Sequel when?

Sequel when?

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Soon, they said.

Never ever thankfully, it was rightfully trashed by reviewers and bombed in sales.

RNG alien attacks lmao.

You're right that it didn't sell but you're absolutely retardedly wrong about the reviews

>"dude, it's alien!"
>VCR wall mounted bullshit
>"so retro!"
>spend 80% of the game fighting robots
>xenomorph looks and moves like shit

Never ever. That game was mediocre at best

>didn't sell

What the fuck are you talking about?

2 million copies is bombing in sales?

2 million isn't bad but it had to do better after ACM was such a shit game

Sadly, yes, according to SEGA. They thought that was "bombing". And they will rather put their money into something much more worth while. Like another Sonic game!

>trashed by reviewers

People who never played stealth games couldn't get past the first encounter against the hostile humans. That, and the game is slow and 18 hours long on your first playthrough, so it's not for the goldfish demographic.

>bombed in sales

Not possible. Every facecam screaming retard on Youtube demonstrated the game, and got it all the exposure it needed to sell. Quality does not sell AAA. Only marketing does. That's why Splinter Cell Conviction sold more than Chaos Theory despite being utter garbage.

And it had everything working against it. Made by a studio that had only made RTS. A movie licensed game. A license affiliated with Colonic Marines. A publisher with no morals and more than enough blacklistings amongst influencers. Even Totalbiscuit didn't cover it because of SEGA, and that game is a superb example of well-optimized PC porting.

Speaking of optimization and marketing, graphics sell a AAA game. Alien looks amazing and runs way better than it has any right to.

>People who never played bad stealth games

What I mean is that when the modern audience has to play a stealth game without a minimap that shows hostiles, x-ray vision, corner peeking that doesn't reveal the player, invisibility toggle, instant silent takedowns, or the ability to bypass everyone by walking one meter above their heads, they can't play. You are almost entirely helpless in the first encounters of the game. It makes those encounters much harder than later ones where you have all sorts of helpful gadgets.

Yeah all that shit would've made a difference against those idiots with guns who could see you through walls, and shoot you through cover and around corners

So how's the PC version of this?

Like magic. Probably helps that the game is in tight rooms, but it runs great on lower-end hardware.

You have been imagining things. I just replayed through the game on Hard, and I can say with total confidence that there are no enemies that can see you through walls. In fact there are only two parts in the entire game where you have no choice but to engage in combat. The android showroom, and the reactor catwalks. I put my full stealth playthrough on Youtube so I'll shill it here now in case you don't believe me.

Incredibly smooth performance. Only a few glitches, and they're all related to animations. Not too surprising considering how much this game focuses on them.

The only objective flaw I can think of is that there doesn't seem to be raw mouse input. There's a very slight smoothing going on. I don't like it, but it isn't that much of a problem since it's not a high-speed shooter.

OH, one more thing about the controls. You can peek around corners but it's got this whole annoying control modifier thing. You need to hold a button and then press direction to peek. There are no dedicated lean buttons.

I also think that some might prefer weapon- and motion tracker toggle keys instead of having both of them as hold keys.

Amanda a cute

Incredibly well optimized. My paperweight thinkpad can run it 30 FPS.

>game is the alien game fans always wanted (alien not aliens)
>incredible 10/10 atmosphere and visuals based on the original movie
>actually a new survivor horror game
>excellent performance
>reviewers shit on it, got outsold by Colonial Marines
just give up

Why do people always want sequels to shit

Just make another game based on aliens or another movie in the same vein, doesn't have to be a sequel.

Main reason it ran so smoothly is because the game is set almost exclusively in tight corridors.

He also has a fat ass


There are plenty of games set in tight corridors that run like shit, too.

then she simply cant be Ripley's daughter

it is a good game, so it is going into oblivion, until 10 years later someone reboots it

it is how the industry work
the guys probably got fired