Won't you at least give actual graphics a chance?

Won't you at least give actual graphics a chance?

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we live in a world....

where epic could have made a good game.

But black Ops 3 is so boring even if it does have alright graphics.

>negative ass
>using that to shill your game

and they did. it has graphics (crysis of current gen) AND good gameplay.


paragon is lit. you should give it another shot

It really looks amazing, if it wasnt such a stupid game

But that's not actual graphics, THIS is actual graphics.




This game good?

Did they do something to the engine?

I played this 3 months ago or so, a demo. I don't know if it was upscaled but it was blurry as fuck.

Is this game still unoptimized as shit?

PC? you have to render it natively
It's automatically set to upscale on the resolution slider
It's well optimized, it's unreal 4, your PC is just shit

You winning son?

Yes, my PC is shit, very shit. It can still run every other moba and shooter popular right now at a minimum 25 FPS
This game is unoptimized as shit.

I want to play it, but it's an 8 gig update and it seems to run like shit on my PC.

idk, it reminds me of mass effect and bioware for some reson.

Okay but this is a technologically and graphically advanced MOBA, unreal uses many incredibly resource intensive techniques, your PC can't handle it. It's not unoptimized,


no my cpu sucks

This is the saddest shill campaign I've ever seen.

I don't mean "pathetic" or "faggy". I literally mean sad, like it kind of makes my heart hurt that someone out there is trying SO FUCKING HARD to push a garbage game that will never go anywhere. Like a dog waiting for his dead owner who will never, ever come. But the dog still waits.

Won't you make a good game with those 'actual' graphics?

Twenty-fourth post best post

How do you take screenshots like that?

Because in a MOBA, graphics should not be the selling point.
If "actual graphics" is the only thing this game has over e.g. Dota 2, then I don't fucking care

what game


Paragon it's free



If the game was optimized, even low end PCs could hit it dude.

Low end PCs
Not pieces of shit

Are the girls cute?

This has got to be the worst, clunkiest and most incredibly boring MOBA with an actual budget that I have ever played.

Dota is good.
LoL is fun.
HotS is casual fun.
Smite is 3rd person LoL.

This is just hot garbage.


Thirty-fifth post best post

Stop samefagging from your phone


wow insecure much?

>I haven't played the game

Okay I decided to check out the video for the new update. The new map looks better, the removal of travel mode makes sense and the new lane chang-

>Forced meta


>Said stop samefagging from your phone
>Shows posts like it matters
You were samefagging from your phone

>forced meta

How are they doing this exactly?

It's the same as it was before, it's just that it's off laner vs. duo, instead of offlaner vs. offlaner and duo vs. duo now, which is more interesting.

Are Epic trying to force a meme?

>Riot is legitimately fucking retarded and decided to force one strict way to play in a fucking strategy game built around creating your own team and playstyle
>Now every game that even remotely resembles LoL's formula blindly does the same thing

How does this happen? How does someone somewhere in the process not open their fucking eyes and realize how wrong it is?

All I will say is if you like Paladins or Overwatch, this is nothing at all like them.

This is a pure moba, there is no shooting or anything like that.

I got this free with my new video card, didn't even bother to use the code to get it.

It's not finished.

>they're not forcing a meta, they just got rid of this forced meta and added this forced meta


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

>ftp moba

No thanks

If someone is bragging about graphics all I hear is "the gameplay is shit".

I'm fairly certain that these threads are created by an autistic League/ DoTA fan who wants to build animosity towards a new MOBA out of pure spite.

>hey we developed this eerily realistic engine and have some of the best graphic programmers and artists around the glove, what kind of mind blowing game could we make?
>oh, let's just try to dethrone LoL and DOTA2
is this a fucking joke?

Paragon is barely competing with LoL and Dota.

Not really. I was looking forward to some kind of stability in lanes, but I've yet to be in a single match where there aren't two enemies in the safe lane.

that's the point of the post, you mongoloid

>wanting a forced meta

Epic's project is to redeem this genre and they are bloody well doing so.

