How relevant was this game, with our fake news and Brexit and Trump Victory?

how relevant was this game, with our fake news and Brexit and Trump Victory?

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The sad part is we have no spoopy Illuminati to save the world from it's own shitposting. There's a million conspiracy theories about how the elections are all rigged and the news was being controlled, but in the end, it was all just bullshit. There is no thoughtpolice, but since people are so insistent that there is, it doesn't matter.

It feels pretty shit being a right-leaning centrist right about now.

We're living in a president elect Armstrong timeline now so we left mgs2 nightmare long ago

It pretty much feels like shit to be anyone who cares about politics, unless you're far right, in which you're in for a rude awakening when SJWs double down on their shit to get back at you for Trump, by forcing their identity politics bullshit into every facet of your life, and denying you basic services because of your political beliefs.

Of course, following politics is the most plebian of plebian interests.

>watches Sargon of Akkad once
I agree though

Except we'll align with everybody else ostracized from the hugbox they're building. Its no coincidence that there is now a resurgence of white supremacy groups now that they've drawn the battle lines along identity.

The news is rigged though. No one had Trump winning. Every other news article was insinuating he was one step from blowing up. His own political party was against him.

The Illuminati that is presented to us doesn't exist, no. But there is a coalition - one that is focused on itself and making money and ruling. Unfortunately, they have the foresight of a Goldfish because they are focused only on keeping control now at almost any cost. The chess game they are playing, however, will backfire in the most spectacular way when their future generations see the proverbial bomb they've been building next to the human race.

The currently dominators are focused only on themselves and leaving the schematics to success to their immediate following generation.

I find it ironic that you're talking about ostracized aligning, considering that's literally what started the SJW hugbox to begin with.

kojima was right all along

>hack throws together some modern day "writing is the end of human memory" shit he read on a website
>idiots lap it up

Nothing in there was new or revolutionary for its time and you only parade it around like it was because it was presented to you in a videogame

>responding to kojima fags
Are you new?

Trump is going to be a real life solidus, farage will be ocelot

No one had him winning because Trump voteers didn't vote in polls

If the news really was rigged against Trump, they'd do the same shit they did during the Wallstreet protests, which is NOT REPORT ON HIM. They gave him more publicity than any politician in human history, and good or "bad" coverage doesn't matter, getting your full speech on CNN does.

There is no Illuminati, there's just rich people trying to make money. And the news wanted to make money, so they reported on Trump 24/7, not because they didn't like him but because HE DREW RATINGS. That's it.

>>idiots lap it up

welcome to the MGS2 fanbase.

What they don't point out is that AI giving the speech is the same one as:

He's only correct with regards to the digital era. All its done is amplify preexisting conflicts. What we're doing now is simply Cold War part two. Listen to Yuri Bezmenov.

God this.

I realized a long time ago that the reason why sci-fi and other dystopian or utopian stories like Brave New World or Star Trek are appealing is because they depict worlds where some sort of ideal or hypothetical peak happiness is achieved.

And in our world, I only see is power in the hands of those whose only goal is making money. That's it - it's not going to be Hitler, Stalin, Mao or some hypocrite like Ghandi or Mother Theresa or even a religious douchebag in the Vatican or nutbar like al Baghdadi that's leading the world.

It's just money. That's all it fucking is. The first goal of anyone who dreams of a sustainable ideal world is to get money out of politics. And we are not. We're worried about horseshit, clickbait, and meaningless conspiracies.

I don't understand why the fuck states want to give up on the EU; it's like they don't remember what it was like when they had to tell 20+ autonomous nations to fuck off. Let's just fence off everything so we can have privacy while ignoring everything on the other side. Let's just let each individual State debate fifty fucking separate times over whether or not to legalize pot; or education; or tax rates; or health care.

All I want, is to be able to look at the world and see that we have succeeded in ensuring that the world will improve. We have no benevolent group who understands the world enough to do real good - I've been to massive political rallies and conventions and there is nothing useful there; it's just a tribal circlejerk; a political sporting event. The UN is worthless. It's just easier to make sure people have some bullshit to eat on the news every night, that they can have an occasional fuck, a vacation, and some shitty kids.

