Would you have sex with Olivia Munn?

Would you have sex with Olivia Munn?

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if i felt like getting every std on the planet

Nah. Fucking crazy liberal women is too risky.

absolutely. especially if she sent a bunch of lewd texts and pictures again.

then we'd play video games.

Chris pls.

>tonka trucks

Any context on this?

Yes but only if she wore the Psylocke costume, didn't speak, and I was allowed to wear five condoms and a hazmat suit.

uncensored sauce?

she stands up like a bloke would m8

also knowing you're hot = huge turn off


Nah but I'd fuck Andy Milonakis on the right there all day every day.

Is that Clark from The Office?

Of courshe, especially after her plastic surgery

She only got her star status by putting in hard work.

Lots of hard work.

On couches, in offices.

It reminds me of that guy who made that thing using a kinect or whatever where the camera tracked his body and he appeared as Ivy from Soul Caliber on the tv but he was such a fucking meat head he moved like a total dude and made Ivy move around like a guy. It was gross looking, like a tranny.

I hope he sniffed the couch afterwards

is this a comedy skit shit or are there any links uncensored

Why is he frozen?

I really really like women, so...


>sniffing the shit stains olivia mung left on a couch


What actress hasn't he fucked?

Olivia Munn isn't videogames after her "circumcision" interview with David Jaffe.


is she the most successful person to come out of the video game industry?

Where is this going? Source or dump. This is a shit thread anyway.

She was never videogames
Her success was tied directly to getting plowed by Brett Retner

I'd do it just to cuck Aaron Rodgers.

Do you think Kevin Pereira fucked her?

Sauce senpai

Sessler had a better chance with Webb than he had with anyone on that channel

Of course, she's hot. I don't care that she's a slut.

if and only IF, i manage to get an erection, depression its a hell of illness.

I'd have an orgy with all the women that ever worked at G4 / Tech TV.

Olivia Munn is overrated.
Average body
Below average face

There was a thread where some faggot from G4 said how they fucked constantly Grain of salt though

Would you have that orgy with Adam Sessler?

blaster nation

Did Morgan Webb fuck anyone?

Would you finger Hex in a Sydney night club?

Like I did once?

So what's going on here?

I'd hate to ruin Aaron Rodgers beard situation.

God i hate this actor. he looks like a lesbian.

She's ruined now.

that doesn't even look like the same person

Most definitely.


If she wears her Psylocke costume them yes.

to reduce the filesize of the .gif. i dont know its not even 1mb

>tfw all Sessler has left is cocaine, starring in tranny porn, and complaining about Trump on twitter

No but I'd rather spend one day palling around with Grabnar the wanderer.

Someone post the G4 nip slip.

I feel like this is one of those things where she's just wearing a tubetop bikini and the censorbars were placed to make it think she was nekkid

What the fuck dude. She was WAY better before
What the fuck happened?

Are you Batman? Only the world's greatest detective could figure something like that out.

I really hope so. I'd like for him to have gotten something out of dealing with that bitch for years.

Of course he may be a fag.

Well he's said multiple time he didnt because they were like brother and sister so theres that.

>Olivia Munn
For 20 minute, I thought OP was saying "Olivia's mom" and I thought the lady with the blue vest was her mom and that OP was asking if we wanted to fuck the woman sitting next to the naked lady.

No. She had actual talent to get her where she needed to go.

That's Olivia Wilde on the right, bucko.

she just lost some weight

That's what Korean Plastic surgery does to you.

>tfw he used to be a genuinely good gaming commentator with an entertaining personality
>he is now full sjw
What went wrong?


Posting that ugly bitch next to Munn really made me appreciate Munn's beauty. Before I thought she was just alright. Now I see she's actually very attractive.

Looks nothing like her.

It's amazing how different she looks.

Her face was the last thing good about her
What a fucking waste

He was always full SJW. Its just now he can talk about it openly because he's "respected" rather than a videogame comedy monkey.

>there are peope on Sup Forums who don't like olivia munn

Women sitting like men is unattractive as fuck.

She was just the TV equivalent of a twitch cam whore.


well, there goes the last drops of my faith on humanity.
now just going to shake it up and zip it.

Morgan Webb was better.

>implying Sup Forums knows how to sex

what would she have said about no man's sky?

back of the knee maybe?

Not sure why there's so many Olivia threads lately but I like it


That doesn't mean anything. I fucked my sister all the time until she went off to college.

>"Why won't my husband stop staring at Jordy Nelson's crotch?"

those call for help or screensaver days of hers were glorious

She looks like a Thailand ladyboy now.

I have to assume you're talking about this?
Yeah, it's pretty horrifying. In a hot way.

glad to see the first posts are uncucked. thank lawdy

Nah there are better G4 women on earth.

just tell her you like dominant women.
let her put your dick where its supposed to go and you move sideways from that point.

Reminds me of a chick in one of my university classes.
Should I ask her out or just start sitting next to her and slowly get to know each other?

Main problem seems to be that the arms aren't rigged properly

Dude back of the knee is hot on skinny/fit legs when you can see how the muscles connect.

>tfw no cute tech-savvy gf


Just ask her out. Unless you genuinely want to be her friend, and are okay with the possibility of her saying no later on.

women with proper quads are hot, but sinews always look weird
do you often fap to body horror?

>Tech savvy

Maybe in a different land

i mean, you cant tell the diference ? you are pre 20s right+

You wouldn't?

Be honest.

>People say it's not her
>Look it up
>It is.

I knew one once when I worked for an internet provider to hotels. They exist, but are super rare.

Hey, kid!

you want some cringe?
