ITT:Games that only you played

ITT:Games that only you played

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>Only one faggot in the world was dumb enough to play Flicky with a horrible filter
Makes me happy I gotta say


This isn't my screenshot but it looks really ugly with the filter. Not sure why someone would do that.

my favourite game ever, i still play it

That came with a 10 in 1 cartrifge with my Genesis.

Good times.

None of you fuckers played this game

Alana was my first waifu



The only thing I know about this game is that it's supposed to take an eternity to beat

The gameplay is fun if you are into TCG but it is a slow crawl.

Like The Escapists but as a WW2 stealth game. It was pretty good actually.

Such a good Myst clone by based frenchies

>Need to wait 10real time minutes to get a photo to sell
Is it as stupid as it sounds?

I tried emulating this but using widescreen stretches the backgrounds for some reason, even though I've seen widescreen footage that looked perfectly fine online


I did. Its sequel as well.

are you sure?

Man the game was sick. Too bad i had broken version so i was stuck after second camp. Need to play this.

Played this too. Got pretty boring near the end, but fun when it lasted.



Chinpo. Great name!

>"Penis is a good name"




Man this is like one of the only games with actual treasure hunting mechanics. It was so much better than a disney attempt at making their own pokemon had any right to be.

What's this?



As someone who downloaded this on a whim and felt like the game really didn't work on DS, can you explain why they decided to fantrans it?

There are so many cool looking PCE games

Gotta keep practicing my nihongo

it's made by the dude who went to make xenoblade so IT'S A PERFECT AMAZING GAME JUST LIKE EVERYTHING MONOLITH DO SHUT UP

Those games are amazing I would say east of eden 2 is up there with the greats




The Chicken Run game was literally a copy & paste of this game.

I only played Max because i thought it was megaman.

My favorite game.
Too bad that Neversoft went belly up. Activision greenlit Gun 2, but Neversoft canned it to make more fucking Tony Hawk games.

infinity battle kinda fun honestly, as long you forget VS exists.
shame that netcode is shit and no local hot seat multiplayer
and no Type 0.


It needed some polish and I wish the Shura units were in the game.

Is this the game you can smash a vending Machine and get a soda?

They really should try it once again, that's quite good fanservice after all.
Just this time with polish, yeah. Maybe outsource it to studio with experience or something.

this game was decent but too short.

but that's a 2d fighter.

but I think there was a PS1 3d fighter that has the R series, Xbunlague, G Gundam, and others


I played it as a kid and replayed it like three months ago. Not that good honestly

I posted that pic to contribute to the thread mostly, not to the post
That was quite damn good 2D fighter actually.
>but I think there was a PS1 3d fighter that has the R series, Xbunlague, G Gundam, and others
no clue actually. Love to know that, gotta lurk a bit later

holy shittt I know this game


Vangers is fucking awesome. I really wish I could get more of Sup Forums playing this but I have no idea where to start.




>no clue actually. Love to know that, gotta lurk a bit later

Real Robots Final Attack. Box has:
R series
Shinging Gundam
and I think Wing (or ZZ)

I'm pretty fucking sure no one on Sup Forums knows what this is
Its a great game, and Ive been playing it for over 10 years now

>Real Robots Final Attack
aw yeah, thanks man
well, too niche and weird of a game to get attention

Easy answer.

I loved this game as kid.





Atlantis 2 eh?
It was pretty fun.

Poxnora i played it years ago and then they removed random chance in hopes to get cash tourneys and it started its downhill slide into bullshit.








Not the only one but one a few lucky ones to know how fun it was.

Compared to MW2 and on, yes.

>London Seirei Tanteidan
>Uncommonly played

Every mexican kid played this with their buds/cousins at childhood m8, at least where i live



Damn this was so good. I can't explain how do they fucked up so much when they took out multiplayer mode from the sequel

Yeah, i burned the sequel not knowing it didn't have multiplayed to play it with a bud and after finding out i pretty much threw the game to the thrash without playing it


Don't you dare lie to me.

all 4 CD´s
also Treasure Planet and Vib Ribbon



it was some third person shooter where you could play as four different people (had co-op)

one was like some alligator dude
it was on the original xbox

Must be great being a teen these days

then don't use widescreen

>even though I've seen widescreen footage that looked perfectly fine online
hurr durr

you would rather not play the game because the widescreen hack doesn't work for you, than play it at 4:3, just because you saw it worked for someone else? if the reply you wanted was a solution for making it work, you should ask some place like emugen.


so, what is the game?

as for my pick, not necessarily a game no one played but two games which where never achieved the status they deserved:

>best fighting game I ever played; to this day no other game has mechanics that come even close to mimicking it

>should have been the third big 4x after MoO and Alpha Centauri

I think I bought the game three times in different sales/ on different platforms, because it sounds interesting. But I never got around to playing it. Is it any good?