I can't do it alone. And there's nobody else. All the psychic and monetary activist effort is being wasted on bullshit.

it's pretty much confirmed Jeb is Ocelot

>No one had him winning because Trump voteers didn't vote in polls

Maybe not all of them, no. But don't tell me the media did not hound people day and night about how there was no way he was gonna win.

>you will never live in a hungerless, energyless utopio and have orgy-porgies with your hot classmates while on free government-issued hallucinogens
>instead you get to listen to people shitpost about Alex Jones conspiracy theories and watch the world burn
Truly, this is the worst timeline.

I think the only thing that's really going to improve is technology. We've come a long way in that regard, and I think eventually we'll hit the singularity, and the AIs will either guide us down a better path or wipe us off the face of the planet. That is, if we haven't spread to others by then. Which we should because fuck the earth.

Who fucking wouldn't? If all the best sports-analysts told you that the Cubs had a 1% chance of winning and you ran a sports news show, all you'd fucking do all day is make jokes about how the Cubs could never fucking win. That's not the Illuminati or censorship or anything, that's just what you'd do.

the truly horrifying thing about our world is that no matter how bad it gets, how hopeless it seems, how little anything seems to matter

it can always get worse

>implying this is not the way things have always been
>implying that the dialectic does not invisibly guide the progression of human ideology
>implying that any of this matters anyway
>implying that any of this doesn't

No it isn't.

Holy fucking shit the first reasonable thing about the media I've ever seen posted on Sup Forums.

Reminder that Solidus did nothing wrong and wanted to save us from this.
>m-muh child soldiers
The road to victory is paved with sacrifices etc

then explain why they both have the same avatar.

He wanted to nuke NYC

AI stimulates Raiden's nanomachines, which interface his brain to synthesize the most similar analog in his mind to a commanding officer during the codec calls. The closest thing is Colonel Campbell, from the MGS1 simulation Raiden went through. Otacon explains this while on Arsenal.

lmao do you even listen, that was dead cell's stupid belief. he just wanted the names

This is honestly why my life goal is to improve myself and live my life to the fullest for myself. In the end, living for society, and not being a greedy, power hungry piece of shit gets you nowhere.

You can't even have groups like SJWs not turn into tribalistic, vitriol spewing, hateful pieces of shit. The world is just full of selfish people that can't ever compromise past what they want.

Technology has ensured we will never be cold, hungry, or wet. And we won't die of a scraped knee or in childbirth.

I agree technology isn't going to fix our fucking brains, but you'd think that it would relieve us from having to chop firewood to come up with world solutions where we can simply not fuck each other constantly.

But we are; we are using our extra time to do useless shit and fuck each other over. And I don't mean everyone has to do something useful. But I can't believe that fucking assholes are using their freedom from fetching and boiling water to close abortion clinics, argue against vaccination, and driving the public opinion against our scientists.

I wish that I had never gone to college. Because in college I acquired the knowledge to identify inefficiencies and fuck-ups. If I was just driving a big machine digging holes I wouldn't see waste and future ruin every time I step outside.

>or some hypocrite like Ghandi or Mother Theresa
So what's the deal with this? Is this like the other side of "Hitler did nothing wrong"? I mean all that matters is what he accomplished right?

>I wish that I had never gone to college. Because in college I acquired the knowledge to identify inefficiencies and fuck-ups. If I was just driving a big machine digging holes I wouldn't see waste and future ruin every time I step outside.
But you'd be a useless fuck, regardless. Whether you like it or not, those people digging holes are doing something to provide you with the chance to be here on Sup Forums. A lot of you faggots need to be grateful for even having the ability to be here. There's a lot of liberties you take for granted.

Solidus is our President now

>lmao do you even listen

with the stupidity/insanity of the end section of MGS2 I kinda half paid attention.

