to a boss a lot and having to fight him over and over again with 0 items until I finally beat him, for the entire playthrough, the worst boss being the Thunder Tower robot.
Now that I know better playing Mother 3 feels very short, which is a shame because I remember taking months to beat each game
So did the butterfly that crashed at the beginning of Earthbound come from Nowhere Islands?
>The short time it takes for you to go through Osohe Castle with Duster and Wess and find Kumatora/The egg is apparently the same amount of time Salsa did his little show, carried over the 3 happy boxes all over Tazmily, explored Osohe and went into the basement to pull the lever.
One night and the following day. I think chapter 3 starts half a day before chapter 2. Not too far-fetched, each chapter is 1 1/2 hours? and doesn't cover much ground.
>why would Alec not see his grandsons for years when his house is literally a walk away?
I assume it's a video game distance thing and the walk is more a couple/few hours vs 15 minutes.
I'd recommend you to either buy the godly handbook from fangamer on Mother 3 to play with, or just look at the pdf online as it is free. Tells you all the weaknesses of bosses, hidden items, loot drop rates, etc. And that Lightning boss is pretty tough, you just need to come up with a strategy before hand.
>Lucas buff defense+Kuma puts psi shield+Boney sniffs or salt gun+duster use smokebomb to make it cry.
I used trial and error to see what it's weaknesses were while surviving as long as possible. I did this for all the bosses and it gave me some time to adapt without looking up how to beat it. My second playthrough I used the guide.
how to beat anything tough in mother 3: use the offense/defense modifier moves and shields, they are overpowered and stack up to 3 times
i think mother 3 takes place far in the future, much further than the 10 or so years buzz buzz comes from.
I think figuring out your brother is the masked guy so early makes it that much more impactful, it makes it feel a lot like denial insteaf of just being a twist.
Best Nintendo princess
I've played Mother 3 through a couple times, and that was enough to figure out that using Lucas' buffs and Kumatora/Duster's debuffs makes all the bosses in the game melt. The only times this doesn't work is when you're not working with a full party like that (Jealous Bass) or there's a really specific gimmick that will fuck you in the ass for not paying attention to it (buying Lucas, Kumatora and Duster the electric-resistant raincoats before the chapter 4 boss)
good tastes
Is the Mother Trilogy the only thing made by Shigesato Itoi that got translated into English?
What else has he worked on?
I always bought those boss-specific items but never put them on. I do fine without them in the end because of all the self buffs. I do agree, when you don't have at least 3 members for a boss, it gets pretty difficult.
it's a shame mother 3 forgot duster and kumatora existed in chapter 7 + 8 and barely gave them dialog. one of the weaker points to the game
Well shit, now I know, I always stockpile on bombs, pencil rockets, food, magic food to recover PP, maybe some grinding and unload it all on the boss
If you want something else stupidly OP, keep the DCMC pamphlet on boney, it works on all pigmasks when you use it in battle and paralyzes them
Duster puzzles me, I don't know what is he supposed to look like, if it's a charming character, a cute character, how old is he, Teddy from the first game only joins you near the end of the game and is put out of commission very soon but shit, even he gave a better impression than Duster.
That future never existed user, Ness and the others prevented Giygas from destroying the future
He's very clearly a haggard middle aged layabout. The game is pretty clear on that.
He's like a fairly average dude with smelly breath and a limp on his right leg (I think). It's Itoi's interpretation on cripples in videogames and how there are all kinds of heros that aren't "perfect" so to speak. It's revealed later in the game how he got the limp and how it has affected him and his father's relationship. pretty deep shit, I always felt sorry for both of 'em
The only thing I dislike about Mother 1 is the encounter rate. I just hate random encounters in general, it makes exploring the world without a map become very tedious and exhausting. I can't play games like this unless I use an emulator with a dedicated turbo speed button.
Everything else about M1 is great, I wish there were a remake of it that had Earthbound's encounter system, that would make it perfect.
I always knew the limp was due to Wess pushing him hard, better than thinking he had a wooden leg or something, either way he doesn't have any presence in the party, he's literally ''that guy'' and the only thing that separates him from the rest is that he walks with a limp
early-mid 20s, kind of ugly, autistic, a Sup Forums user basically
He's man in his mid to late 20s
He can play the cello
Run fast despite a limp
Attacks with his feet despite a limp
Is a pretty good thief
He loves cheese and has bad breath
>either way he doesn't have any presence in the party, he's literally ''that guy''
that's kind of the point, he is awkward and shit on for no reason but still manages to be useful and ultimately someone people care about
I mean when you first meet Duster along with Chapter 2, its seems that Duster is just a soft spoken, easy going dude. But later in the story, its clear that they didn't have much for him nor my dear Kumatora. Would have been nice if we got some reactions from Kuma or Duster, or Lucas for that matter when Leder explained all that lore. Kumatora maybe having faint memories of the ship, maybe the desire to look for her parents, something!
You the player might think Duster is charming, cute, or cool, but nobody else in the world sans Lucas, Kumatora, Boney, Wes, and maybe Flint thinks so.
yeah chapters 7-8 totally drop the ball there. chapter 7 in general could've been better and 8 feels too short.
The DCMC guys liked him too
Am I the only one that found Mother 3 jarring in the sense that some of the names were translated but others were left Japanese or ended up Japanese-sounding?
I never call the mother ''Hinawa'' on any playthrough, and even then there stuff like ''Murasaki Forest'' appearing all over the place
posting the best theme
He's useful but there's nothing memorable about him being ''that guy''
Teddy's memorable because once you get the Katana you can slice through Starmen like butter, Duster just there being useful
I really wonder if the Magypsies were one of the main reasons this was (and still is) not localized.
I imagine they would've changed them to either actual girls or scrapped the effeminate animations
I would have to assume thats a big reason, along with other themes such as death. This was a game rated for all ages in Japan.
How about this
Was Murasaki Forest ever mentioned by name outside the soundtrack's song names? IIRC it was just "that area near the cable lift and Chimera Lab"
What did they mean by this?
You wont
Mother 1 is beyond ass once you've gotten to the near perfect mechanics of Mother 3
It's there if you save the game
fucking weeb translators
What do you call her?
I always call her Claire, even though I'm pretty sure there's already a character that has that name
Hinawa was left in there because Lucas' trophy in Brawl referred to her mom as Hinawa
i think you should literally bite the bullet right through your fucking skull for playing a series 2, 3, and 1
Actually it was the sticker, but still, I remember Mato saying that her name in japanese was a hassle to adapt and he gave up when Nintendo just left her as ''Hinawa'' in Brawl