Guilty Gear thread

>doesn't know basic magical theory that's taught in his own kingdom

Why is he such a best boy?

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Do you praise ignorance?

Also Revelator coming to steam the 14th

Finally i will play the REAL best boy again.(It's Johnny.)

I just got Revelator for PS4, haven't played any GG before. I've been mining Faust, how is he viewed by others?

So are Dizzy and that Korean mecha girl good or do I just get the regular version?

Easy to use, good character. Be sure to practice his dive kick cancels.

Dizzy is shit and Kum is not fun at all.

Tell it to me straight, Sup Forums.
Were they married at some point? Because their first cutscene together in REV seriously gave me that feel.

Who's more irrelevant Guilty Gear or King of Fighters?

GG by a wide margin, I feel.

>Playing Sign on PC, waiting for Revelator
>Hear Faust is easy to play
>Find him really confusing due to no gatlings
I've found I'm alright with Sol,Ky and Axl though, probably best with Ky because a lot of it is just knockdown into setting up his seals and I can do some alright combos.
I would like to say I was as good with Sol because I had played him more than Ky but whenever I try to do anything online he gets blocked pretty easily because his overheads are really slow and I cant do his dustloops yet because the timing is so strict.

I've still got a long way to go but i've got a decent grasp at the game and can atleast put up a fight online and maybe win in some occasions against good players but I need to make more use of FD, Blitz, Backdashing and dead angle attacks, I'll FD in the corner sometimes and against supers but I need to start using it more often during strings and when I airdash or just run to stop safely, I never blitz because I usually think theres probably a better option to escape and Backdashing sounds way too risking to time and whenever I try I still get hit and dead angle is the same as blitz for me, don't use it because possible better option to escape, hell I still need to learn how to land throws effectively because they miss half the time unless I'm mashing 6HS on wakeup and air throws is even harder to imagine myself pulling off.

> sol
> not gay
The most unbelievable thing on this board of course they were married

> tfw game is dead on PC, specially if you live far from the states
Who are you playing with my man, all of my friends are SFV or mahvel guys

I'm a brit and the game is dead but not that dead, there's maybe 1-6 lobbies up depending on the time of day, people always talk about how fighters on PC will be dead after a week or so but isn't that the same for fighters on console? (apart from SF5 of course).
There's still people going to be on at the very least 100 regular players and like 1000 on and off and with Revelator coming 6 months late rather than a whole year this time GG on PC will be more livelier.


yeah that scene really felt like an ex couple reuniting

One of the better characters while being easier to play, cool design too. Good choice, remember to practice dive-kick cancelling

Because he has good porn


My city is a Tekken/Marvel and MK city so I'm kinda fucked on the games I want to play too.

Xrd lives because of BB though.

I'm not seeing it at all

You're sitting in the corner of a club by yourself when this bitch slaps you on the ass with a pineberry and is glowing yellow. What do you do?

>mfw finally figuring out how to do Millia's j.d IAD cancel consistently

I can finally start gitting gud.

>can do IAD's perfectly fine outside of combos
>actually get into doing the combo and doing it mid combo
>doesn't IAD
I swear my inputs are fine but clearly they arn't

The best advice I can give you is that the buffer window after an attack to perform a 956 IAD comes quite a bit later than a simple jump cancel.

Wait at the very tail end of the attack animation before you do the motions.

Ram is mai perfect waifu.

Dead angle out.

Actually she's Sin's

>Love Ram
>Love her personality
>Love her design
>Love her voice
>Bought her figure
>Plan to buy her alt color figure too
>Share her birthday
>Don't really like her playstyle at all

What do I do?

Fap furiously.

It's probably also because I use Analogue instead of dpad and don't own a stick.
I don't see the hate of analogue sticks, i find Dpad to be small as fuck, I guess I'd just prefer an analogue stick with a gate like the gamecube controllers so it could be a bit more accurate but I've gotten this far with it so I should be fine since it always comes down to preference.

Git gud

>used a food analogy to explain why she has to kill her daughter
What an austismo.

Especially with that song playing in the background. I get that they are supposed to be old rivals, but that scene seemed a bit on the romantic side. Or maybe the countless trap threads on here have turned me gay.

Speaking of traps, where the fuck is best girl(boy) Bridget?

>Jam doesn't do ugly men even for money
Will Lion Man ever recover?

REMINDER that Daisuke didn't know for years that people shipped Sol/Ky and was genuinely surprised at this.

>Enjoy the game a lot
>Rarely have time to actually practice.
>Will probably never truly git gud.
Shame, Thankfully I have friends I play with irl regularly.
Also I only have a ps3 copy right now, but I'll probably have a ps4 by the time the next one comes out.

She's just into girly bishies. She has shit taste for not liking bara desu

Didn't she originally speak better English?

>Enjoy Axl, Jam and Raven
>But still no ABA, Zappa or Anji
Something's still missing.

Nope. She always had a stereotypical Chink voice in Nip. She always says aru

Her japanese has always been broken, now they just decided to sub it in english just a broken.

She's still best chink chef.

Nomura was surprised people shipped Axel/Roxas but he aint against it if it helps fans have more fun.
Which invites a question.
Have any japanese games had hetero couples that were more fun than the (b)romances?

I want my memetrap nun already.

Come on, Arcsys. Next installment, okay?