>oh, let's just try to dethrone LoL and DOTA2
>How should we do that?
>Fucking card packs, duh
Hearthstone is ruining other games by being so popular

Not really, just wanted a bit of peace and quiet for a while to get out of silver. I had really been hoping that the ELO was going to be reset with Monolith, but I'm still plumbing the solo queue depths.

so what is paragon is it like 3rd person moba or something

>borderlands t-shirt

the meta isn't forced and none of you shitters will make it out of silver so you'd never know if it was anyway

>not liking deck building like an autist
Card crafting coming next week, going to cash in the stacks of epic rares I don't use.

>none of you shitters will make it out of silver
You shut the fuck up

I'm short 5 cards of the complete collection. Next week card crafting drops and I will have all the cards.

TwinBlast is great again so get good with him and you'll get Gold.

Third-person MOBA with actual graphics and a properly 3D map with height. Now faster than ever with the new map Monolith.

>4k 30fps or 1080p 60fps

30fps is unplayable and 1080p looks bad without AA

get good you're too dumb to play a fucking moba

Moba players are too dumb and slow to play fighting or rts so there's always someone better.

>with virtual card packs

holy fucking shit, this couldn't be more cancerous even if anita sarkeesian herself was the lead designer

Let me tell you about my lower silver experience.
>point out that we're missing a caster for mid
>"we're 4 people playing together, forget about it"
>fine, whatever
>I'm Narbash, by the way
>notice that Rampage is heading right ahead of everyone else
>"Rampage, what are you doing? I lane with the carry"
>"we're 4 people, don't tell us what to do okay, we're just having fun"
>solo lane as Narbash while these four chucklefucks try to deathball around the jungle and map, getting killed the entire time
>"find a fifth friend to play with so you don't put anyone else through this"
>I end up with the highest level on either team and a respectable KDA for a support holding a lane against Grux, Khaimera and Sevarog >Twinblast types out "god, I'm bad at this game" as the match ends


im going to give your game a chance OP, but only because im bored

I love how hardly anyone played the beta and now there are shills on Sup Forums

Try a bot game or two before going into PvP: there are people desperately trying to claw their way out of initial ranking.

why'd you nuke your discord

Look at all those Jaggies xD

No OP i dont give a shit, i'll do whatever i want, disposable account

Who's asking?


If I was OP, I'd just be glad someone's playing the game. I'm dying in ELO hell because faggots like you download the game on a whim, go straight to PvP, die once and then disconnect.
If you suspect that that's what you're going to do then save some poor bastrds the trouble and don't bother.

That limey prat that's mates with the Super Best Friends?

>If you suspect that that's what you're going to do then save some poor bastrds the trouble and don't bother.

I hope you have fun user

Anyone want to play a game? IGN Synonynonym, just shoot me an friend request
I'm usually playing off-lane Greystone, with the recent changes, he's like a fucking God.

Op, you must know. How many people are playing in this shit game of yours? I want a good laugh.


Not Op but, i'll check in game if they show, once this shit downloads.
Hoping i can mess with some people ranked games

This is an unexpectedly pleasant thread and I hope the mods don't nuke it like they always do.

Because this is what you deserve.

I get matches in under 10 seconds consistently. A minute at the most. It has quicker queues by far than any other MOBA I've played (Dota, LoL, HotS).

I thought that shit was dumb too though lol

w/e invite me when you make a new one

>Hoping i can mess with some people ranked games
You think this upsetting me?
We're on different servers due to the time zone/ activity thing, and I stop playing after a certain hour because then it's only the most toxic of Russians still going. Go ahead and ruin some Yank's day, just stay the fuck away from European servers at my ELO band.

Maybe if you weren't a colossal, autistic faglord and made a real thread you'd a,ctually get somewhere.

I really think you should kill yourself my man but...
please bring back /parag/ ;-;

I've had to resort to using the reddit forums for my craving of discussion of this game.

impressive counting

Who knows what time zone i am, i never said a thing.
I hope you enjoy the game, i know i will

It would have been great if not absolutely everyone was fucking retarded.

Deductive reasoning, friend. But do enjoy getting to my specific ranking and time of day just to add one more bad match to my list.

Sounds like fun