>AI stimulates Raiden's nanomachines, which interface his brain to synthesize the most similar analog in his mind to a commanding officer during the codec calls.
Okay. But still someone else should of been used if they wanted to confirm that it was a different AI.

>fake news
its just a meme created by the left to convince people to stay away from alternate news sources and believe everything the media tells them

>I'll take things autistic people say for 500, Alex!

So are you blue collar or do you just wish you were? Because I respect engineers more than the guy digging holes, that guy can be replaced with an underpaid mexican.

fake news can also be totally made up bullshit.

Like Pizzagate or the National Enquirer.

babby's first totalitarian fiction

Kojimadrones are just uncultured retards, and I like MGS games

I believe that when people like you get too big for your breeches, you lose touch with the rest of the world, and forget that society runs not because of your entitled beliefs, but because someone has to do specific jobs that you feel too clean to do. So shut the hell up with the whole high level talk when that shit shows you learned nothing in college or life.

1984 will always hold that title. MGS2 is pretty cool for a video game.

>Whether you like it or not, those people digging holes are doing something to provide you with the chance to be here on Sup Forums.
They're also the most replaceable labor on the planet.

Oh well I'm not that other guy in case he wants to stand up for himself but you, in order to knock me off my high horse, have placed yourself and blue collar workers on a high pedestal.

I think that's ironic and I get the feeling you just want to feel smug and "knock people down a peg" for the sake of it.

So I'm not convinced basically.

good job assuming where I am. I specifically said shit about my occupation because I knew you would place me with whoever you want like an ignorant human being. So whether I'm a shit eater labor worker or a high paid CEO, it's clear I'm a whole lot more intelligent than you.

>news was being controlled, but in the end, it was all just bullshit
The fact Trump won (the fact he even had a shot) despite all the mainstream news giving the same report from day 1 that he had no chance and would be buried under a landslide of Hillary votes and they've gone out and asked everyone so don't even bother voting for him is evidence for the fact the news is controlled, not the opposite. And there's tons of other evidence for this too.

>If the news really was rigged against Trump, they'd do the same shit they did during the Wallstreet protests, which is NOT REPORT ON HIM
You mean OWS? There were cameras there and news outlets reporting on that constantly. Just like there are flashy news reports on every serial killer and crazed gunman and carbomber despite every single criminal psychiatrist and investigator and whoever telling them the best thing to do is not report on it at all. Just like they showed Osama's love tapes when he used to send them all kawaii and shit. They do whatever will give them views, that doesn't mean they aren't taking a backhander to correct the record.

You can bet your ass the same applies to Fox and others having their hands in the right's pocket as well. It's not a conspiracy it's how mainstream news businesses stay businesses. What the fuck do you think spin doctors do in the first place?

That crazy AI died. Its named was GW.

The one talking at the end of the game was another one. It used the same avatar, as well as one based on Raiden's gf, to fuck with him.
According to the script its name was JFK, and it was supposed to be calling from ANOTHER Arsenal Gear.

Fuck MGS4 for making all the AIs braindead so Ocelot playing pretend could be the main antagonist.

People defending news when the news has come out and admitted they lied to people "But we won't do it again, we promise."

Yeah, that's all I'm going to do too. I was on that path somewhat and after this election I'm just done.

I'm probably still going to feel bad every time I sit in front of a plate of sushi but fuck it, nobody else is denying themselves. I'm going to sit in my corner of the world reading shit that confirms all my biases in my bubble and just roll it. I'm going to get good at all the things that make me happy.

Trump didn't win, Hillary won the popular vote by a shit ton

This whining about fake news is so fucking artificial. Not a single soul was talking about spreading misinformation on online media before the election, but the day after, almost like they were in sync, every single media outlet came to the conclusion that the reason Hillary Clinton lost was "fake news".

Here's my take on it, if there is some news article on a site named or about how Hillary's top donor was involved in a pedophile cult or that Donald Trump was just endorsed by the Pope, then it's common person's prerogative to come to the conclusion that "Hey, this sounds like bullshit" instead of our already surveillance state obsessed government to decide for us.

