Sequel when?
Sequel when?
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Soon, they said.
Never ever thankfully, it was rightfully trashed by reviewers and bombed in sales.
RNG alien attacks lmao.
You're right that it didn't sell but you're absolutely retardedly wrong about the reviews
>"dude, it's alien!"
>VCR wall mounted bullshit
>"so retro!"
>spend 80% of the game fighting robots
>xenomorph looks and moves like shit
Never ever. That game was mediocre at best
>didn't sell
What the fuck are you talking about?
2 million copies is bombing in sales?
2 million isn't bad but it had to do better after ACM was such a shit game
Sadly, yes, according to SEGA. They thought that was "bombing". And they will rather put their money into something much more worth while. Like another Sonic game!