>modern gaming
Modern gaming
>buy game
>box just has a slip of paper with a code in it
>have to wait a week to play it
Thanks, internet.
>Meanwhile, Half-Life 2 has hours of content and is only 2GB
and to think half of that is probably patches
it also looks like shit
So do you.
>playing on an Xbox One
There's your problem.
>literally xbox hueg
jesus fuck but thankfully its one of the very few games this gen that didnt do the season pass bullshit and just gave everyone the dlc
Ok find me Halo 5 on other platforms then.
Haha bro... its on PC you dingus
I just don't understand how people enjoy games these days. Between the generic sameness of every game released to the insanely bad filesizes, price gouging and terrible gameplay. It makes no sense.
>Haha bro... its on PC you dingus
Yeah! DIGITAL games! So much better!
>tfw we're going through a bow era
I miss rifles. At least the scopes were varied.
I bought the Halo 5 Digital Deluxe Edition 6 weeks ago for 14 $ or so. The download took 33 hours days....that's why I prefer physical media.
>playing any Halo after 3
Good gravy.
>Arrow on the inside of the bow
Haven't they learnt a thing from the master archer Lars?
33 hours, not days.
Wait i thought the first one was womb raider, what's the last one? Or the first one i guess, also your point is proven.
>Purchase Mortal Kombat X on Pc weeks after release
>Base download is 3GB
>Next downloads take 2 hours, being 40GB in total, because the game was broken as fuck on release
What the fuck
Chrono trigger is like 5 times as long and is only a couple of kb. What's your point?
Christ almighty. That has to be the largest game out there
>bought Arkham Knight
>had to download 50GB for what was Arkham City with a vehicle
What the fuck, Rocksteady? Compress your fucking audio and cutscenes.
First is TLOU, last is Tomb raider
>womb raider
Is that a new Binding of Isaac DLC?
i think that the first one is from tomb raider 2013
the last once is from rise of the tomb raider 2015/2016
Is the xbox at least designed for the internet?
PS4 is trash, the wifi hovers around 12Mb/sec and even wired the max download I get from the servers is only ~24Mb/sec on a 80-90Mb connection.
>just put the cd in and play bro it's so easy and fast unlike pc
Your Wifi is trash.
Nah, Ps4 is trash when it comes to downloads.
>just put the cd in and play bro it's so easy and fast unlike pc
But it is on PC. It doesn't have CDs.
Did a Pcuck just own himself?
No it's a pretty common problem it's only got a 801.11n 150Mb card in it or some shit.
And the wired speed is inexcusable.
>Nah, Ps4 is trash when it comes to downloads.
It isn't, you just need PS+ subscription for full speed.
Doom is probably the worst offender.
>No it's a pretty common problem it's only got a 801.11n 150Mb card in it or some shit.
My PS4 has 802.11ac with 1 Gbps.
In the connection testing settings?
i'm talking about how consolecucks brag about how fast they can get to play games you retarded faggot
Prove it.
even if you got it physical the update would be around 50gb.
>people still advocate, and believe, that digital is better than physical
It's literally just Forge mode. Xbots have been asking to edit Forge maps on PC for a while now.
>Greentexting makes it false.
You can always skip the update though, can't on PC since the only things worth playing are all multiplayer games
it doesn't
You can't really on consoles either anymore, day 1 patches nowadays are "We didn't finish it before release now here's the rest of it or a version that isn't completely broken" patches.
There's a server browser for customs now.
I haven't played multiplayer in years and I play vidya on PC exclusively, 40 hours a week typically.
Jesus man that's way too much.
This is Sup Forums 40 hours a year is plenty, even a little excessive.
Holy fuck, you're an autistic neet loser.
I mean I work and pay my mortgage, then I come home and play vidya for literally all of my downtime. Nothing wrong with that. I really only get to play two games for three hours each every day. There are so many games I want to play but I just don't have the time to.
Tired gamer threads by NEETs sicken me.
Kill yourself, all you redittors spouting the "Sup Forums hates games" meme are responsible for the hundreds of off-topic threads we have per day. Fuck you.