This is the most uninspired, safe, and casual game I have ever played. The complete lack of player independence, challenge, stakes in this game is fucking tragic. That this received acclaim enough to get a 96 on Metacritic is a fucking travesty, and that there are redditors on this board who will defend this piece of shit is unbelievable.
This is the most uninspired, safe, and casual game I have ever played. The complete lack of player independence...
I like it :)
I for one enjoy it :^)
Have you ever played the first one? The first one is absolutely abysmal.
I think there are actually a few cool things in the Uncharted games (hanging from ledges can act as cover, the convoy sequences) but they never are explored to the fullest and are hidden within a mostly forgettable TPS with dumb "setpieces".
Goty honestly. =3
>This is the most uninspired, safe, and casual game I have ever played
And nearly 7 years later you're still pissed off enough to make a thread about it.
Nobody should play uncharted today. If you want to play something of the sort just get TLOU as it's the best game of the type and actually not an absolute pain to play through.
>Not being annoyed that actual good games STILL get the shaft with reviewers and GOTY competitions over cinemashit like Uncharted.
It's pretty sad to make a thread just to piss and moan about an old game nobody cares about anymore.
>an old game nobody cares about anymore.
Aside from people that the board likes and watches like Dunkey who say it and TLOU are great games.
>there are redditors on this board who will defend this piece of shit
you're so late to the party on this I just have to laugh
>I'm a faggot
Go on, OP, tell us more.
>This is the most uninspired, safe, and casual game I have ever played.
Wait till you play TLoU.
It's an incredible game, and for everyone else talking about TLOU being bad, it's the best game of that generation so STFU. Their biggest problems are that Naughty Dog doesn't understand how to make good boss battles.
>This is the most uninspired, safe, and casual game I have ever played
it seriously gets worse and worse with 3 and 4. I really don't get it. I don't understand the appeal of Assassin's Creed either. They both feel like games that can be played one handed
...but that multiiplayer.
uncharted > crash > jak and daxter
objective fact
You should see The Order 18887
>The complete lack of player independence, challenge, stakes in this game is fucking tragic.
And the worst part this is considered the best Uncharted of the series.
This too. Incredible multiplayer for a console game.
How is it that ND could make such a glorious multiplayer for all of their new games? Even TLOU had god-tier multiplayer.
>linear hand holding is good
ok child
>Sony faggots are so ass pained over the PS3 years they'll still claim its goty.
Play GTA, kid.
Man, playing Dragon's Lair 2 would just destroy your poor little brain.
But GTA is very linear and easy.
>old game nobody cares about anymore.
You'd have a point here if Naughty Dog stopped getting so little criticism for the mediocre trash they produce.
Nice try, but you didn't get my rage
My biggest beef with the game is how railroaded the climbing is.
Even though I play it often, I'm not the biggest fan on the Uncharted 4 MP
This thread is about Uncharted 2, and that post was also about TLOU. What the fuck would inspire you to bring something else up as if that even contributes to a counter-argument that Uncharted/TLOU are not linear, hand-holding slogs?
Is the remaster on ps4 better or should I just play the PS3 versions?
Just play whatever's cheaper :^
It sure did set a trend that the industry still hasn't grown out of. Maybe it won't. These remedial cinematic look-cool games that constantly take control away from the player, and when it does give you a chance to play it's simplistic and railroaded by the 'narrative'.
But there's no question in my mind that Uncharted 2 was the absolute best of this trend, as cancerous as that trend is. Not even future Uncharted games did it as well.
But I want good games back.
i bought the remastered versions 2 weeks ago and played about an hour. but now you've made me want to carry on playing them
I like Uncharted 1 desu. Mostly because it's not overhyped like the others. When it came out it was rated as an above average game, it was just a fun little adventure game but nowhere near GOTY.
play on crushing and it's a fun game where you need to keep moving and think about your situation a bit