So I'm sure many of you have used this site, I never have because I've always thought it was too shady

So I'm sure many of you have used this site, I never have because I've always thought it was too shady.

What's your opinion Sup Forums? Is G2A legit?

Bought around 10 games on g2play, never had a problem.

Its not legit but 99% of the time nobody gives a shit. If the key is stolen, steam deletes your game and thats all.


Haven't used g2a, but g2play is fine most of the time. When it wasn't it was a pain in the ass to wait for the customer support to respond, but they eventually sorted everything out.

so how does it work?
do you purchase from other people or do you purchase from them?

It seems like you buy keys from other users

I used it to buy xcom 2 - It was my first time ever using it, worked great I thought.

Then I got $700 worth of purchases used on my credit card by someone in eastern europe. Had to sort shit out with my bank, which was a massive pain in the ass, but I had fraud protection, thank god. (My bank literally tried to socially engineer me into saying my friend or family used my card, so they wouldn't have to cover me, the fucking jew bastards)

Basically: Stay the fuck away.

I'm sure that some people can buy shit from G2A and not have any problems. I'm sure I'm just a 'minority' case (which could be 1% of purchases or 49%...)
The fact is, you will not get a $700 charge on your credit card after buying a game from steam or gog or wherever.

This is the part where a bunch of people tell me that I was an idiot and didn't "do it correctly"; sorry I don't have a phd in buying from G2A so I knew exactly what steps to take to keep myself from getting fucked over. But feel free to experiment a few thousand dollars until you figure it out. I, on the other hand, will stick to either buying the game or torrenting it. Grey market retailers can go fuck themselves.

Any good torrenting sites?

I sell all my extra Humble codes there.

I would never buy anything from it.

How the fuck would they even manage to get your card information through the site?

He's either lying (very likely) or just an idiot with spyware on his pc.

I bought a lot of games from it, only buy from trusted sellers and have never had a single issue nor me nor the other people I know that use the site.


Normie? Thought I'd ask because getting games at up to 80% off the regular price admittedly seems shady as fuck

Ive used cdkeys once and it worked well.

It's mostly people selling Humble bundle keys and keys that came with graphics cards so it's mostly legit. There has been cases where the keys were stolen but it's very uncommon.

Think I have been swayed to buy from G2A, hopefully no bad shit happens

>"buying" digital key codes

I've gotten Fallout 4, MGS V and numerous other games as well as sold my own on the site. You will be fine. I would recommend using PayPal as your payment method though.

Feel sry for your autism, even IF they would be stealing credit card info(which they don't), they had the Paypal payment option from the get go so you sir are just slightly above the level of pure retardation.

I tried buying a friend payday 2 and the key I got didn't work, was already used. They refunded me no problem but I didn't use them after that just so I didn't have the hassle again.

had my credit card stolen from here I believe.

>Not using a pre-paid non-nominative card

paypal is for suckers though its buyer beware if you use it.

I've used g2a and cd keys for years. Anybody that doesn't is a fag and can't into online security

See, called it when I said you had to have a phd in knowing how to buy from G2A before buying anything there.

If you have to follow some specific ruleset or guide so that you don't get fucking defrauded out of hundreds of dollars, you really ought to reconsider your fucking priorities of where you buy shit. How many hundreds / thousands of people got fucked over because they didn't use a prepaid card etc.

I'm convinced these threads are started by some asshat who does marketing for G2A.

You know what happens when I buy a game from
I get my fucking game
I don't get defrauded

You know what happens when I torrent my game?
I get my fucking game
I don't get defrauded

You know what happens when I try to buy a game "legit" from G2A?
I either carefully follow a bunch of rules hoping that nothing has recently changed in how this works
Or I get fucking defrauded for hundreds of dollars
AND there's a chance the key I bought gets fucking revoked ANYWAYS

Anyone buying from grey market sites is playing with fire, and I'll be sure to remind and warn others so they don't get fucked the way I almost did.

I never bought something from g2a because I don't trust sites like that. Hell, I refuse to buy from fucking gog.
Still, you have no excuse for not using a ore-paid card in every occasion. People that use credit cards deserve to be scammed.

The last three games I bought from these sites Steam has taken them away. Never had trouble with them till this year. Last one was from GMG.

>trusting torrented games
>cracked by hackers/crackers
>whats stopping them from inserting hidden keylogger/malware in said torrent


>you had to have a phd in knowing how to buy from G2A before buying anything there.

All you have to do it use paypal you fucking retard.

>use paypal
>paypal was connected to your credit card (literally a requirement to start a paypal account so everyone does it)
>buy from grey market site using paypal
>grey market site tries to draw all the funds out of your paypal account that they possibly can
>hit your credit limit

This fucks the normie

Even fucking piratebay has VIP uploaders, and file verification / anti-virus / virtual machines can further mitigate or prevent problems.

>seriously trying to argue that buying from grey market sites is better than torrenting

Not sure if marketer

>a requirement

Then explain to me how I've been using paypal forever without a credit card.

I've bought about 10 games there and haven't had an issue, but for fucks sake don't use your credit card. Use a PayPal or prepaid card if you feel uneasy about using paypal.

You started an account before they made it a requirement to register an account?

This guy probably sent his SSN, ID, birth certificate and credit card directly to a sellers Steam account and blamed G2A.

I've never had run into any issues with it personally. I've only bought a few games there though.

Whats G2A's protocol when this happens? Will they refund you?

How does Steam respond?