History shows that governments never retreat once they go down a path like this. The fact that Hillary fucking Clinton, the woman who claimed she was under sniper fire when she visited Bosnia in the 90s and said that the Benghazi attacks were because of a riot over an anti Muslim viral internet video can say with a straight face that the government needs to pass legislation to take on "misinformation" chills me to the fucking bone.

*with votes from illegals and voting fraud

Glad that literal witch got her shit pushed in, now she needs to be jailed for life.

Yeah and see you're just further enforcing how important it is to place yourself above me.

I also, if I made any assumption since I don't think I did, implied you were not a blue collar worker and were just sticking up for them. I feel like it's pretty typical to find pet topics you have no stake in like this. But that's just me rambling.

>Not a single soul was talking about spreading misinformation on online media before the election

except fake news is posted every day.

Not relevant. This is talking about censorship, not doing something about slander and propaganda.

"Fake news" huh?

At this point I'll automatically assume anything that gets labeled that by the media is more trustworthy.

We need some common sense speech control.

This fake news stuff is getting out of hand!

>The world is just full of selfish people that can't ever compromise past what they want.
And the worst part is neither of us are exceptions to this rule. The only difference is that instead of screwing over people in real life, we beat up casuals in videogames.

>Fuck MGS4 for making all the AIs braindead so Ocelot playing pretend could be the main antagonist.
This is my biggest gripe too. I understand he made 4 into this big cheesefest on purpose but losing the most interesting antagonist in the series sucked hard.

>Yeah and see you're just further enforcing how important it is to place yourself above me.
Who gives a fuck. You're retarded believing you understand the world cause muh college.

>whiine, people do this or that

Welcome to life.

>losing the most interesting antagonist in the series sucked hard.

the AIs were interesting?

I always love seeing blue-collar fucks get so defensive about how important their jobs are. I work with engineers and lawyers and they they're some of the most humble people I've ever met, and they hardly care what anyone says about their fields, and they immediately acknowledge when they're wrong. But if I even imply that one of the G.E.D. plant workers I work with doesn't know what he's talking about, he gets all defensive about how he's so smart and how college doesn't mean anything and how much pride he takes in being the "backbone" of the country. How scientists are all somehow out of touch with reality because they went to class 5 times a week.

But if it weren't for engineers and scientists and the like, the job he has wouldn't exist. Half his family would have died of polio. That and he's more replaceable than a plastic fork.

I didn't fucking deny that fake news gets posted all the time. Misinformation being spread to smear your enemies is something that's been done for hundreds of years in politics. If you can't handle a rival campaign spreading lies about you, you're probably a bitch who doesn't have what it takes to have power in the first place.

What I'm saying is that almost in unison, the day after the election, the media pushed the idea that Hillary Clinton lost the election because of "fake news". That just isn't true.

fake news = Commie News Networks, ABC, MSNBC, Fox, BBC and all others

all of them serve certain groups, be it saudis, globalists like George Soros, Rockefellers and such, they can't be trusted even for a second

Alex Jones is also a Kremlin shill, even though he does present good scoops sometimes, his piece on Bohemian Groove was great. But he does something that is annoying, he has that buffoon style that makes a mockery of people who do real good work.

There was this guy named Bill Warner, he's a scholar on Islam, and AJ had this video named "BW exposes grand scheme of Islam to dominate the world", AJ/Infowars present information in such a theatrical way, you can't help but wonder if he's not trying to undermine people who do genuinely good stuff at times, with his antics.

You're so emotional. Maybe try meditating? Or is that too pretentious college buzzword for you?

Hell fucking yeah they were. For sure more interesting than a bunch of computer towers.

that's how the left will lose again, though. Talking about identity politics instead of actual issues. Bring up this fact whenever they try to police your thoughts.

members of the media allied with the Clinton faction actually promoted Trump early on as a Pied Piper strategy against more moderate Republicans. Drag all of them to the right and force them to make extreme promises to the republican base which could be used against them in the general election. That's why he wasn't ignored at the start, and once he got enough ahead they couldn't ignore him.

