Why don't you like it, Sup Forums?

Why don't you like it, Sup Forums?

The boogeyman fanbase is not an acceptable answer.

Other urls found in this thread:


its popular

there's not enough good porn

The lame timewasting puzzle, how easy it is, how short is it, how easy it is, the fact that it looks worse than an RPGMaker game, alphis is an unsufferable cunt that only exist as tumblr bait
>lol i bet you didn't even play it

One homosexual in my game, out of a cast of dozens, is probably fine.
Two in the same size is not okay.
Multiple faggot couples is atrocious
An entire cast of fags isn't a game anymore, it's left-wing propaganda put to code and sold to impressionable youths.

Ironic considering Toby is one of the least obnoxious/SJW Western indie devs of all time.

Coming from someone who's basically been burnt out on gaming for the last 3 years,

It's just not fun.

I've come to realize that a good story should be enjoyed as icing on the cake after a game has been finished, not something that a game relies on for success.

If I want a good story I'll read a book. Games are about game play. Everyone is so focused on telling a good story they basically make an interactive movie.

I want well thought-out mechanics and multiple depths of play

not bare bones button pushing making me straddle the threshold of engagement.

I dont

Back to your containment board trumpet! Don't forget to worship putin and hitler as usual ;))

This review sums it up nicely.

The voice of this thread:


I expected more of the same sense of isolation and danger I got from the demo, and more fuckery with Flowey like "I know what you did."

It's not a bad game, but it's not what I wanted.

What the hell am I watching?

Because it looks like cheap indie garbage only hipsters would like and doesn't deserve anymore money let alone the amount of money it's already received.

>earthbound knockoff atari graphics furfag romance sim with a ur a dum dum for fighting in a video game message
Also the fanbase is annoying furfags who think this trash is the best game in recent memory because some furfag homosuck worked on it.

But I do like it. My only real problem with the game is that there still isn't a patch to fight the dog and that we will never see a completed hardmode. Also the biggest disappointment known as Mettaton NEO

also forgot to add
just fuck chiptunes soundtracks so trash

>Someone LIKES Undertale near you

This. Guy makes a whole game themed around Determination, then cowards out of finishing it the second it gets popular.

And you guys wonder why people so often have to ask critics if they actually played the game.

I want to like it, but

>story heavy game
>with no complete hard mode
>and unskippable cutscenes
>but it's okay because it's "comfy" and "artistic"

Toby pls


>"if they're gonna put gay people in games, they could AT LEAST do it with some subtlety and not throw it in your face every second like Bioware does"
>Undertale does exactly that

You fuckers will never be happy.

If I showed you an NES, would you die?

Non existent character development, twitch combat.

It was boring
>hurrrr durrrr why?
I don't know, nothing captivated me. I launched it once and never bothered or felt like I wanted to again. It wasn't interesting.

It would be extremely painful

>twitch combat
When in human history has this been considered a bad thing?

I beat Mettaton and then never felt like playing again.

It's somewhat interesting in terms of how things carry over and all that, by I never found the gameplay all that gripping.

>>hurrrr durrrr why?
>critical thinking is bad when undertale fans do it

Also not exactly the games fault, but it was incredibly over rated. All the raving reviews I expected it to be the next best thing.

>Also the fanbase is annoying furfags
stopped reading there, you lose faggot

It's not a jab at undertale fans.

us gamers, right? the video game

Wanna explain that?

>game literally calls you hitler if you defend yourself against these evil monsters
>told to check your human privilege after fighting metatton
>memes every 5 seconds

I think it fits the bill.

It's a fun game to waste a day on, but it's really nothing special.

Honestly I'm surprised people still give a shit about it anymore.

Don't, according to it's bad to ask people to explain their reasoning now.

>>game literally calls you hitler if you defend yourself against these evil monsters
But it doesn't, the citizens just get scared of you for killing their population.
>>told to check your human privilege after fighting metatton
>>memes every 5 seconds
No memes other than ones the game itself made, m80

>memes every 5 seconds
>Jokes are now 'memes'



I agree that the lack of a hard mode really hurts the game in terms of enjoyment factor. Especially since the little bit of hard mode that was in the game was actually fun to play I'll never get over that disappointment.

