Started playing the Mass Effect games for the first time. Loved the first one...

Started playing the Mass Effect games for the first time. Loved the first one. Blew through it in two days and immediately started 2.

I gotta say I'm a little bummed. The combat feels like a run of the mill early 2010s-eque cover based shooter, and I already miss the leveling up system and some of the RPG mechanics from the first one.

What does Sup Forums think? Also ME thread, I guess.

>"run of the mill early 2010s-eque cover based shooter"
From ME2 onward if you're not a fan of the combat you'd better be playing for the characters

The game ends with ME2, the canon ending is where everyone dies in the suicide mission. This stops the reapers, ME3 is a bad dream.

Most of us agreed that ME1 > ME2

ME3 polishes up the clunky combat of 2, but the rpg elements definitely take a back seat to action from then on.

Anyone else think Illusive man was a tripod in that picture? I can never unsee him spread eagle while having his horse cock touch the ground

Is ME1 worth revisiting? I've only completed it ONCE (1 time)

You MUST play as a biotic or centinel, that's where the fun combat is at. Combining spells and pausing every few orders made it really fun
Soldier was god tier on 1 but boring as fuck on the rest

Only complete plebs believe that 2 is better than 1. It's a shallow and pale successor to the first game. The game ends with nothing being any different from the ending of the first game.

>everyone is dead
>someone dead has a dream