When the hell did trump become "far right"?

He's a fucking centrist, at best.

Humbleness is easy to have when what you do isn't physically hard. Actually, those lawyers and scientists you speak of? Neither of them are humble. Humbleness implies you have wisdom of how things work so you accept that every person is a working cog in society.

The problem happens when a lot of jobs become oversaturated and overvalued for how little they do for society. Society existed before lawyers and it can exist now. It existed before engineers who didn't lift a single thing in their lives. I assure you that the workers could probably run society better without said people who "create shit" cause civilization has taught us one thing, and is that hierarchy is the destruction but inevitable result of power grabbing.

>Commie News Networks

hi Sup Forums

>I always love seeing blue-collar fucks get so defensive about how important their jobs are. I work with engineers and lawyers and they they're some of the most humble people I've ever met, and they hardly care what anyone says about their fields, and they immediately acknowledge when they're wrong.

Just spitballing here, but maybe blue-collar workers are so much more defensive about their jobs because they're much more easily replaced.

He's throwing them under the bus to make money, the same way CNN and Fox and every other news organization does whatever they can to make money. If you can't see that, you're just repeating the cycle. Make Alex Jones the head of Fox for a month, see if he doesn't start listening to the first dollarsigns that talk to him.

>anyone who criticises my commie friends is from Sup Forums
wrong faggot, stormniggers can go suck some german dick just like you can go suck fidel's dick in hell, you piece of shit

CNN is shit mate.

>haven't seen a single female friend on MSM arguing against Trump for any reason other than it's him (and likely a man)
Both candidates are scum but at least have a solid reason behind your opinion, fuck.

>both candidates are scum

You're still no different from the anti Trump camp with thoughts like that

It really is true user. The USSR collapsed but Marxism is alive and well in the US.

See I've seen this too. But "tell the media to take them seriously" doesn't mean they control them.

The only thing more annoying than a stuck up worker-ant is a stuck up supervisor who thinks he's any less replaceable.


I just wanted Trump because he'd put conservatives on the Supreme Court

I think he doesgood stuff sometimes, while at the same time riding on Putin's nuts and mocking people who do search for real problems, and with his clown antics presenting people who follow some real issues he talks about to be crazy. He's quite smart in a little fucked up way.

Alex Jones is far more sophisticated than the average MSM leech, I give him that.

Holy shit! this is one of those misleading titles I always hear about!

>CNN says it's ILLEGAL for you to read the Wikileaks/Hillary Clinton emails
>watch the video
>it is ILLEGAL to POSSESS these stolen documents
That's totally different! Am i really smart or did you post this ironically?

>with us or against us
fucking anti-SJWs

>what you do isn't physically hard
Go ask a doctor what he had to do to get where he is today and tell me if the idiot running the lift at the box factory deserves the "respect" he wants for being blue collar.

Sure society existed before lawyers and engineers and education, and it was pretty shit. People starved constantly from food shortages, and they froze to death in the winter, and they couldn't defend themselves in court against rich people. I assure you the workers you adore so much would gladly gut your fucking babies if it meant they got to feed their families that night. I assure you you'd have scoliosis from all the literal backbreaking labor you'd be doing without the first steam engine. I assure you that three generations of your family and you would be dead right now from smallpox if some doctor hadn't fixed shit.

Just sit down, shut the fuck up, enjoy all the invisible little benefits that smart people have blessed your insignificant little cog life with.

I can't believe we're hardly talking about the Russians working our news media during this election. They're pulling the same horseshit tactics they pull in other former soviet states to slander political figures opposed to Russian goals.

Snowden is almost certainly shilling for some Russian organization. Wikileaks, in releasing documents that only undermine the western world including the EU and United States, has shown that it is probably trying to advance Russian objectives.

Like, that's probably why Snowden is still in Russia and Assange rotting in that embassy. Western powers probably have decided it is better that they are there growing irrelevant than having the freedom to poison the discussion in-person in-country.