Honestly, I think you could cut the hotlands out of the game (in terms of an extra dungeon taken out of the game not the characters found within it) and have a better package.

I've really enjoyed the game mostly because I could get into the story and there a few little treats in most of the pacifist fights that are worth getting if the world interests or excites you.

I think this game is so divided because your enjoyment is going to be almost entirely dependent on connecting and finding the world of Undertale interesting. If you don't find the world interesting for any sort of reason (rather internal or external) then the game is going to flop hard for you because that's is the only real appeal.

>Everyone is gay lolz!
>le scary knight is actually stronk womyn
>spaghetti!! XD
>you can't defend yourself because that makes you a murderer
>le deep4u story
seriously.. had my eyes rolling at the end of the game when they explained that the power of friendship killed the final boss

Spooky skeletons and dropping spaghetti were our memes. Until the normies took them and made them unfunny.

Undertale just flaunts them out without any tact.

naive as fuck story (basically friendship is le magic xD), the comedy is barely funny, the bullet "hell" gets boring (although omega flowey fight was awesome) the art is shit barely resembles mother or earthbound great pixel art


I liked it, but didnt loved it, nor thought it was any better than "good, i guess"

>Spooky skeletons and dropping spaghetti were our memes. Until the normies took them and made them unfunny.

Aww jeez user I think you need to spend less time on Sup Forums

Not enough good Asriel porn

you know what i ment

>The fanbase is not an acceptable answer.

The fuck it isn't

Spooky scary skeletons wasn't a meme until after they had already been programmed into the game, as evidenced by looking through the kickstarter updates and demo's files

Dropping spaghetti doesn't happen in the game. It acknowledges the existence of spaghetti, that's it

Why do you like it OP?

i was legitimately spooked when flowey found out about me undoing toriel's death
the main thing i liked about it was how it anticipates certain player actions, even down to hacking the game
trying to go for genocide was too fucking boring for me, which is kind of the point toby was trying to make but still

Gameplay is bad and you are discouraged from participating in it
Feelsbait shit story, I don't care about the plight of these furries
Inconsistent artstyle
Unfunny humor
Too many references

Fanbase has nothing to do with the game itself unless it's a multiplayer title. Giving a shit otherwise, you might as well be in high school if you care about other people liking something you like

Playing it was a chore. The story was terrible. Characters were tropes. Shitty memes everywhere. Art looks like the dude stuck a pen in his asshole and drew it by rubbing his ass all over the paper.

That's not even going into the cancerous, inbred fanbase that makes ponytards look smart. Easily the worst game of that year, if you can call it a game. But at least it opened people's eyes as to what the average gamer likes.

I don't

You've been posting this same fucking image since January, if it's really that bad get some new material. I've seen lots more of these kinds of images for something like Pokemon.

>Someone sitting directly next to you, making weird breathing sounds, is fat and sweaty and is also wearing a fedora, Sans t shirt and an anime bag with tons of badges on it is ready to unleash his "funny undertale references XD" on you

Beat pacifist in less than four hours and felt there was a shitload of missed potential. It's far more linear than people like to claim, and there's only one route that isn't a complete pain in the ass to play through. With only a handful of bosses, neutral routes could have been meaningful depending on who you killed or spared, but all you get is some cheap dialogue as an "ending". Combat is shallow and repetitive. Arguably the most important boss fights in the game are impossible to lose, and genocide is nothing but a tedious grind.

You either like the characters and hamfisted message or you didn't like the game.

>he doesn't know

Toby tried to hide it but he wasn't good enough at it. I noticed Burgerpants dropping his burgers, and that's where the "dropping spaghetti" meme comes from.


I'm pretty sure nobody actually fucking uses that anymore except you faggots

>burgers = spaghetti
neo-Sup Forums pls go

it was boring and that was the point, but not in the way the dev intended. they meant for the grind to be boring not the combat itself. doing the genocide run highlights just how terrible the gameplay is.