>grey market site tries to draw all the funds out of your paypal account that they possibly can

That literally isn't possible, retard, unless you decide to specifically set up recurring payments to someone. I know this is really hard to believe, but Paypal have people on staff that know how to run an online payments provider better than you.

>grey market site tries to draw all the funds out of your paypal account that they possibly can

Do you know how paypal even works?

If you didn't buy their shield service, you're fucked

If you did buy their shield service, you have to fight with their customer service department for a new key. Which may or may not happen depending on how that fight goes.

This. I've been using paypal for G2A and has worked fine.

Registered in 2007.

user honestly. If you are going to buy stolen keys might as well cut the bullshit and pirate it. Less people are fucked over that way and you aren't paying criminals.

Bought like 10 games and sold a few and never had a problem. I wouldn't buy anything more than $15, though.

youre a shill or you got lucky. You know how I know?

I'm OP, not arguing in favour of buying from grey market

I'm pretty sure they arent stolen but the whole thing is shady as fuck. Basically you are buying keys from other countries where it is much cheaper for whatever reason. the problem is you are directly giving your paypal or credit card billing information to random people.

I've never used G2A, but I have used a couple times without any trouble.

bought around 6-7 games. went fine

>I'm pretty sure they arent stolen

How it works is fraudsters use stolen credit card details to buy shitloads of keys, which they then sell on G2A and the like for a fraction of the price. The transactions eventually got flagged up as fraud, the developer loses all the money 'spent' on those keys but they're still valid. They can technically recall the keys associated with the fraudulent transactions, these sites are basically just gambling they won't

well that makes sense I guess. you think the site would be getting harassed to hell and back by now though if it was something like credit card fruad rings.

Where do you think they get their shady reputation from? A lot of people are willing to put up with it because games are dirt cheap and you _probably_ won't get your game revoked. Honestly though, you might as well pirate the games rather than buy from CD key sites

I'm paying the money for the convenience of Steam.

>Honestly though, you might as well pirate the games rather than buy from CD key sites

I do most of the time, but I can get multiplayer and denuvo games cheap from there too. Also sometimes they have games really, really cheap. I picked up a uplay key for watch dogs 1 a year ago for $2.

Got arkham knight a few months too, because I wasn't sure if the latest crack had the latest version. Needed that what with the whole updates fixing the terrible launch problems.

I've used it three times. it was for games I wanted multiplayer for but didnt think they warrented full price. I buy games full price all the time and most of the time I get the buyers remorse. I dont know, at this point I dont feel bad about it at all considering how much money I have wasted over the years with horrible games that had 10/10 reviews. I figure if they are going to cheat the system why shouldnt I be able to.
what exactly would that convenience be?

Arkam night was just on sale on steam for like 20 bucks or something.

It was like $12 with all DLC on g2a not too long ago too.

>what exactly would that convenience be?
Not that user, but Steam is pretty convenient in terms of automatic updates and patches being applied to your game.

games patch themselves when you run them.

Not pirated ones.

Anyone use kinguin?

my man

I see where your coming from. I was coming from the perspective of someone that buys games from many places and doesnt pirate much at all.

amerifags prefer g2a, kingoin is mater race, they even sponsor team

you deal with the person selling the key, not g2a directly, they only come into play if the case isn't resolved in a few days. So it's usually good service if it's someone who knows your language or English and not some Russian keymonger,

Personally I use g2a to sell old humble bundle keys, gotten about 50 Euros or so out of it and bought some games, it's a nice site.

Pirate instead.
Or just drop ten bucks on the game you fucking poorfag.

>10 bucks
more like 100 these days. if, you know, you want the whole game and not just a gimped version.

>Buyer beware
>The system that tells sellers to fuck a suck and sides with buyers 98% of the time
Ha, ha, just pretending, right guy?

G2A is a pretty shady greymarket reseller. Most keys are eastern euroland. They have issues with revocation/key canceled due to fraudulent card purchased etc. Even if not the keys can be revoked in your region if the publisher throws a stink about greymarket to valve etc.

GMG has had issues with keys too, but at least they're more reputable.

paypal will never return money. what are you talking about.

What the fuck are you talking about, paypal never refunds money.

They do it constantly.

If you retarded monkeys buy from third parties of course there is a chance the key has been bought with stolen credit card.
Buy directly from G2A - they're no different from rest of the online shops.

only if the seller authorizes it.

what? every listing is a third party.

Never had a single issue with G2A, probably bought 20 or so games from there already. In order for something like to happen, I feel like autism needs to hit you like a train.

G2A also buys their own stock that they sell on the marketplace

>gives credit card information to a random person.
>credit card info gets sold or used.
>he must be autistic.
what am I missing here?

every publicly traded company sells and buys their stock to make a profit, that's how the stock market works

thats not what he meant dumb ass.

All corporations are companies, but not all companies are corporations. Company is a much broader term than corporation, and it encompasses a lot of different types of businesses. These are a few of the key differences between a company and a corporation.

>he doesn't use paypal on key sites
What are you, 10?

>what am I missing here?
Everything. You have to watch what vendor you're buying from as there are trusted vendors. I don't even know what "specific ruleset" or guide you had to follow to buy from G2A as it's the same damn thing as buying from Steam.

So easy to buy a game key, redeem it and then do a paypal dispute to get your money back

To clarify, I meant the buy and sell their own stock of game keys. They are not 100% 3rd party reliant

just use paypal, bought a couple of games from there and they're fine