She's been milking Bridget for slave wages and cum for the last 7 years. She's not in any position where she has to settle.

Kukui and Burnet

Ragna/Rachel beat out Nii-san homolust any day of the week.

I wonder if Bridget still even looks like a girl? It would be hilarious if he popped up looking like Leo with a beard and everything.

>tfw yandere clown pope mom wasn't playable
Why Dai, why?

Please no this is anime world. Bridget achieved pure trap aesthetics and remained feminine because of all the hormones she got from taking cum up the ass all day.

I would love to see memefags get BTFOd

Rachel and who else?

Testing it a bit more myself, I found that you have to begin your input for the IAD right when you're allowed to jump cancel out. There's no buffer time at all.

Honestly, that would be hilarious. But only if he still had the Bishounen face. Like the Fighter from Dragon's Crown
Between That Man, Bedman's sister, Gabriel, and all the returning characters that Daisuke wants back. On top of the time, effort, and money that goes into making a single playable character in this game, it will be a while.

>tfw Sharon will probably never be playable

>mfw Ram's "final" call to Sin
>mfw that smile at the very end

I was itching for Sin to smack the Universal Will right in her clownfaced mug, but having Sol do it is fine too, I guess.

Also, am I the only one kind of disappointed by That Man's face reveal? Why would he have animal ears?

How old would Bridget be by now anyway? Even 2D characters can't pull off the trap look past a certain age.

He was around 13 in GGX2. The time skip between GGX2 and GG2 is about 7 years. So he's around 19, 20 at the oldest.

the ps3 is more lively than the ps4 crowd, though

The backyard is a hell of a place.

you nignogs know that the game has crossplay between PS3 and PS4, don't you?

What are the inputs? I havent played GG for 4 months.

Considering they've killed bedman and are going replace him with his sister, I'm not sure if Bridget comes back he'll still be a guy at all. Pretty boys just ain't doing it anymore.

>Pretty boys just ain't doing it anymore.
What did he mean by this?

Inputs for IADs are the same on the ground, in the air, in neutral or in a combo. You yank the stick up to 9, let the spring pull the stick back to 5, before pushing it forward to 6. It's just that IADs to cancel out of attacks have tricky timing.

They'll come for soon enough, Ky. You too will know the pleasure of being gender bent.

Uhh he's already pretty...

He gonna get prettier. Soon he will be King (female)

>that scene where Ky realizes that Sol is technically his father in law and they both sperg out

Best girl coming through

They are just old friends and rivals, Sol is loyal to Aria and totally will become whipped next game unless Elp saves him.

Maybe next game, maybe.

Best revelator theme for sure

>Not Jack a Dandy

Leo is cute. CUTE

>Not One Dawn

That's a good one too. Only had the game a few days but like May, Jack-O and Leo themes most so far. Oh and Millia. And Johnny. Fuck why didn't I get into this series earlier, music is really fucking good.

I don't even like metal that much but when games like GG and MGR do it well, it's god-tier

>Not Bump

where are his eyebrows?

The XX tracks are even better. Download the OSTs from the vidya ost database

Which BGM is the best BGM and why is it Writhe in Pain?

Since SIGN Elphelt costume is now a thing, classic Millia when?

You do realize how difficult it is to do alt costumes in this engine right? That work might as well go to another character

Easier than sprite-based fighters. And it's kind of illogical to do it for only one character and never touch it again, wouldn't you think?

yeah but people avoid crossplay like the plague

Not really.
It was done because it was already similar to her previous design.
Millia's old costumes/hairstyle are a different best to tackle.

I enjoy playing with Diva (Overture version) as the BGM.

Hetero couples have never been fun, in fiction or in real life. Love only exists between males.

>Easier than sprites

Not really.

Magnolia Eclair
Starry Story
Lily of Steel
Black Blank blah-blah-blah
Does the sheep count the sheep?
Django Django

Holy Orders
Blue Water Blue Sky
Write In Pain
Suck A Sage
Momentary Life
Awe of She
Good Manners and Customs
The Midnight Carnival

>be playing casually since XX
>always want to learn Venom because looks cool as fuck, but just stick with EZmode Ky
>new game, new chance to learn
What am I in for, Sup Forums?

Okay, time to post best vocal themes.
>Saint Ontario tier
All I can do
Divide my Heart
Ride the Fire
Six Black Heavens Guns
>Command Gear tier
Big Blast Sonic
Heavy Day
Coming Home
The Ship
Wanna Be Crazy
Sky Must be High
Safe Intoxication
Birthday Train
>Middle Tier
>Meh Tier

>No still in the dark

Well, his life goal was to prove his masculinity. Though I wouldn't be surprised if he wound up looking the same to appease the fans.

I played that shit out so much I don't enjoy it anymore

So is this faggot canonically one of the strongest characters in the series? He managed to get one over on Slayer and That Man.

only to get totally rekt by a literal who in suits with one move, who is not even playable

I'd say not a chance, although terrible writing doesn't really help properly gauging powerlevels

Is this okay as a first fighting game?
My friend keeps begging me to buy it, but I don't have a stick and I'm not very good at button inputs.

Not that it matters much now

>a literal who in suits with one move, who is not even playable
You didn't play rev did you?

>Bedman returns
>Merged with his sister
>Schrodinger's penis: is both a trap and a pettanko at the same time


N. GG is lacking in lolis