People still do. Trust me. You'll find these people on unironic Undertale/Steven Universe, mainstream anime and anything to do with "internet culture" on any website.

ya except games like final fantasy have always been about story. oh wait, an rpg with a story!?!?!?! This new trend is so awful!

Get the fuck off your high horse and dont play rpg if you dont fucking like them.

HELL, fucking dungeons and dragon has always been primarly about the story and actions of your character. THere is not much gameplay going on in this game.

Go play a sport if you want nothing but gameplay (except Wrestling, now that's a story driven game)

I literally don't like the fanbase and that has made me not want to engage with the game, can you genuinely not understand this or is it denial because deep down you know you're part of why people complain about it

Can you show me?

>the main thing i liked about it was how it anticipates certain player actions
By blatantly baiting them into it. There's a reason so many people kill Toriel by accident.

lol i bet you didn't even play it

Then ignore the fanbase. Just playing the game doesn't force you to automatically open a tumblr blog.

>muh hardmode

Most rpg back in the day didn't have hardmode shit.

An homage to classic rpg with no hardmode? How suprising.

You don't like the game, just find a good argument for it.

Hating a game because you dislike the fan base is a terrible reason, off yourself.

You literally won't play a single player game for reasons that the game and creator have no control over.

If it looks like a dumb game to you, that's fine. But saying you don't like it because you don't like some people who like it is pants-on-head retarded.


you're autistic and retarded
name one rpg element in undertale

god, underdownies are so retarded

He's just saying: games need alot of gameplay to justify buying them. If they're just gonna be story delivery systems, and the gameplay is an afterthought, then why not just watch a let's play?

You can make choices that effect the plot and net you different endings.

You can use different weapons and equipment

You can level up.

It's a fucking rpg idiot.

Leveling up and able to strategically choose which stats to raise.

Gee, that was almost too easy.

you can use food to restore your hp that you can buy from shops from gold you get from defeating enemies.

You type like a fucking YouTube commenter.


>Leveling up
>Making plot choices

Oh, those are RPG features, are they? Yup, don't even know why I bother asking. Should've just expected retardation.

Cause being in control of the protagonist is part of the experience and make you feel like you are the one fully experiencing the story. Not only is the gameplay fun most of the time (even if its easy) but you feel as if you are the one chosing and driving the story forward (much more than a third person novel)

They literally are.

What does your fucking autism ridden brain consider an rpg?

I mean, I like multiple things of the game. Certain mechanics were cool. Boss fights were alright and sometimes creative.

I can pinpoint a lot of shit I liked yet I can't really say I liked the game itself.

I don't think Undertale is as deep as the fanbase claim, but if you failed to notice that the whole game is parodying the average JRPG system then you are legit retarded.

You impersonnate a character (you name the character and you decide his actions) which take decisions (the one you make) that influence the story in a world driven primarily by the story.


Does no one notice that this game was completely unprofessional?

I just can't comprehend how he makes 8+ million dollars on something that a child could almost make in scratch.

Did anyone else get bothered by the fact that it's extremely amateur? I can barely comprehend.

>These are the kind of faggots you're arguing with on Sup Forums

And I don't mean the literal homosexual in your picture, I mean you faggot

probably Impersonaru no Chin Chin Konoma tenka MMXIV, Okami san Weebatronic 2000

But user, it's okay because it's intentional! It's a 'style' and an 'homage'. The childish, meme-filled writing, too!

Don't you know?

I mean it's not half bad considering a single person did 99% of it

Daily reminder that Sup Forums liked the game before it became popular, even in spite of the SJW shit

Want to know how I can tell you've never tried making an entire game by yourself?

There's something arousing about hot girls vomiting.

I just took a massive dump a few hours ago, all by myself. Go look at it. I did it ALL by myself. Isn't it fucking great?

>Cause being in control of the protagonist is part of the experience and make you feel like you are the one fully experiencing the story.
But is there something that gives me that level of joy that I can't just get from watching a video? Again, because of the lack of difficulty, I don't feel immersed when I fight an enemy, or figure out the extremely easy puzzles, or beat a boss. This is what shmups have in terms of appeal; you feel your blood pumping because every moment you could die from a stray bullet, and that gives you an edge up on just watching the game in a video.